Following the latest estimation, Gliese 581 would be 7 Gyr-old. Coordinates: 5874 2939 5428 4987 Number of viewers: 2 & DING F. Astron. Funny detail: P1 bottom left while holding the comparatively oversized tower. If life were to evolve, it would almost certainly have to cling to a perilous existence along the thin band in between these two extremes. The ITs finally reinforced the building site feeling: “Dismantle”, “lower”, “bring up”, “relocate”, “mill down” and “a lot of effort” . Moreover, Gliese 581c is only among the first of what is already a growing catalogue of Earth-like planets. Gliese 581, the planet’s star, is a red dwarf star, only about one-third the mass of our own Sun. Gliese 581c has an estimated surface temperature between 0 and 40°C (32-104°F), with similar temperatures to several earthly climes. The gender was “female” , although the gender information (also for people) is often unreliable. Sunrise from the Surface of Gliese 581c It's interesting to see a guess of how a sunset on another planet similar to Earth, in another solar system near us would look like. However, finding such a planet would be extremely difficult: it would be small enough that only a few very finely-tuned instruments, namely the Kepler space telescope, could actually see it, and, moreover, even they would only detect it at a very specific point in its orbit. 2-3 people were noticeable on site, who the EIs radiated “a little excited” , “tired” and “amused” . In addition to the rather dim mood, the viewer also recognized something dark, ring-shaped in the sky. This means that the habitable zone is actually much closer in, to take advantage of the much smaller amount of energy being radiated outwards. Gliese 581c is the planet's current name, it has an estimated surface temperature between 0 and 40°C. The M-type star Gliese 581 is likely to have two super-Earth planets, i.e., Gl 581c and Gl 581d. The whole thing now seemed like an industrial process. In other words, half of Gliese 581c experiences the harshness of permanent day, and the other half the bleak cold of permanent night. But it felt like it was probably below 0 ° C. Later came the AOL “ice cream”The dimness of the surroundings could be explained by the fact that the star Gliese 581 is a red dwarf. This is a region around a star where the surface temperature of a planet is suitable for liquid water. A viewer even had similar EIs as in our session, but interpreted them more as a kind of arena environment with uncomfortable gladiator fights. Discovered in 2009, it is also the most recent confirmed planet to have been discovered in this system. It is classified as a "super-Earth", a planet with 5 to 10 Earth masses. Especially not with just two sessions with slightly different target formulations. Overall, Gliese 581c looked to the viewer as a rough, cold, but somehow atmospheric environment. Even in the Gliese 581 system itself there are several planet candidates that could be worthwhile in terms of content. Discovered in 2009, it is also the most recent confirmed planet to have been discovered in this system. Dozens of exoplanets are now known to lie in the habitable zone of their star. The structure gave the impression of a huddled crystal or ice formation, which one could call a “crystal flower” or “crystal bulb” (as we know it from rock crystals). The session ended with the final AI “makes me nervous” and the AOL “mining” . The planet Gliese 581c, located just 20 light-years from the solar system (in the constellation Libra) and for a time one of the smallest known extrasolar planets, has captured attention in recent years as one of the most likely candidates for life-bearing planets outside of our own solar system. On the basis of the experience with apparently dead, known planets, where often no EIs appear, or those that only seem to come through the space probe present, and to which the EIs of the observing ground crew cling, one could make the rather clear perceptions of people (especially in the second session ) as an indication of intelligent life there. See link above for who story Temperatures between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius sounds good. The viewer perceived one person in the main focus (P1), and then another group of people standing further apart (G1), who watched the events around P1 rather passively. Gliese 581g has a mass of around 3 to 4 times that of Earth, its radius is thought to be around 1.5 times larger. