Wow I feel ill. The first week felt like hell with the withdrawal symptoms, but the second week I’ve been feeling mostly ok. These past weeks have been so frightening due to the anger. How long do effexor long term withdrawal symptoms last is my question. I’m not sure if you can get Kava root capsules in your country, here we can buy at Health shops. Once I got a couple of months into it, I thought surely the end must be in sight. I nearly threw myself off my balcony. Don’t give up. I withdrew cold turkey and was OK after two weeks, but others take much longer. It hasn’t seemed to be helping and the side effects were not favorable. If you're having a relapse of your depression, however, the symptoms may get worse. What dosage did you take? Doing it slowly and gradually is working for me. I have headaches that occur right behind my left ear in the same spot but only last a second. It has taken me from April til now to get off of it. I was on it and other “anti-anxiety” meds for almost 19 years. I keep telling myself I’m doing this for me but it’s sooo hard the tears are endless at the moment I’m in turmoil.. I have had stomach issues, horrible headaches, anxiety, shakiness, crazy swimmy head/dizziness, achiness, bad dreams and now sleep upset. Most generally (at least in Canada where I am from) want to help people, so I can’t place blame there. All I can tell you is one day you will just notice it is gone. I’m interested to hear that Omega 3 helps many of you, and I intend to add that. Just wanted some thoughts…. 10 days ago I took my last capsule, and yes, it’s been hell. Still have some episodes of feeling totally exhausted, but not as frequent. I have a 3 month program to reduce dosage. There is a longer-lasting withdrawal syndrome, known as protracted withdrawal, that affects some people for as long as six months after their last dose. I have a symptom that I am sure is related to stopping Effexor that no one else has mentioned: I have a burning sensation in my skull (?) Good luck everyone in our return to full recovery. NIGHTMARE. Glad I found this. I tried getting off this medicine and the withdrawls were so bad. Feeling anxious and in a fog. I really hope I’m able to find some relief soon although I am realistic about the fact that the withdrawal could take up to years to fully subside. Once before I came off cold turkey, and the withdrawals lasted a few weeks. The fourth day at 0 mg I woke up early with more severe anxiety, so filled a prescription for Propranolol. I started at 150mg for about a year. I have a feeling of dizziness when walking and waves of vertigo like disorientation. 2) Be watchful for things that make your symptoms worse. Wednesday 23rd April 2013 was the last day I took effexor after discussions with 2 different doctors and a planned reduction/cesation. I did not replace the Effexor with another antidepressant. 7 months later, I felt I was ready to taper off. Also, the twice of day 5-HTP. Read More. The 1st 30 days were the worst. The difference to my life by being free of this drug is amazing. I got the common physical symptoms: brain zaps, nausea, bad dreams that lasted a few days – which I expected. Some days are ok – not great but ok – other days are pretty bad. Is it normal to still have nausea with Trintellix after over 2 months of taking it. Between this and the leg symptoms I’ve been experiencing, sleep is basically non existent for me. My withdrawal is easing up now. One of the common side effects is severe hot flushes. I personally am not experiencing pain, nor chronic pain. If it wasn’t for my husband I wouldn’t be here. Day 1 I was great. I have missed 14 years of my life. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 2 Feb 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 3 Feb 2021), ASHP (updated 29 Jan 2021) and others. BUT, more good days than bad. I thought I’d give everyone a little bit of hope… I’ve been on anti-depressants/anxiety for 13 years and 225mg Venlafaxine XL a day for 7. I’m going through the same thing right now for my pregnancy. I was deficient to begin with. I personally am not experiencing pain, nor chronic pain. My original doctor who prescribed this has left the area, but had I known how awful this med is to kick (granted cold turkey was not the way to go) I would never have started! I was told I had to be OFF this med for an upcoming surgery and was planning to taper off, but the surgery has been moved up 2 weeks and I went cold turkey, not realizing how miserable I would be. I am a fighter. I took this damn drug for 22 years. The dose was up and down over the years but final month was 300mg. I felt how it must feel to know your going to die and can do nothing about it by being killed at the hands of someone else. Hi I’ve been taking Effexor XR for 13 yrs. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -, Effexor Information for Healthcare Professionals. The nightmares and nausea are gone. Hope you all get through this. I went from 300mg daily, Week 2. Effexor comes in both a standard version, Effexor, and a time release version, Effexor XR. Select one or more newsletters to continue. My hubby works away. Talk to your doctor, don’t worry about being judged, it’s their job to evaluate your case objectively and make the best call for your health. AAFMA (practice group of family physicians) says that the symptoms typically last 1-2 weeks and as long as 4 weeks, so I just kept reminding myself that it was temporary. Have a look at the Effexor withdrawal comments where it states "How Long Does Effexor Withdrawal Last" - over 830 replies - and this gives you an idea how the withdrawal time varies from person to person. For me it had become a pill I take and notice nothing but I’d get physically sick if I forgot to take it. I started by accident because I missed a dose and felt ok all day, but felt the zaps late in the day the next day. My now retired doctor never told me of the side effects. And you can be very proud of yourself. As real as being fully alert and awake – even though what I was experiencing was beyond normal explanations of any kind. It seems fairly common for this to happen around 2-3 months post taper. I am now on the other side of total hell It took about 6 weeks to reduce to zero. From 225mg I went down to 150 mg daily x 3 months. I started by taking 1 at a time, at first just slightly longer than 12 hours apart, then longer and longer until I got fairly close to taking it once/day. Been. However, there are people out there that have been on this powerful antidepressant for years. I can be irritable at times. OF. Michael, I am on week 13 or 14 since my last small dose of Effexor and still experiencing anxiety, depersonalization, insomnia and tingling in my extremities, which I believe is “paresthesia.”