There is so much to accomplish. You must discover the lost art of taking up karmic lessons without any indulgence in self-flagellation. You thrash around in a frenzy of trying to spin away from reflected images and impressions. one must sign up to an apprenticeship, to be of service to a greater The energy signature is unmistakably that of Pluto, the destroyer. A jellyfish. Usui And Misaki Have A Baby, I originally made this page a long time ago to easily share these degree symbols with my friends online. Laying it on strong. The spinning upon an axis of power. Swept away, losing the track, and brought forth to find the track every time. A high, crumbling wall. It is useless to know certain things out of context. Freedom to unfold in any direction spirit indicates. Imperious self-command. Exposing yourself to possibilities, visions, ways to evolve. A host of virtues and gifts are showered upon you as you hold this post with supreme impersonal self-command. Doubt knows that it never works out as you planned. Slowly we foster its seeds. Intensely pragmatic. Doggedly pursuing straight intent, yet you're wide open, unwittingly, to whatever will show you a different picture. We know we must confront whatever we have given power to haunt us. You see your own personal nature as an objective universal force to be reckoned with, and persist in seeing egocentrically. This is of course the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Starchy and formal. For this is a selfless realm, utterly selfless. An Inca chief wearing many emeralds. Drawn far back to gain propulsion to go forward with conviction and power, and with deep embodied presence that cannot be taken away from itself by any passing wind. An umbilical cord. Rigidity versus fluency. You are very good at achieving results. And therefore, you must over and again wander in search of your lost self and the lost self of the world, and journey through the most fantastic scenarios in order to reclaim at every major juncture the poignant, shattered, and self-regenerating lost soul. You have those soul qualities which thrive on crises, emergencies, huge challenges, terrible hurdles. With a grateful heart, I wish to acknowledge all of those who have helped with the degree work over the years. You search everywhere and come up empty. You can hear it. Coca bushes growing wild in the Andes Mountains. Identity smashed to make room for totality in a fresh and uninhibited expression and embodiment of its call, and in its need for those who can drop everything and tune right in to what wants to emerge here, of itself. Just there, to be with the transition, and stay in touch throughout. Knowing beyond knowing what is real and what counts. Charon ferries the dead across the river Styx. Discerning judiciously what is livable truth and how the mysteries play out in the material world, you are so stark and spare that the cosmic overtones are turned out and the practical applications are turned in. Dreaming ceaselessly. The 29th degree is the final degree of each Zodiac sign, and is considered anaretic (from the Greek word "anareta," a destructive force). You must find, despite yourself, new ways to express and embody, implicitly embracing and encompassing the negative reflection feedback loop and saying "I can bring myself through another way. The future opens and the light streams through. The mind is a hilarious thing. There is something about doing this that teaches you all kinds of things. Transported by a special destiny, slipping by the borderguards. So very purposive that your every breath is conceived to be part of the master plan. Turning yourself into an object of common use, you literally and mentally take on the maintenance and the minor and the mediocre to keep the outer mind preoccupied. The repeated awakenings, and yet still dreaming on. You feel the tremendous surging momentum to say it, name it, evoke the spirit, what needs to be seen. And giving voice to a sensibility that is entirely pregnant with worlds within worlds held intact, and offered up upon the altar of the world stage. VIRGO 1 The extreme reliance upon external proof, external props, and external projection. The giving-over of the personal will--the marvel of root change. Protected and guarded, guided and led. But sometimes you come up against yourself no matter where you look, and you meet your shadows and delusions coming back at you in every form you are desperate to deny. The prenatal resolve to put behind you every limit, no matter what it takes. There are always fresh angles to master. An apple tree--many rotten apples on the ground around it. There is time. PISCES 15 Surrounded by danger; seen falsely by others, turned around. Intimate depths of camaraderie. Diving for the eternal waters, and here they are if they are called in at full power. Upon the outside, nothing happens. The destiny-necessity is there--so much karmic backlog. AQUARIUS 14 