While your husky may bark or howl to announce a visitor, she makes friends indiscriminately and is more likely to welcome a would-be thief into your home than to guard you or your possessions. Are Siberian Huskies Good Pets? They can go on beast mode if they detect a threat to their owners and territory. If you are interested in personal protection or a guard dog, then the Siberian Husky will not be a good choice. They thrive being part of the family and contribute more than their share in companionship. 3) The Husky Plays With You First, let's get this out here straight away – the Siberian Husky will play with anyone. Puppy Shedding Tips! You may observe aggression in your husky when someone who hasn’t met before walks by or visits your house. (although this is actually being possessive). Since both the Akita and the Siberian Husky are a challenge to raise with other pets, Huskita owners should decide if they plan on adopting any new animals before buying a huskita. Enjoy! Subject: Re: Are huskies protective at all? They’re closely related to wolves. YES & NO. You have to work hard at being the owner and providing it with sufficient physical and mental exercise. Table of content1. I have had my Husky for a little over a year now and while she's the sweetest thing I've ever met, she can get quite vicious around people and animals she doesn't know if they believe they are going to hurt me. Female Huskies are not as strong as their brothers, and while more independent by nature, they also won’t challenge your authority as much. Are Huskies Dangerous?Are Huskies Good With Children?Do Huskies Make Good Guard Dogs. Huskies started gaining popularity in the early 1900s when sled racing became popular with this breed of dog. Huskies got a reputation for being disloyal because of how friendly they are with other people. They are great protection/guard dogs and they also get on well with Huskies. When they see a stranger or another dog they all start howling and letting me know something is up. And so are Alaskan Huskies. All dogs can(and most likely will) get protective over their family. After all, they were bred for endurance, and needed to pull heavy loads across long distances. This is not advised and will likely lead to behavioral issues that could be hard to fix. Dogs locked in a flat with no exercise can easily develop behaviour problems. Huskies are FIERCELY loyal and protective of their “pack”. Husky's need to be kept socialized and with a lot of people or they can become skittish and hard to control around people unless you are there. You will also need to use obedience commands to train Ice to react in the correct manner to protect you. In the days of long sled rides and rough winters, early Alaskan settlers loved this breed not only for transportation but also protection. Huskies are very protective of their owners.... Husky's need to be kept socialized and with a lot of people or they can become skittish and hard to control around people unless you are there. Siberian huskies can be diggers, particularly in warm weather, because they like to … If you are finding it tricky to handle your jealous, possessive and over-protective husky, worry no more because help is at hand. Protective. Siberian Huskies are intelligent and very athletic, as they were bred to pull sleds for extremely long distances through freezing conditions. When you are thinking of getting a husky be prepared to give them plenty of mental and physical exercise. They do not have the temperament of a wild animal like a wolf, although there are many similarities in Huskie pack behavior and wolf pack behavior. The type of training and methods that you would need to use would be very risky and almost unfair. 1. If you have a husky and he is aggressive then he is not normal for this breed but every dog is different. Siberian huskies tend to be friendly with people, including children. They don’t have any aggressive or possessive tendencies and these traits help to make for a loyal dog. After owning dogs for more than 22 years, it's time to give back. Its ancestors spent a lot of time fending for themselves in Siberia and this personality trait has not been lost since they left. You need to put an end to this before it becomes a bad habit. Siberian Huskies are escape artists6. The husky puppies for sale today are similar in some ways to the huskies seen on the television pulling sledges across the icy tundra. Some dogs show all the signs of being ready to fight and defend, while others are very keen on avoiding the situation. My male Husky I had while growing up was a bit more protective and hesitant with strangers. It is not defending you to protect you, it is guarding you from being removed from its pool of possessions, or resources. No sane person can call it barking. Siberian Huskies have a fierce look, and their wolf-like features tend to mislead people’s judgment of this breed. He is always stressed out. (or just too dog-gone friendly). While gentle with children in most cases, the Siberian Husky does retain a lot of “wild” aspects – They prefer the company of other Huskies and are usually pack-minded. The healthy, well-cared for, properly exercised, and well-loved Siberian Husky has an amazing temperament. In any situation, they will obey their instincts, not think about what should or should not be done. That you always have to first lock away your dog before friends can come to visit? Many people mistake this as being protective over their owner, but in fact, this behavior is triggered through being possessive, As they don’t want to “share” their owner with anyone else.Other than getting jealous, Huskies rarely ever show any aggression and this will be one of few times they may be seen to be “protective” over someone. It will still be loving and protective. They love their families, and their lives center around that. Siberian huskies can be very protective of their owners and owner's family, though they seldomly bark they will attack a stranger or a dog who is harming their owner. They are extremely protective of their families and properties, which is what puts them on the list of the most aggressive dog breeds. They just love people too much. Shes really protective over Hailey my other dog alot. Thinking about getting a husky as a pet is a big decision to make. No. After much research speaking with real Husky owners, I’ve found some surprising answers. Bored Siberian Huskies are famous for chewing through drywall, ripping the stuffing out of sofas, and turning your yard into a moonscape