. All the best. I just keep telling myself you are going to be really sick for a few days and then it’ll be over. I have talked to her a bit about it and she say’s everything is good, but my head voice is telling me otherwise. It’s been 3 days. Today I had a random crying spell and was really sleepy even tho it’s my day off and I’ve been having an otherwise great and relaxing day. And I’m 51. I have some great days and then back to the unbalance. I have my own personal reasons for stopping. I’m so glad to read all of these so I know I’m not alone. The depression has decreased as the anxiety has to. Suicidal feelings 3. I’ve been taking 37.5 mg capsules for nearly a year now. I went cold turkey on venlafaxine the 9th August, so nearly a month ago. Did you lower your dose slowly? I’m not lowering my dose anymore and I’ve been off of it completely for 3 days. The dosage of Effexor that is commonly prescribed is 75 mg/day. If withdrawal symptoms with Effexor occur, they typically begin & peak within one week, and can last anywhere from one day to three weeks. 6 weeks ago I took the decision (with my doctor) to reduce to 175mg. Enough said I think. The apples seem to satisfy my sweet tooth. I am determined to be free of it and healthy again. I weaned myself off over 3 months & still has brain zaps, dizziness, nausea also. The higher the dosage of the drug you were taking, the more difficulty you will have withdrawing. Thank you for your reply! So after a serious breakdown, my doctor and I agreed to wean off and change antidepressants. I am very close to starting on a small dose to see if it helps. It got so bad I almost went back on the black death aka Effexor. Only on it for 3 months and it wasn’t helping much so I decided to stop taking… cold turkey! This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I’m just nervous that it’s from something else. They may offer you new information that helps you decide what to do going forward. Would like to find out how long the withdrawal symptoms will last (approx.) The program my MD recommended did not work for me (horrible withdrawal) so I went back on and consulted with a specialist. It is such a relief to know that this is common and it will go away, if not in a few months, then someday. So please don’t be put off by the time the withdrawals last. Now the only withdrawal symptoms I have are nausea and exhaustion but I’m wondering how long this might last and if you have experienced something similar or have any suggestions to relieve the symptoms at all? Note: The author of this site is not engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. At the very least, there is no definitive contraindication against being pregnant while on venlafaxine. Feeling cold is something I haven’t felt in years, I have poured with sweat on the coldest of days. Definitely worth the cold turkey now I’m on the back end of it. I was on 37.7 my but my NP doubled it and I would be covered in sweat and bruises, plus so so tired, crazy dreams. Good days and bad. I was weaned off effexor slowly, completely topped 11 months ago and still have terrible body aches all over my body. My doctor actually told me to just stop taking it so I tried that for a couple days and realized that wasn’t going to work I felt like I was having a 9.5 magnitude earthquake in my head. I remind myself that the emotions I am experiencing, are just that, and a real part of life. Psychosis4 If you experience worsening anxiety or depression during withdrawal, and these s… My heart was racing and stopping and I was going into shock periodically & when I sought medical help and mentioned effexor I was met with blank stares and raised eyebrows and told to take supplements. I have been taking a daily dose of 225mg slow release for at least the last two years, probably nearer three… The last tablet I took was on Tuesday 25th September and last night, 29/30th September was hell… night TERRORS with a real horror attitude. I have never been so sick in all my life. Sugar sent me into a tailspin. Originally I was placed for Generalized Anxiety and as adjunct therapy for Migraine Prophylaxis They definitely helped to get me in a good place, but I’ve been stable now for quite some time. I have been off of antidepressants for the past year and am feeling so down and anxious. Try your best to get sunlight, stay outside, eat healthy, and exercise. I’ve been off Effexor for a little over 3 months. Among other things the frontal part of my brain - ie. Currently taking a very low dose of Zoloft because I’m very sensitive to meds. It can be done if circumstances allow. I am on my second or third week now and the withdrawal symptoms are a lot more tolerable but still the insomnia and itching and hair loss are the worst! A few minutes later I’m fine. After being on them off and on for 19 years (Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, and now the worst of all, Effexor), I’m not willing to do that unless I have to. :) Good luck! Has anyone had any experience with withdrawal symptoms for Effexor or other antidepressants that lasted a long time? I tapered a little over a week but last Sunday decided to go for it and quit. My