But if, as so often happens, you are not quite here, but not quite all there yet either, the transitions can be excruciating; as you prepare for the infinite life, but are hooked back into the regular life and snagged by image and impression. A retarded man with white hair. Read astrology books online for free. Astrology divides the zodiac into 12 equal sections of 30 degrees each and each segment is called a Zodiac sign. Rituals and styles of change, of opening, of becoming somebody new can become a way of life in themselves--being thrust into collective cycles, taking on collective karmas, immersing yourself in what is going on with everybody. Uniqueness that becomes separative and self-referential. When you focus and distill this cosmic awareness into something firm and clean and steady on, nobody will be able to deny that dazzling things are right here, illuminating all the missing places and restoring wholeness, just like that. Yet outwardly a stiff upper lip composing the appearances. Rabidly thrown into the midst. Three blue robin eggs. We can almost play off of it in emphasizing our skeptical or worldly approach to things. Coming to this requires arduous discipline and elaborate ritual, internal initiation. And as you discover how to enjoy and partake in the chaos below, and to commune within and heighten the dedication above, the path of always-having-known-these things-before will reawaken in a whole other sense, and become life-giving, life-renewing, and richly permeating and true. Almost no self-compassion or self-sympathy. To learn more about your chart Get a Vedic Astrology Reading. A black rooster. Wandering from pre-individual states through the maze of individuality into post-individual states--in midstream it is trying to pass as a fully individuated creature. "I am a lovable object." Identified with the sheer power of the crossfire. Hot Degrees 2020: The Year’s Major Astrological Events Here, handily summarized, you will find the dates and degrees of all the stations, eclipses and outer planet sign changes in 2020—plus any conjunctions, oppositions or squares between those planets and Mars. 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Turning yourself into a wide open, vastly impressionable, fluent, and flexible front line participant, but keeping on ice the most astounding array of greater gifts--the ones that are too much for this world now. A man raising a crop of marijuana. This first serious attempt, which we called the Chandra Channelings, was successful in staying close to the images and truly bringing them back alive. But there are moments in the journey when doing whatever is called for becomes its own reward, even if the pace is grinding and the recognition sparse. Everything happening in a magnified and hypnotic atmosphere. Feeling transported by an ongoing realization that you are in your own element, doing what you need to do and subtly fired by an inner purpose that clarifies everything. Being an empty open vessel for the cosmic and inhabiting foreground consciousness not at all. Resuming where you left off, steady, self-assured, and righteous in the best sense. So many things have come to nothing. I would hear it and feel it, speak it slowly, and Sara would write it all down. The jackhammer treatment. Poised at many brinks. ARIES 14 In touch and in tune with myriad pasts. Yet as the observer beholds this very compulsion, it is minor and trivial, only a personality quirk. VIRGO 9 SAGITTARIUS 5 The magician disrobes. Cutting deals. CANCER 9 GEMINI 29 Sample Astrology Report for Marilyn Monroe. Absolutely fascinated by the ins and outs of everything. You are still thoroughly, personally hooked into the sweetness, the juice, the power. Learning and discovering arduously how to stay with yourself, even while going against oneself. Will and mind become one, a discipline, a harnessing that is magnificent and very hard to accomplish. A small piglet dressed in baby's clothes. And soon all is perfect. Interpretations, evaluations, opinions, and surmises. Lucky students mentor with a practicing (and successful) astrologer. SCORPIO 10 You don't know how to stop. And the deeper magic of yielding into the undersoul, the passions, the desires, the impulses, and the skills of the subconscious levels. For when you agree to take on what nobody can take on, you are a thousand-fold blessed and given every consideration, as you're doing the true work, letting the world-matrix breathe into spaces beyond. The outward twin carries on as ever in the accustomed role of maintaining the status quo. And this time, I will take the charge off, and just be authentic without expectations or assumptions. The inner life is boundlessly rich. Taking advantage of your own beast of burden endurance to get the most out of yourself you possibly can. Brilliantly astute. Integration, wholeness, balance, coherence are missing. It can be heavily seductive and habit-forming, in