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. The group of people standing further away (G1) only watched passively what was happening around P1. The discovery of Gliese 581 was one of the most exciting moments in extrasolar planetary researcher. The first stages showed earthy colors and stony, but also soft surfaces. Moreover, NASA’s Kepler space telescope is far more capable of finding extrasolar planets than any other technology yet built. The best candidate, of course, would be a planet roughly the size of Earth, orbiting a yellow star at an orbit roughly somewhere between that of Venus and Mars. The first session aimed (rather imprecisely) at describing the surface of the planet. On the other hand, it is also possible that the atmosphere facilitates the sort of runaway greenhouse effect seen on Venus, where the entire surface is so hot that no liquid water can exist and human space probes can function only for a few minutes or hours before their systems fail in the overwhelming heat. It felt as if the people had an almost square torso, or such angular clothing. Over the next several years, it is expected that Kepler will locate a substantial number of small, rocky planets, potentially finding some with much more Earth-like conditions than those found on Gliese 581c. Gliese 581cis a super-Earthextrasolar planetorbiting the star Gliese 581. The planet is the fourth in order from its red dwarf host star. Related ITs in the environment seemed to be “sizzling” , “changing” and “keeping” . Finally there was a detailed sketch of the (unmanageable) “construct with feet” : The construction gave the impression of a derrick from which something spurted out above. May 2 2007 Position The perceived height of the person was between 1.20m and 1.50m (this could be plausible in view of the suspected 2.2g gravity, if these beings are at home there). A red dwarf star emits far less light than our Sun; even at close range, the equivalent of our plants would need to be much more efficient in converting starlight into energy. These related to any “beams” or “girders” (elongated parts) that were inserted somewhere down there and processed by this device. The stage 2 AIs were “dark” and “abandoned” . The purple bars surrounding planets Gliese 581 c and d illustrate the variable distance to the star caused by the eccentricity of the orbits. Obviously P1 can “cut aisles” with his mind. Because Gliese 581 g is located near the center of this zone and is very likely to be warm enough for there to be liquid water, which is an essential ingredient for life. The central red dwarf is small and redder than our Sun but one of the orbiting planets has recently been discovered to be in the habitable zone where liquid water could exist on its surface. Most noticeable was that something seemed to be hanging from the ceiling. Pages: 8. As a planet just several times the mass of Earth and orbiting within the habitable zone of its star, the red dwarf Gliese 581, Gliese 581c certainly does hold out considerable appeal for planet-hunters hoping to find a planet like our own, capable (at least in theory) of supporting Earth-like life. It is 1.5 times Earth's diameter and 5 times its mass, and it lies in the star's habitable zone. Decidedly unfriendly. It is unclear whether this refers to skin color or clothing (if any). It seemed to be dangling from the ceiling on chaotic harnesses: The further impression was that a kind of thin energy or electron beam was emitted at the tip. Overall, P1 also acted like a kind of foreman, which would go with the EIs “presenting something openly” and “demonstrating” from stage 4. An interesting AI at the end of stage 2 was “I don’t belong there NOW” . That seemed a bit absurd, however, since the construct was much larger than the person. Duration: 65 minutes The colors of the person were ultimately expressed in “light gray” and “white-greenish patterned”. However, in the description of the “mental abilities” of P1 something came out that could sometimes be called psychokinetic ability. Scientists claim the planet is likely to have an atmosphere and liquid water. This was also the right time to “bring up” the IT from stage 4 to examine more closely, which was apparently directly related to the tower construct. Models with different ratios of land / ocean coverage are investigated. For the landscape, a summary sketch (including “crystal flower”) was created: Particularly noteworthy are the rather flat-looking, low rock plateaus. Our telescope technology is just too limited for us to be able to find true Earth-like planets, and therefore Earth-like life, very easily. It is unclear whether this is a planetary ring, as the structure was barely noticeable. According to the motto “P1 thinks anyway, he can do better.” . In stage 1 , two interesting impressions appeared. Out-of-body experiences also seem to be a possibility, but there it often fails due to targeting and navigation (and it is not available to everyone “at the push of a button”). It is about 20.4 light years away from Earth and orbits the red dwarf star Gliese 581. The feeling now seemed more like in a closed space, which consisted of different, platform-like levels. While early research suggested that Gliese 581c may have liquid water on its surface because it resides in its star's "habitable zone," more recent research suggests it … Time: 7:50 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. There we marked the attribute “bring up” for stage 6. This could also be an indication of the high gravity. Although there has been considerable excitement about the prospects for life on Gliese 581c, given the above limitations, it must be immediately understood that what life might exist there would be dramatically different than what exists on Earth. 