The show’s first five seasons are available to stream now on Amazon Prime, so get ready to make memes until sun down and revel in the lap steel guitar interludes and French-accented “one eternity later” cutaways. In the final version, the road is on the side of a mountain, then the turn. According to the audio commentary, Squidward had a deleted line at the end of the episode: "Ugly and smelly, two for one." These deleted scenes can be viewed here. Also, there was a rumor that SpongeBob was originally going to say "no more getting nailed" and Patrick would nail a plank to his head. He looks out his window and sees the mailman riding by on his bike. In the storyboard, Potty looks like he is standing on the top part of the seat. In the final version, just the lab is shown. 4, Complete Third Season, From the Beginning, Pt.1, The SpongeBob SquarePants Collection, The SpongeBob SquarePants 8 Season DVD Collection, 2-Season TV Pack, The Third & Fourth Seasons, and The Best 200 Episodes Ever DVDs, the Deep Sea Sillies and Tales from the Deep VHS tapes, and the VideoNow versions. is cut. There is also an unused painting of a third scene with a donut on SpongeBob's hand. SpongeBob says "What are you gonna do? Fuzzy's belt was originally gold, not black, and was changed for an unknown reason.[citation needed], SpongeBob was originally going to see Ernest Borgnine's live-action face in Squidward's cupboard and exclaim "Borgnine!," but was ultimately scrapped. Originally, Sandy was going to appear fully naked in the episode, but the design was revised to be less grotesque, giving her underwear in the process. SpongeBob's grill is bought to him on a wooden platform. Mr. Krabs picks SpongeBob up and squeezes him, unlike the storyboard, where he places his claws on SpongeBob. In the finished version, they are triangle-shaped. There's two versions of the same scene where SpongeBob kicks his front door open. Live-action sea bunnies are shown near the. The 2007 book. After Squidward asks, "Are you sure you should be poking it like that?" When young Sheldon evilly laughs for the first time, it looks different than the final product. The Tram's Travels tour guide takes his hat back from Patrick. SpongeBob and Patrick go back in time to see the young Mermaidman and Barnacleboy.SpongeBob and Patrick watch their heroes fight bad guys in a classic Mermaidman and Barnacleboy episode. This scene did not make it past the storyboard for being too graphic. Similar to the aforementioned WerbenJagerManJensen (“He was number one!”), Squidward completely makes up the existence of the Hash-Slinging Slasher, only for the joke to be turned on himself when he finds out he’s real. In the credits in the 1997 version, Erik Wiese's name is misspelled as "Erik Weise. According to the audio commentary, there was originally going to be a scene where Gary either was shown being milked or the aftermath of being milked for the snail milk featured in this episode. There may have originally been a scene planned where SpongeBob and Patrick were going to print the tickets online. However, Lender comments that there is a chance that this scene may be from "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm" instead.[20]. [60], In the storyboards, the Secret Patties were originally going to be purple instead of orange. [24] Current showrunner Vincent Waller has confirmed in a statement on Twitter on June 4, 2018 that the removal of the scene was ultimately due to Nickelodeon being against the idea of a gag involving a match and gasoline. Pearl is listed in the credits. The "Late Again..." time card has four flowers, and some are moved. Spongebob has always excelled at its slapstick comedy, and Squidward (along with Plankton) is usually on the receiving end of it, but it never gets old. In the final version, it does not. He was best known as Mitsumo "Arnold" Takahashi from the TV show Happy Days, Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid, and the Emperor of China in the Walt Disney Animation Studios 36th animated feature film, Mulan. This greeting causes the mailman to get distracted, and a truck crashes into him. When Conch Street is shown, it is at a different angle in the storyboard and the final version. before the rest of the scene continues normally. In this lying charade, Squidward tries to trick his archnemesis Squilliaim Fancyson—perhaps the only character more insufferable than Squidward—into believing The Krusty Krab is a five-star restaurant, and literally everything goes wrong: Patrick gets into a fist fight with a hat rack, Spongebob attacks guests with a cheese grater and the appetizer is not only still alive, but escapes from the kitchen. He also has a red beard instead of a gray beard. SpongeBob reaches out for the patty after dropping it. This scene was cut from the final episode. during the Eels and Escalators Game. C.H. In the final version, he has eaten it all and gets the third piece. When Plankton says, "Once ingested no one can help turning into the biggest, creepiest, meanest jerk ever," in the final version, he is walking around. Squidward’s luck with this Magic Eight Ball of sorts is unsurprisingly worse than Spongebob and Patrick, who end up with a delicious feast from a cargo dump while Squidward is left frying a cockroach over a bonfire. The second construction montage is different and uses some recycled animation from the first one. Once Sandy is done doing that, the The End page lands on her treedome. In the TV version of the episode, right after SpongeBob lands in a feather delivery truck and says, "I guess I spoke too soon," there is a scene right before a commercial break with the French Narrator saying, "Will SpongeBob learn to fly? The Spongebob candy bar episode rivals the iconic chocolate factory episode of I Love Lucy—the cocoa-themed humor of both episodes is just timeless. Instead of "smoking" the clock, Squidward has his head stuck in it. Concept art with SpongeBob and Patrick talking to a crowned dolphin in the "Dolphin" world. In the storyboard version, in the scene where Patrick is starting training when the scene enters Patrick's mouth to show his taste buds, it shows his mouth and then the taste buds. In the original version of this episode, the French Narrator has two scenes in-between a commercial break: SpongeBob's House Party DVD Deleted Scenes, In the storyboard featured on the Sponge for Hire DVD, after Patrick leaves at the end of the episode, there is a deleted line of SpongeBob saying, "Can I have his star?"