of giant craters. Huskies are very possessive and this often gets mistaken for being protective.Let’s cover all aspects of the Siberian Husky’s natural tendencies, if they’re protective and if it’s possible to train your Husky to be protective. Puts an entirely different spin on the desirability of “protectiveness” doesn’t it? Siberian Huskies were originally used to pull snow sleds in Alaska while Akitas were used to guard royalty in Japan. The neck is carried straight and the topline is level. Are Huskies possessive? The Siberian husky has erect ears and eyes of brown to blue or maybe even one of each color. Huskies are in fact quite possessive, but they are not very protective. And many people will answer that they want it for protection or guarding. My two favorite brushes for a beautiful coat are a simple Undercoat Rake and a Slicker Brush. This is why your Huskita will need a job. Enjoy the friendly nature of Huskies, just like how it’s supposed to be! In order for any dog to be protective over their owner, family or property they need to have the ability to be aggressive. Whether you consider being protective good or bad will depend on the reason why you’re getting a dog in the first place. Forget it.”, Then your Siberian might proceed to throw a Husky temper tantrum. That’s one of the reasons why they can all work together in a team to pull a dog sled for hours and days. It is very hard to know whether all of these stories are true or whether there is some fake news in there (fake news seem to be on the increase, especially in electronic media). If you do get a puppy from a reputable breeder the chances are good that it will have a positive temperament, but beware of the backyard variety – trouble will come your way. that the shiba inu and the chow chow share the most … Let’s take a look at the general temperament of the Husky.Huskies, despite their looks, are actually one of the friendliest breeds there are. Huskies “talk” an awful lot. YES & NO. Being Protective. They were bred to pull sleds. They want to be inside with everybody else, sharing family activities, not outside, staring at nothing. The Siberian Husky is probably one of the most popular Nordic dogs in the world. Without such exercise, mental activity, and lots of companionship, he can be incredibly, massively destructive. Siberian Huskies shed a lot5. Studies say. However, huskies are not natural guard dogs so it will likely be more challenging to get it to become protective around your home. Huskies are very possessive and … Due to the way they were bred with the Chukchi Tribe for thousands of years, they’ve become a loving, affectionate, family orientated dog. Huskies are also different to train, which makes it hard to teach them to be a good guard dog. Huskies are not for amateurs. This protectiveness is likely never backed up by real aggression, but there may be some initial warning barks or growls if your Husky is spooked by something.This likely comes from Huskies being extremely loving and loyal to their owners and their “pack” in this case the pack is you and your family. They are nor “direwolves”. No. It doesn’t matter what it is. Siberian Huskies have ears that stand up8. Strong chasing instincts. Huskies have a more protective nature compared to Labradors, but they, too, are not made to be good guard dogs. This, unfortunately, does not apply to anything small and fast like cats, ferrets, squirrels, or birds. But when will the onslaught begin? Your puppy will perceive your family as its pack and will behave accordingly. The Siberian Husky is not a one-person dog. If your husky feels like you or themselves are threatened by someone or something, they will likely bark and growl. Think before you acquire one. Train it to learn who is friendly It is important to make sure that your husky does not become aggressive around friendly people. Josie is protective a little bit. They are difficult to potty train. Are Huskies Protective? They argue with you about the necessity to obey a command. The answer is an emphatic no. Everything is theirs. And according to Canna Pet, Siberian Huskies have the perfect temperament that make them amazing playmates for kids.. Remember: Huskies to not make good guard dogs and Huskies are not very good watch dogs, either. There will always be exceptions. Advice on this site is non-professional and is for educational purposes only. That you always have to have it on a leash otherwise all hell breaks loose? Copyright © 2021 Dog Breeds List | Powered by Kibble | All Rights Reserved. Huskies are … They are very clever dogs and Siberian Huskies will find a way out of a yard if they want to. If getting another dog is a possibility for you, make sure to do further research. Trusted by millions of dog lovers worldwide. Click the link if you don’t believe me…it’s a real Husky thing. Siberian huskies are not for laid-back families. The Siberian Husky Temperament. Your job will be to reinforce that you are part of his territory to defend. They are pack dogs, so your husky will probably be protective. Huskies got a reputation for being disloyal because of how friendly they are with other people. Welcome to My Happy Husky :) I'm Harry, I have been a passionate dog owner for more than 22 years. Huskies are terrible guard dogs when compared to other breeds. Honestly, a better question to ask is SHOULD you train a Husky to be protective.First of all, it’s important to ask why and if it’s necessary to be teaching your Husky protective skills and behavior. Siberian Huskies can be very destructive of their owner's property and its environment and are known to chase down many animals, in … Huskies are working dogs, so they need a lot of physical exercise regardless of where they live. Siberian huskies don’t make good guard dogs. Train it to learn who is friendly It is important to make sure that your husky does not become aggressive around friendly people. Huskies are not overly protective but will react in defense, depending on the threat. They can go on beast mode if they detect a threat to their owners and territory. A watch dog defined as an alert dog watching over his territory and barking or howling at anything strange going on or out of place. Protectiveness may not necessarily express a desire to ward off harm from you or your family. Siberian Huskies are not wolves, nor share wolf-like characteristics2. Siberian huskies are known for their wolfish good looks, but deep down, they're all dog. From chihuahua to a german shepperd. not because they want to dominate. Siberian