1. We examined it further in Stage 6 . Although it is not real it's still very visually appealing and fascinating. In short, while Gliese 581c does seem to be within the habitable zone of its star, there are many reasons to believe that Earth-like life simply cannot exist on its surface. A Message From Earth: Project that sent radio signals to Gliese 581c in 2008 • link. But first there was a perception of people, since the EIs have been neglected so far and are of course one of the most interesting aspects on a foreign planet. Time: 12:26 am to 1:31 am Observing a planet identical to Earth, after all, would require training a telescope on its star for the equivalent of years. Gliese 581c has an orbital period ("year") of 13 Earth days and its orbital radius is only about 7% that of the Earth, about 11 million km, while the Earth is 150 million kilometres from the Sun. In the following stage 3 the viewer now drew a complex environment that seemed to consist partly of natural landscape and partly of artificial structures: Particularly noticeable here was a kind of frame, which was built into the recess on the right side, while there was a kind of cliff or overhang on the left. Surface Of Extrasolar Planet Gliese 581c Photograph by ... First images of the surface of Gliese 581 C | Gliese 581 C ... Gliese 581 d by DarinK on DeviantArt. First images of the surface of Gliese 581 C Gliese 581 C, an Earthlike planet spotted outside our solar system is the first found that could support liquid water and harbor life, scientists recently announced. The super-Earth Gl 581c is clearly outside the pHZ, while Gl 581d is at the outer edge of the pHZ. It also must be admitted that, given our present technology, we will have considerable difficulty finding planets capable of supporting Earth-like life. Your email address will not be published. The habitable zone is determined by the limits of photosynthetic life on the planetary surface. Date: December 22, 2011 The planet is estimated to be a little more than twice the size of the earth, and the surface gravity to be 2.2g (earth = 1.0g). The cold was quite noticeable, but this could still be in the survivable range (we had not tried a special measurement). The planet Gliese 581c, located just 20 light-years from the solar system (in the constellation Libra) and for a time one of the smallest known extrasolar planets, has captured attention in recent years as one of the most likely candidates for life-bearing planets outside of our own solar system. Gliese 581g has a mass of around 3 to 4 times that of Earth, its radius is … Alien Message from Gliese 581/d. The EIs were “ coming from behind ” , “presenting something openly” and “demonstrating” . Radiative constraints on the habitability of exoplanets Gliese 581c and Gliese 581d 2011 HU Y. The best example close to Earth is our own Moon, on which one day is equivalent in length to one orbit around the Earth. The stage 4 now concretised in AIs as “construction site” and “New Feeling” . Gliese 581 c generated interest because it was initially reported to be the first potentially Earth-like planet in the habitable zone of its star, with a temperature right for liquid water on its surface, and by extension, potentially capable of supporting extremophile forms of Earth-like life. Of course, the monitor now also allows people to be perceived if artificial structures are already suspected to appear on an exoplanet. Apparently P1 was the only person in the target with the described psi skills. 500 years to the nearest solar system), it is probably the only standardized method to take a closer look at these distant worlds. Of course, we took a closer look at the structures. The planet is estimated to be a little more than twice the size of the earth, and the surface … Now a group has done detailed calculations of the greenhouse effect for Gliese 581c and 581d (the 7.7 Earth mass planet further out). There seemed to be some kind of depression to the right, and there were structures of some sort around. The new planet designated Gliese 581g has a mass three to four times that of Earth and orbits its star in just under 37 days. Gliese 581c is 1.5 times Earth's diameter and five times its mass, and it lies in the star's habitable zone. Gliese 581e is the innermost planet and, with a minimum mass of 1.7 Earth masses, is the least massive of the three. At the time of its discovery it was the smallest exoplanet detected around a main sequence star. Stage 2 brought some interesting basic data that indicated a rather dim, rough, stony-dusty and above all cold landscape. Number of sessions: 2. Gliese 581c is one of three planets so far discovered in the Gliese 581 system, as opposed to the 8 planets in our solar system. However, we now know that while the conditions on Gliese 581c may be favourable enough to support life, it would be quite unlike life currently found on Earth, with the possible exception of certain so-called extremophile species, living in the harshest and least hospitable conditions on our own planet. The first, rather fleeting session on Gliese 581c ended there. But this