suggestion is not to be alone overnight and get prepared for vomiting, sweats, anxiety. It truly helped me clear my head, tamp down my emotions, calm, and get back on track. ? Someone please help! In week 2 now and have all the above symptoms. Wild Cat. I have decided that I don’t want to be on it anymore and I started tapering last May and alternated 75 mg and 37.5 mg for 5 weeks. That was probably too fast, my symptoms were really bad. I’ve been taking 37.5 mg for about a year for hot flashes. The recommendation that seems to work the best is to reduce by 5-10% of your current dose and to remain at the new dose for at least a few months or until any symptoms you're experiencing are alleviated. The reason being is the "half-life" of the Effexor is very short (missing a dose by the few hours=withdrawals), whereas the Zoloft "half-life" is ~a week. It’s keeping me awake at night and really effecting me on and off during the day. Thanks, Hello! I was only on this medication for A MONTH to try it out… it did nothing for me so we tapered off during a few weeks. We are all different, but clearly no one has had an easy withdrawal from Effexor. I read about it taking up to a year too to get past all of the withdrawal. And my mental state is amazing!! It's now 4 months since I took my last effexor. Effexor (Venlafaxine) is a SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) medication prescribed primarily for the treatment of major depressive disorder. were off the charts and I was so fat I couldn't move. This has been a gift. I thought I had some sort of tummy bug. I get that, but do not see the point of prolonging the thing. P.S. Effexor combined with individual and group therapy, new coping skills, and time to reflect in an honest and open way with myself has brought me to such a better place, and I’m grateful it was available as a recovery tool when I needed it. I was on Effexor for 18 years, but only weaned off this Spring (last minimal dose was 4/14/18). I will keep my eye out for others mentioning pain as I continue to read/research Effexor withdrawal and how to minimize symptoms of same. What I didn’t expect was the extreme rage spells I feel and an alarming amount of anxiety (almost worse than before I started taking anti-depressants) along with a new affinity for arguing with everyone I know. Or have you set up a tapering protocol with your doctor? I don’t know why some can get off Effexor and others can’t. Due to my family history of breast cancer, I cannot take any HRT. Friend who is a doctor and he gave me the down-low. In other words, you may not be able to cope with what you are experiencing because the withdrawal is that powerful. I weaned off Effexor over a 6+ month period. My thoughts are with every single person on here suffering. Probably the most important from what I've heard described seems to be the length of time taken to reduce your dose. Has anyone experienced this? I just wish it was over… I’m so tired of feeling like this. I’ve been nervous to try any other antidepressant not knowing if it will make things worse. I decided I didn’t want to take them anymore and have been removing a single grain from the capsule, adding another grain to the count every day for a few weeks now. Ridiculous I’ve now had to do it my way.. I’m experiencing severe withdrawal headaches sickness insomnia sweats and just not with it at all. I’ve been on 37.5mg for a little over a year now and just started the tapering off process two weeks ago. I have been fortunate to not have brain zaps (I guess). After the first two weeks, things became quite a bit better, but… then after a week of thinking the symptoms were subsiding, they hit again almost as severely as in the beginning. I started Effexor XR 37.5mg a year ago for anxiety, and depression. And still having to maintain going to work.. I’ve even contemplated paying for rehab as that’s how bad I feel. Trying to look after my 8yr old son. How are your symptoms? Night Terrors is a massive understatement…. I’m scared I’ll have other side effects. My kids, my husband everything. If the symptoms are intolerable reinstate your previous dose until you stabilise & you could then try smaller reductions. We can't post outside links but I'd suggest you Google "Effexor withdrawal mental health daily" for a comprehensive article that may help you. However, it may be a couple years before you are completely recovered and feel completely “natural” again. I have 150mg XR capsules which I was taking 2/day of. Jan, Omega 3 fish oil (Orthomega), ENCAPSULATED B Complex, vitamin D3 and calcium CITRATE help a lot with those symptoms. It had become empty symptoms. Glad I’m not the only one. Have you taken it for over a decade? I can’t imagine what you must be going through, especially to have these horrible side affects on top of it. hot flashes, and full body shakes. I was living with a horrifying fear that I might do physical harm to myself or my grandchildren. Although your psychiatrist may consider withdrawal to be easy or a simple process, he or she did not take the medications so really has no idea what’s going on internally – within your mind and body. I started to wean down in mid-December 2017, cutting down so gradually, and had my last dose (literally 4 grains) in early May 2018. I was on 300mg venlafaxine for just over a year, previous to starting it I had been on numerous different antidepressants for the last 20+ years. and what part of the body will it effect besides the nervous system? Effexor is a monster to get off of, talk to your doc about a much slower taper. The shortness of breath and feeling like I can’t breath at all is really messing with me. Anxiety, depersonalization, panic attacks, etc. The nausea, diarrhea, and nightmares (thus little sleep) have made me almost non-functional at work. Mandy. During this time, you may notice some dizziness and flu-like symptoms. It's a helluva an existence, isn't it? 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