Husky’s are one of the oldest breeds of dogs. If you already have a Husky and are still looking for protection. On the other hand, it needs to be said that a dog, any dog, is still an animal, not a little fur kid. However, Huskies can … It does not constitute pet medical advice OR professional advice in any way. Are Huskies really smart? If you would like to support My Happy Husky directly and have an easy to read and entertaining guide for training your husky puppy, check out my book The Husky Puppy Handbook on Amazon. Why Huskies are not Good Guard Dogs. Being Protective. It will be cheerful, friendly, affectionate, highly energetic, and playful. Huskies are very protective of their owners. Experience from Husky owners seems to indicate that it very much depends on the individual dog. If your Husky has a little possessiveness or protectiveness in them, you should accept and manage their natural levels of this behavior. These creatures ignite their prey drive instantly, so beware. Siberian Husky’s are one of the oldest breeds of dogs. The individual temperament of each dog is the best indicator of what to expect. Huskies are a loyal and passionate breed. Siberian Huskies are very protective of their owners. Brain Training For Dogs has become increasingly popular with Siberian Huskies in the last few years. If you leave them alone and they have nothing to occupy their time, Huskies will howl. Huskies are pack dogs par excellence. link to When Do Husky Puppies Start Shedding? So you've got your brand new husky puppy and you know that you're in for your fair share of sweeping up. Having an understanding of what huskies are like before you get one can save you a lot of headaches and confusion. (or just too dog-gone friendly). perfectly reasonable and common for a dog with social ranking to get “preferred access” to resources that are viewed and understood to be scarce or valuable Possessive behavior, in particular,  can be due to some nasty causes – when a dog growls, snaps, whines or attacks another pet or person, he’s telling you he feels insecure, is confused, and has a lack of confidence. Huskies, by their very nature, are quite protective of their owners. These traits make Huskies excellent dogs with family and friends: No, well, they can and do growl and bite. Yet like all other animals, they are, well…animals. When Do Husky Puppies Start Shedding? Many huskies will choose their “person” and will be jealous of anyone else being around that person. Before a parent brings a dog to a house with children, it’s important to learn about the temperament and personality of the breed. No. The main thing about huskies is that they are not protective, aggressive or suspicious towards strangers. Are Siberian Huskies Loyal? However, most huskies would still not follow through with any substantial protection. They have a high prey drive and may chase cats and livestock. It all depends on how you raise it, and how attached to you it is. Why do people get dogs? In fact, they treat even strangers as part of the family and are not shy or cautious towards people they are not familiar with. One can not comment without facts but in some instances, the dogs are crossbred with other breeds known to be aggressive, like pit bulls or German Shepherds, and sometimes it appears that the dogs were being kept inside. Huskies also possess a protective instinct which is not surprising, since in their beginnings they were used to watch and protect the family. They are not aggressive, possessive, or suspicious, which are the traits that are associated with good guard dogs. No, although they look like wolves they are not. I think there are some huskies who could be trained to have some protection behaviors...but as the general rule, if someone attacked you they would likely A) think it was a game and jump into the pile to wrestle or B) Go YAY! It’s not a good idea to try to make a friendly dog, become one with aggressive tendencies and at some point, it’s extremely likely this backfires on you. If you own a malamute you know all too well just how much this breed sheds. And, because of all these reasons, huskies are not great guard dogs. Socially forward animals, huskies do well in a pack setting, whether with other dogs or a human family. Siberian Huskies are actually wonderful family dogs, and their affable natures tend to make them good dogs to pair with small children. Why? This site is owned and operated by Fivehead LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Colorado, USA. In moments of real danger, the majority of huskies will not follow through with any aggression. Enjoy tips on training, behavior, general well-being and much more :). Your job will be to reinforce that you are part of his territory to defend. You may want to consider getting one of these breeds. Huskies generally make excellent pets due to their friendly and gentle temperament. Routine and an effective motivator will play a key role throughout training. Now that we know Huskies are not naturally protective, you may be wondering if it’s possible to train a husky to be protective. In fact, they often growl when playing or having fun. You will also need to use obedience commands to train Ice to react in the correct manner to protect you. Huskies are not overly protective but will react in defense, depending on the threat. You are not the boss any more, you have become a possession. Let’s take a look at if Huskies are actually protective.Huskies are not a very protective breed. For example they're still fluffy dogs.. Whilst a husky's fur is ideal for keeping them warm in the snowy arctic, if you buy one of the many husky puppies for sale in the UK today you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time grooming and hoovering too! Their minds work like an animal’s not a human’s. Unfortunately, The first thing which hits my mind when I think about husky is - sled pulling. And, because of all these reasons, huskies are not great guard dogs. It’s even in the AKC guidelines that Huskies should be friendly and … Of course, remember that you must educate your … Hopefully, now you better understand the temperament of Huskies and their protectiveness. It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a dog is protecting you from a possible threat or whether it is just jealous or possessive. At one point sleds pulled by Huskies were the most popular form of transportation in arctic communities, before the invention of the aircraft and snowmobiles. 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