We must combine these traits with the abilities that the Lord has given us to succeed in the online classroom. Essay Title: Students should use online education Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. For example, the freedom and flexibility to students of all types; she also pointed out that the degrees one You will need both discipline and motivation to be successful in an online environment. The Berkeley Student Learning Center points out that successful study habits of students involve using a regular study area, day after day, to train the body to "sense" that it's time to study. Students should use online education Learning Self-Discipline. Just being online can be distracting to students. But in school, you will be able to feel the touch of the instruments or other physical objects. Students should use online education My reason for choosing this goal is because it will make it easier for me to learn new healthcare information and make career advances without having to go into the classroom. One of the easiest ways to do this is to install an app that blocks distracting websites, video games, … When everything is running smoothly, technology is intended t… Technology cannot replace teachers and good teaching strategies. 4. By understanding the different learning styles this will help you excel as a online learner. Often online classes provide students a wider range of freedom in terms of when they need to read a text, listen to a lecture or complete an assignment. Student’s name: Abay Baltakeskenov II. The author pointed out about the some of the benefits in taking online courses. Unfortunately, it is not a question of if the equipment used in an online program will fail, but when. ID# L26677261 The question now being asked by many is a question of how legitimate is a degree earned online versus a degree earned by physically attending classes. Without self-discipline, it is just wishful thinking. Those universities offer various types of programs that will meet the needs of student who will like to pursue their education without interrupting their personal and professional lives. One of the biggest barriers we all face when pursuing our learning goals is a lack of self-discipline. Mark Taormino’s article has been summarized with key characteristics along with reflection and application for successful online learning. 2. Universities that offer online courses are recognizing the importance of online degrees and education. Such behaviours could have terrible consequences. Although some people think that distance education is not effective, the others believe that it is very efficient way to get education. Taking online classes is a different experience than learning from a teacher’s offline. Researchers (Pallof and Pratt, 2001; Boyd, 2004) listed the factors that they determined to be the most important predictors of learner success. It's not only the World Wide Web that tempts students away from schoolwork. This student now has 64-44 hours left...... ...Characteristics of Successful Online Learners Students who are highly self-disciplined may be able to better focus on long-term goals and make better choices related to academic engagement. This writer, and also online class attendee, believes that an online degree is just as legitimate, if not more legitimate, than a degree earned by attending classes physically. As online learning evolves, students will have more options – through gamification, virtual and augmented reality which will help create a richer and more immersive learning experience. ... ...Online versus Traditional Education Online students are required to participate on discussion boards with other students, with a minimum posting participation of eight times a week. Instructor’s name: Yelena Babeshko Body 1. The Consequences of Lack of Self Discipline Here I am going to look at the police service and investigate how members of this service could bring the force to disrepute by not having sufficient self discipline and behaving in an inadequate way. 1. Almaty Visual learners also will excel when given constant updates on their progress. Will only certain students succeed in online courses? Boyd (2004) stated “There may be only certain kinds of students under certain conditions who can successfully learn via the online format” (p. 31). In addition, the concept of self-discipline focuses on students' own ability to engage in (or refrain from engaging in) particular behaviors, rather than relia… While direct and indirect learning are seen as effective solutions to gaining higher education, they differ in social interaction, hands-on learning, and organized scheduling. It allows the student to better explore and collaborate different study methods. From the first article which was written by Caitlin Kneram. It may be a shock to discover that the amount of time in class tends to be easy. Here the student has a lot of freedom to do whatever they want without worrying about a teacher or lecturer showing up. The amount of time that a student needs to be able to set aside per online class can vary. Self-discipline can be especially tricky to learn because students often have many things to balance. Christina Kellam Most adults have a hard time with this Many people look for the immediate gratification of finishing a course quickly, but if they really take out more time to spend on reading, applying the techniques and asking questions, the delayed gratification of a better, wholesome education will be worth it. In traditional classrooms, there are numerous factors which constantly push students towards their learning goals. Online learning is most suitable for the learner who communicates well through writing and has good self discipline (Illinois Online Network, 2007). After enrolling in distance learning courses, many learners fall behind and nurture the idea of giving up, as difficulties in handling a technological medium also … CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………...22 9. However, even the most sophisticated technology is not 100% reliable. Conclusion Researchers Noorihan Abdul Rahman and Shamsul Sahibuddin emphasize, “Social presence plays its role in the social place regardless of face-to-face communication or in social networking, and this includes e-Learning applications since e-Learning is a virtual medium for learners to communicate among themselves. Several things play a key role in online learner success. Earning a higher degree online provides a unique benefit to those able to handle self-guidance: “Students will be able to learn at their own pace”(Snyder 1). Existing educational technology tools in schools which may be suitable for other fields of study will not always work efficiently when teaching