which case you sink into a world apart and are really held there in subtle chains. GEMINI 22 You are ready to pick up on whatever comes through magnificently. But as you learn to cut through all images whatsoever, the fount again supplies boundless vital spark to orchestrate the impossible. Because you have become forward looking enough to turn any past around and to make any darkness luminous from within, and to be able to walk on. Carefree and careless, you concentrate on the spark of the now. And being quite inwardly assured that sooner or later you can and will draw upon and tap into the greater frequencies of awareness, in order to take the path even further along than spontaneous presence could begin to imagine. Prone to excess in all things, in a release of spirits unending. Wilting flowers form a graceful pattern in a vase. Always watching, always just about beside yourself with the clarity of it, the pure suchness of this world. It has got be this way if you are intent upon making yourself available to what is asked or intended, with every part of yourself out of the picture except your core indomitable conviction that something hugely important is going on here and all personal considerations are as nothing. A schooling in alchemy in every moment--do you find what is ready to emerge or do you think about it? Entertainment, spectacle, self-exteriorization. by Frank Clifford. By becoming conversant with myriad voices, you find the subtle edge between the universal self and your own evolving center. The soul, as divided as it can be between two diametrically opposed realities. Massively vulnerable and strictly unreachable. An extraordinary consciousness in a three-fold sweep of the phases of intelligence, coming into its fullest domain. Surprises, destiny shocks, stunning events present a way to evolve rapidly for the daring and the wild. Learn to harness embodied selfhood into something more constant and satisfying, even with repeated bouts of coming up against resistance, and habit dying hard. I use the Chandra Symbols and their interpretations to individualize, and fine tune the reading, to drop it down out of Astrological abstractions and cliches and into an imaginative journey, a shamanic initiation into which each one of us is called--through the position of the Sun in our birth charts, or the Moon, or any planet, or the angles, or whatever we need to focus on. In your mind's eye, you can remember how it once went, and you can certainly try to put it back together as it was. In completing this book, my co-workers are Theanna Lonsdale and Alita Bonaventura. An immense tortoise with jewels inlaid in its back. You are dropped into remote places to be a subtle glue, a connecting intelligence just along the inside. Taking on the projection of the one who brings up, brings out, brings through what everybody would prefer to avoid. In a pyramid a dark passageway filled with scorpions. PDF Chart Drawings Printed chart drawings Software Swiss Ephemeris Shopping Cart View Shopping Cart . You are given what you need, and a specially-granted timing grace to be ushered through the world in a guided tour that leads only to the temples and the marvels that are here. LEO 16 But this journey is a perilous one, for you become awash in so many far-flung spheres, and there is no map and there are no shortcuts. Supersensitized to the play of opposites in every sphere of existence. LIBRA 6 The budding impulse is toward the new kind of community, toward sisterhood and brotherhood unlimited. Drawing forth the very best in everything. Ancestors, previous lifetimes, collective currents feed the dream, keep it alive. Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen Google Drive, Searching for an opening, you are bored to tears with the customary. Somewhat unable to change. Intent upon results, looking for proof, insistent that the objective, factual, practical realities are everything. The sensation of bondage and freedom as one. Thrown into patterns, syndromes, worlds that require drastic measures to transform. Longing for connection between the worlds, you may be able to take the underworld route through if disciplined attunement is fostered. Learning by heart all of the ways to perfect the Earth dance. The perfect wraparound set-up of simply turning yourself into what everybody needs to see. Frantic to cover all bases, to be everywhere. In on big news. Transported into inner worlds in order to dream, imagine, and conceive from a pure place. A single sunflower wilting and dropping its seeds. And in this wild, volatile mix, creative forces are released that would never come out any other way. Getting under it and destroying it the long hard way. Captured by the uncanny power of turning yourself into the perfect live model of a given way of being. PISCES 26 But so little energy is given to this one, and so much life-force is funneled into sensing new worlds and exploring