is not excluded in any session (not even in ours) if you cannot get hard feedback on a target. Poor, but self-confident, Gliesean foreman “guy” (if he comes from the Gliese 581 system and is not a guest worker) …. On Mars, for example, there are also much higher geological structures than on Earth (see Mount Everest ~ 9km vs. Olympus Mons ~ 25km). Astrophysical Parameters and Habitable Zone of the Exoplanet Hosting Star GJ 581 We marked the latter for a further investigation in stage 6. It is well known that the viewer is mostly drawn to the aspects of a target that his subconscious finds most interesting. For the moment, there simply is not enough known about Gliese 581c to say whether there is some other mechanism that alters this balance and makes more Earth-like life possible. Duration: 60 minutes Another interesting impression was the fairly clear perception of the following structure: It stood out from the surface and had the colors blue, white and black. Our first viewed exoplanet was Gliese 581c, which was the hottest candidate for habitability at the time. Artist’s impression of Gliese 581c (Source: Wikipedia), Protocol: CRV (with monitor via Skype) Exoplanets are certainly one of the most popular remote viewing targets. Not much snow, but habitable. The newly discovered planet is 20.5 light-years away from the Earth. Gliese 581c: The mass of Gliese 581c is at least 5.6, but could be as much as 10.2, times that of the Earth, and it was discovered in 2007. But do these sessions prove that there is intelligent life on Gliese 581c? Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aff0ec781edff43217c741768a78562b" );document.getElementById("f03a5a0845").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); "Self experience - the difference between knowledge and wisdom.". It takes 3.15 days to complete an orbit. We apply our model to calculate the habitability of the two super-Earths in the Gliese 581 system. At that time we weren’t that trained in moving instructions. In the area of ​​the jaw something seemed to be attached that looked artificial and angular (respiratory mask?). When asked “What is being brought up?” , The viewer wrote: “The floor”, “Information”, “distribute / sow” . The super-Earth Gl 581c is clearly outside the pHZ, while Gl 581d is at the outer edge of the pHZ. Related: Gliese 581 Gliese 581c Gliese 581 Planet Gliese 581 Habitable Gliese 581e Gliese 581 B Gliese 581 D Gliese 581d . Gliese 581d / ˈ É¡ l iː z ə / (often shortened to Gl 581d or GJ 581d) is an extrasolar planet orbiting within the Gliese 581 system, approximately 20.4 light-years away in the Libra constellation.It is the third planet claimed in the system and (assuming a five-planet model) the fifth in order from the star. At that distance, its “year” lasts less than two weeks here on Earth. Furthermore, something was noticed above the target, which looked like dense, pressing clouds to the viewer, and looked purple. In the meantime, as a monitor, I would have multiple sessions including numerous movement exercises on the same target in order to increase the data density. Coordinates: 4303 6461 2272 2617 Locations on a foreign planet can be circled by exercise (or, in contrast, even entire solar systems “mapped”), but there, too, the scope is still gigantic and the choice of what you ultimately want to see is overwhelming. The End! Category: Astronomy Planet Three; Gliese 581 c ; Gliese 581 c, the third from its star, is the planet that entrenched its system in the public consciousness. The mass indicates that it is probable Gliese 581g is a rocky planet with sufficient gravity to hold onto its atmosphere. Mining and production impressions were also reported. The EIs felt the viewer like an unjustifiable and smirking “We do not help P1 because he always leaves us!” . Gliese 581c was discovered in 2007 by a Swiss team at the University of Geneva, using the HARPS instrument in Chile and the Canadian MOST space telescope. In terms of dimensions, the target looked quite complex and graduated. A Short Trip To Saturn’s Moon Titan (Update), Topics examined with RV (as of 2019-11-20). The person looked blond with a green cast, very light skin color and obviously dirt on the face. Apparently the person was involved in a delicate situation. Our modest results may, however, encourage other viewers to take a closer look at this or other interesting exoplanets in order to develop even more clues. The temperatures were perceived as “muggy” and “pulling down”. This object looked technological and resembled an oversized triode or radio tube turned upside down. However, they didn’t seem to notice the viewer (which can be different in alien sessions). Gliese 581g is an extra-solar planet candidate within a planetary system that is only 20 light-years from Earth, but at this point it is highly doubted to exist. The AIs for stage 1 were “interesting” and “a bit artistic” . Most astronomers accept that, given sufficient technological improvements, finding another Earth-like planet in the galaxy is only a matter of time and effort. 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