Biology. It will help you to plan your online degree and strategy for online courses. So instead of facing our hard, uncomfortable projects or finances, we run to distractions, videos, games. On the other hand, those who are undisciplined in small matters will likely be undisciplined in more important issues. According to collegeclasses.com, the first online course was known as “correspondence courses” and began in the 1700’s with pamphlets and textbooks that were sent to the students. Learning styles are defined a a set of characteristics which make learning effective for a individual (Honisfeld & Dunn, 2006). Most times, an instructor will advise his or her class to plan on at least 8 hours of time to study and complete the assigned homework. Page 2 Discussion Board Forum 2 Final Various studies show that people who are self-disciplined self-motivated, organized, have higher than average thinking skills and can read and write exceptionally well are more likely to succeed in an online classroom than others (Pallof and Pratt, 2001). NOTE – There are several types of Online Learning. One of the reasons is due to it being a little bit more flexible with their schedules. Studies illustrate that there is a little difference in the quality of traditional and online classes. But, if you practice your time management skills and don’t lack discipline, all of this can be dismissed. A Biology Teacher’s effectiveness and efficiency is directly proportional to his/her use of technology especially those focused on multimedia instruction. Just being online can be distracting to students. However, the success of an online student isn’t something that comes easily but is earned through self-discipline and other vital characteristics. Teachers cannot rely on schools to train them. Online learning is growing increasingly popular with working students and students with children. Studying. With today's technology, anyone can engage in online learning. I. Lack of flexibility. Characteristics of Successful Online Learners Introduction Comparing face-to-face learning with online learning brings forth significant deficiencies in the online mode such as lack of … Online learning will not work for every person seeking higher education. To add to the level of difficulty: ”Often online instructors assign more reading materials than required in a regular classroom to ensure that students are engaged”(Snyder 1), thus requiring a higher level of independence. Some of the different characteristics a online learner will display during their studies may vary from student to student. Online courses can save money. In a full week, there are 168 hours. These methods help students create a foundation for life-long learning. APPENDIX 2…………………………………………………………………..28 13. According to the article, “Individual Factors and Successful Learning in a Hybrid Course” by Kelly Arispe and Robert J. Blake, success in online courses is a hybrid language. Many students rely on technology to learn new information, but then become too dependent on that technology. Each class a student takes requires at least 8 hours of time. The Learning and Development... ...Characteristics of Successful Online Learners They’re parents with the responsibility of taking care of a family, live in the country or isolated counties, or happen to be retirees attempting to further their education or aspiring students who simply cannot afford to make the transition to attend college classes on campus so the online setting is the closest form of traditional education virtually possible for them to pursue a higher form of education. Many online and traditional students still work as professionals with full-time jobs. Repetition is important: It is easier to slip from the path of discipline. Unfortunately, not everyone will be successful in doing so. It provides students the ability to manage time wisely and it also allows for a flexible schedule for the student to do virtual rather than physical course work. Soheila Battaglia is a published and award-winning author and filmmaker. Learning self-discipline in the little things of life prepares the way for big successes. However, an online learner as well as traditional learners must possess...... ...requires a “discipline-specific” use of technology in the delivery of pedagogical content. Learning online offers the student flexibility and convenience of leaning at their own pace as well as on their own schedule. Traditional students attend class one day a week and manage their time differently compared to online students. Not only in America, but it has also spread to other parts of the world as well. These three main focuses will help you be successful in online schooling without one you will not be as successful. Findings from the TNA will assist in shaping the Learning and Development Framework, which, in turn, will influence the future direction of training and education at the College. Online schools and traditional schools measure and grade their students participation and commitment. It is not the solution to educating students. I shall be talking about the following consequences: She is a college professor of literature and composition. Time management skill is able to manage time to be able to successfully complete assignments on time. If a student is working a full time job, they are already busy for 40 hours minimum during that time, leaving only 128 hours. With this in mind, Blake and Arispe point out what the five main important personality traits to contain, which are, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and neuroticism. Saving these posts until the last moment can force students to rush in the last minute, which can hinder the quality of their work. Teachers use technology such as: computers, smart boards, calculators, virtual field trips, e-books, and online learning to reach all of their students. With a solid routine and some self-discipline, you can do your best and feel proud of your work. To succeed in an online program, students must increase their self-discipline, reduce the possibility of distractions and properly manage their time. Discomfort Training. Online students must possess the qualities to remain focused and self-motivated without the typical person-to-person interaction with classmates or instructors. To help with this challenge, once my schedule is received for the week I should make a schedule with reasonable times set aside to study and complete assignments while also setting aside time for family matters all while trying my best to stick to my schedule keeping in mind that sometimes with having a family unexpected things arise which could alter my schedule. Lack of self-motivation among students continues to be one of the primary reasons why