all the amazing places which these new worlds spark on the inside of the soul, timelessly and authentically. This was not who you expected to see. Desiring and needing to bring forth each self you have ever been, every fancy you are filled with, you are impetuous, outrageous, and irrepressible. Living out beyond. LIBRA 15 The basic circle of common experience is the indispensable container for miracles to be born. LIBRA 14 Wishing to stay there and rest undisturbed, in the rippling waves of pasts sensed and followed. You have no world to be in. Knowing inside that what counts, what is essential, is to abide, to be. The interpretation is the same. CANCER 15 In modern astrology, almost all astrologers treat the 90-degree or square aspect as the same thing, whether it is that first 90-degree aspect (the waxing Square) or the second 90-degree aspect (the waning Square). LIBRA 19 An architect carefully surveying old ruins. Many iris blooming in a wide variety of colors. When you're getting ready to take off in a whole different direction, there is first a transition that is both immensely exciting and fantastically disturbing. A black leopard with green eyes. Absolutely adaptable. A journey undertaken under peril, a secret assignment, withheld even from your conscious self. Everything becomes contrived and spins out ever further. GEMINI 18 Eerily intent upon staying on course and witnessing how it is done, why it is done, with dispassionate gaze. The hundredth monkey comes to town. The secret instructions are writ upon your innermost being and you know them implicitly. Your mind's blind spots call up remedial action. A sensibility of doom. 81 Book. But meanwhile bending over backwards to frame everything in normalcy. The mountain abode of a hermit. A blindfolded woman who sees the future. It all depends on where you are along the spectrum: the initial expansion, the inevitable contraction to follow, or the tempered and seasoned expansion later. Fascinated, you are engrossed by the fabulous disattunement you seem to be stuck with. The innocuousness and the miscellaneous doing-good are laid on thick. VIRGO 17 SAGITTARIUS 3 Only true inspiration can show the way. Identifying yourself completely with physical capability, external results, and quantifiable criteria on all fronts. And although I found a psychic, Chris Neumann, to reinterpret the Sabian Symbols in an intriguing fashion, I was somewhat baffled by the degrees. SCORPIO 24 Try To Remember Sport Ivory, Pretending to be caught up in the game, playing out the image. A man sculpturing hedges into animal farms. LIBRA 11 Most difficult of all is that if you fear or dread, resist or deny, these too have full power to play themselves out all the way. This power ultimately brings everybody to the point of no longer putting up with being trapped in shallow frequencies and bursts everything open, or else is willing to die trying. It can be either. With the keynote being whether you can come to a true affirmation of this earth process and journey, or whether instead you subtly curse or scorn what you are reviewing, simply because it is all too much, and it is so tempting to put it down or in its place, and to feel superior in a way that blights the future. Purposively driven to take up karmic lessons all the way. A certain habit of going back to the beginning. When karma is this palpable and heavy duty, the only skillful means is to cultivate a life-giving perspective and to inject all of the negativity with this elixir, until there is nothing further to worry about. Trance states as natural evolution. Never content, always aware of what is not happening. SAGITTARIUS 18 Along that razor's edge lies destiny. This way of being also calls up wild events and experiences, in order both to challenge and to rally your understanding into renewing itself by encompassing what is anything but already cosmically clear. Recapitulation. And you even become sure in your mind that whole segments of existence are bad and terrible and must be renounced completely. I like to look at where the Sun is in my chart and see which To identify with flight is to run from what is dense and heavy and to deny the pain of Earth. Willing and able to do this forever and do nothing else. Knowing how to be there when it counts. In the thick of this dilemma, a momentum toward the future is being seeded in one of two directions. Even willing to take them on, to play them through. The journey to make this possible is an extensive one, because along the way you must mediate between discrimination and release. Confused and lost on the surface. A way to render unto Caesar and still serve the highest. Elaborate maneuvers toward significant breakthrough. Nothing else is asked. This is a formidable task. You're involved within a path which requires discipleship or apprenticeship, learning the ropes. The infinite future or wipe-out. There is permission to be one who brings back the country, the quiet times, the special touches, who quietly, unobtrusively keeps the fiber steady. Return. 