students fail to complete online courses. The control of the mind shifts to your common sense, a rational intelligence, in the prefrontal regions. March 10, 2014 1 Online Distractions. Having an accountability coach who himself is highly self-disciplined can make the whole difference, and shortcut the learning process for you. In the article “Factors Driving Learning Success in Online Professional Development” by Phu, Vien, Lan and Jude (2014), the authors look at several studies focusing on adult online learners and what factors are common among those who are success in the online learning environment. That is why I offer a 3-month Self-Discipline Coaching Package. Online education can be considered equivalent to a traditional degree, but requires unique learning habits. INFT 101 B89 College students in online classes face challenges like distractions, technical issues and lack of in-person interaction. Student’s ID: 20130610 Some students attend classes, but lack the discipline to read their textbooks and study. Method 1 She holds an MA in literary cultures from New York University and a BA in ethnic studies from UC Berkeley. There use to be a time when majority of students would take college courses in a classroom. Earning a degree online requires self-discipline and motivation since students set their own pace and study schedules. Online education provides an opportunity to finish highly-qualified universities at a distance Traditional classes allow students to have the freedom of managing their time differently compared to online students. Some questions that any potential online students should ask is whether or not they can learn independently; how organized they are with their time; whether they are computer savvy; their level of reading comprehension; and if they have at least ten hours a week to devote to each course”(Snyder 1). Having a family can sometimes make it very difficult to find time to do your school work. Learning self-discipline is a process, which empowers your will. It is the independent work expected that you will do outside of class that can at times be an overwhelming challenge. Online schools have more structured time lines as to when participation must be completed. They, therefore, mostly end up covering lots of the tasks and assignments delegated to them. Kankakee Community College reminds students that online courses "maintain the same rigor and high standards that its classroom courses do." Although online learning is made to be flexible, sometimes some of the benefits can also prove to be challenges. Add on a family to that schedule and one must add at least another 40-60 hours, dropping one’s available time to 88-68 hours. Online learners must possess several qualities in order to be successful, including time management skills, self-discipline, and motivation. Which would you rather learn via online learning: how to fly a plane, or … They are more likely to learn by making graphs or pictures or by reading and re-reading the content that is given to them. Final draft Difficulties with self-discipline. I feel that anyone can succeed as long as you have motivation and determination. The main advantage of online education is flexibility. COM/170 Online college and traditional classes require that students have excellent time management. But there will be times that you will just have to set aside the fact that you don't feel like doing something and do it anyway. Online Education – Online Education is a very flexible learning system that allows students to study solely via the internet on their own computer at home, or wherever they see fit.. Basically, student-teacher face to face meetings are not required, allowing students to study anywhere in the world. REFERENCES………………………………………………………………..24 10. Visual learners will use images, pictures, or graphs in order to visualize the content they are learning. To attend class online, you’ll need a certain degree of technological proficiency—including the ability to successfully log in, participate in classes, submit work, and communicate with teachers and classmates. TIPS TO DEVELOP SELF-DISCIPLINE: Create an organizational system to manage time. Earning a college degree online is very different than that of a traditional school. You need to write well and also be self-disciplined enough to know when to hit send and when to revise before you do. Closely related to motivation is self-discipline, the ability of students to monitor and control their own behaviors. I do feel that anyone that is doing work on a computer on a regular basis will improve their skills no matter what their background is within computer skills. INFT 101-B23 Traditional methods such as direct instruction, focusing on learning styles, and using teaching strategies still need to be used in the classroom. Technology also helps teachers easily keep track of grades and have access to lesson plans... ...Online education has become extremely popular over the past few years. Abstract. Todd Manley By doing this, I will show while technology is important it is only a tool to educating students. This includes understanding online communication etiquette and knowing student rights and responsibilities in an online learning environment. For example, a low student-to-teacher ratio is necessary for probable student success, regardless of the format – in-person or online. Online education is a different style of learning. Student motivation and engagement play an important role in learning and academic achievement. According to Blake, “It is important to know which types of learners thrive... ...requires hard work, dedication, and the determination to self-satisfy the need to become the best individual anyone could be. While self-discipline is mainly an internal thing, you can also use technology to make it easier to build self-discipline (or to remove the need for it entirely). According to article entitled Benefits, Barriers, and Intentions/Desires of Nurses Related to Distance Learning in Rural Island Communities, “The key benefit of the use of distance learning and new information technologies in practice and education is to provide a "flexible quality education" that allows nurses to continue to work, raise families, and live in their home communities” (Charles & Mamary, 2002 ; Hall & Fabayo, 2006 ; Kooker, Itano, & Okimoto, 2000 ). For starters, there’s the problem of internet access. APPENDIX 1…………………………………………………………………..27 12. Lot of people think that they … A study called Procrastination, participation, and performance in online learning environments for the University of Rennes 2 in France found a relationship between procrastination and poor performance in online courses. 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