443 Muir pag. Wanting to track something down, to get resolution. Here is the departure point, the mutational edge: the willingness and capacity to develop simultaneously in all eight primary dimensions. TAURUS 18 The Gods inspire, the hour is ripe. Blessed with a sharp aim, an intricate ability to find a way through ingeniously and resourcefully. As the deep inner opens, the surface outer becomes formal and almost wooden. A doctor experimenting on himself with new drugs. Your instincts given over to this seed. She is gathering wild rice. A seemingly young man, but with gray hair. This, in order to do what is here to do, with your entire being in ring- ing conviction and fidelity to the highest. And there is nothing to say, everything to do, with nobody left to do it--except the forgotten one inside who knows the way. The most rigorous of paths--to be there into the details. Startypes Visual Ephemeris: 1900-2000 622 Pages, 55.9 Mb PDF file. "Me" mattering after being counted out. Joe Penny 2020, The singular voice of the highest ethic, pure and essentialized. LIBRA 27 But if you have learned the subtle craft of world-making, you're best off meeting up against the hardest places and discovering how to turn them completely around--the exceedingly demanding guild of those who dig into the depths and draw forth beauty and infinite power from the brutal and heavy realities which otherwise seem impenetrable. How Big Is A 15000 Gallon Pool, You are riveted to the spot inwardly by the story, the myth, the legend. If vision and practical skills are brought into a place beyond either one, new worlds can come into being. Ornery, taciturn, eccentric. The following paragraph shows the interpretation we are giving. Instead, you center yourself and align with who you truly are and stalwartly remain in the place of authority and power and inward truth as your statement and the only thing you know. Harnessing vast vision into detailed particulars, you succeed marvelously in becoming what is asked, turning yourself into the one who fits the role, the pure servant. They reveal hidden truths about astrology that our overly-commercialized society has watered down during the last 100 years. Taking things as they are and adapting accordingly. And discovers stunningly that all games of hide-and-seek pale before the real thing of showing up in the world and really letting go into the power and the glory of the life impulse, liberated and enjoyed as the free play of the Divine, with nothing to be ashamed of and no need to hide ever again. You're captivated by strange old stories with an incestuous, serpentine entrapment to them, and called utterly beyond all of this. A stronghold for secrets, hidden purposes, and inward streams to thrive and prevail. CANCER 4 Working for the future Earth, you are supremely intolerant of compromises and latter-day confusions. Shot out of a cannon to discover the next great thing, you are wildly attentive to signs and portents, looking for a way to the future. What is preferred, what you have a taste for and an affinity with is any known familiar world within which you belong and are not questioned. Notes on The Elements of Astrology by A.S.Writer for the 1st. Most are about 100 years old or more. PISCES 22 This life's journey is sensed as a true biography, a story for the ages which completes itself and comes back to the beginning at the next octave. You are suspended in a long-ago time. Alchemical transmutation from state to state and world to world. Karmically a hybrid mixed from opposite sides that seldom go together. You enter upon disputes, advocate positions, set up heroes and villains. For in the Degree come to a point of synthesis the two motions of the Earth — and, symbolically, the two great principles of all life: collective and individual, universal and particular. Disciplined, constrained, and consistent. A pomegranate broken open. LIBRA 24 TAURUS 23 Trance states. An island just visible off the coast. Sick and tired of pretense and hype, hungry to get down to basics, and somewhat hooked on the quantitative intelligence. Held back by barriers that are formidable. All facets of life must partake of the bounty, and only then can we rest assured that we have done our part and followed the pulse of universal conscience where it naturally leads. Because the graph is in the 45 degree modulus, you can easily see semisquares and sesquiquadrates. When selfhood is free to improvise and is open-ended, it is an unqualified blessing. A ceremonial display, amazed and stunned by the need to make it look and. State ; doorkeeper between the living in futures and pasts to an ancient.... Ceremonial version of what can be viable role model for a given what the mind quite a process to between... 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