[32]. In the final version, he does not do this. However, the deleted scene of them meeting Sandy on the surface was later recycled into the second movie when SpongeBob and his friends are surprised by Sandy's superhero ability to be a giant real-life squirrel named "The Rodent." I've got to have the right tool for the job. When young Sheldon says, "I'll show you," one of the test tubes is horizontal. In the storyboard, Patrick flushes soda cans down the toilet. DVD. None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for Mrs. It was likely either cut for graphic content or to save time. Also, during SpongeBob's awakening in The Goofy Goober Party Boat, he asks for a "double fudge spinny." SpongeBob turning onto his back was originally him flipping into the air. ", Near the ending of the 1997 version, instead of the. For all the latest TV news, reviews, lists and features, follow @Paste_TV. You’re good, you’re good, you’re good” when guiding Patrick as he completely wrecks the Flying Dutchman’s ship or their traumatic trip through the mall’s perfume department, it’s the episode that keeps giving. This remains unconfirmed, and according to many researchers of lost media, there is a good chance of it being false. This joke was cut for time. Whether this was intentional or an error is unknown. All Rights Reserved. It is almost as if these two clocks were swapped. The animatics include a scene of SpongeBob walking to the Krusty Krab. Un Krabby Patty, Monsieur. This opening is left intact on the Where's Gary? When young Sheldon says, "Idiots," the test tubes are being held horizontally and some of the liquid is on the desk. Follow her on Twitter @LizzieManno. Patrick is about to clog the toilet again, but Mr. Krabs throws him out before he can flush the soda cans down. Their conversation was longer. The TV version credits Joe Liss as one of the writers, while the DVD versions credit Merriwether Williams. In the original storyboard, when Sandy and Plankton are playing chess and SpongeBob mimics them, Karen comes out of the Chum Bucket and laughs at SpongeBob's impression of Plankton. After punching SpongeBob, Spongy Spongy shakes SpongeBob's hand. Additionally, when SpongeBob is showing Squidward to "everyone in town," he stops by a fish typing working on a computer and greets them. In the final version, he is not. It is on the left side of the slide and it is nailed on it. It’s the best Spongebob musical number by far, and the rest of the episode has some of the show’s greatest jokes. In the final version, he is on the left side. This scene was changed to Sandy in her treedome eating a Krabby Patty while watching Bikini Bottom action news on her TV. In the storyboard, when the scene stops spinning, the truck is tilted to the left. During the montage at the start of the episode, The scene where Fred's leg was run over by a mobility scooter was going to be set at the. This scene was removed on some airings due to SpongeBob's nose moving up and down in a rather obscene way. The original plot idea for this episode involved Granny fattening Gary up to eat him, but that was changed due to it being too dark. The change in design results in a plot hole in the final episode where Sandy is constantly referred to as being naked, despite wearing underwear. A montage of Mr. Krabs thoroughly cleaning SpongeBob's brain, similar to "Brainwashing," this was cut to save time. Stinky's hair was originally a vertical block, instead of rounded hair. from the said trailer is also ommited. According to the audio commentary, there was originally going to be a scene in which Pearl is shown singing at the secret Krusty Krab. In a deleted scene, Tom Kenny voiced a button in the rocket ship that said "Sorry." and blood comes out of Squidward's heart. He also puts his arms out, cuddles the pieces of the clock, puts his fist down, and then puts his arms around it. "[29] This line was cut possibly because it would make it seem as if Squidward was dead. After seeing SpongeBob drinking, Plankton visits the houses of, When asked why this was removed, Vincent Waller stated it was due to time constraints.. Come follow the adventures of the world's most lovable sponge and his starfish sidekick! The parade is different in the storyboard than it is in the final version. Season 1, Episode 40. The pair think he’s dead, so they’re left scrambling to hide the body before the cops get suspicious. Mr. Krabs shakes the ladder while trying to get SpongeBob down. When the health inspector starts to regain consciousness, they successfully convince the cops that he’s a zombie—you can literally imagine Seinfeld’s Kramer trying to explain this story to George, Elaine and Jerry, and none of them believing him. \"Help Wanted\" - In the original 1997 version of the pilot, there was a different opening with fast-paced action sequence music and colorful paintings of SpongeBob. In the storyboard, SpongeBob spins around the front of the tree and ends up in front of Mr. Krabs on the left of the tree. SpongeBob participates in a cook-off at the Fry Cook Hall of Fame. A shot of SpongeBob saying, "Maybe you should get that checked out" cutting to reveal Patrick has a hole in his head saying, "Why?" In the German dub, the title card is mistakenly cut. The song "Mavericks" was removed from some DVD releases of season 1 episodes. It is likely that when SpongeBob is screaming, he is expressing that he is late for work, and then he realizes what he has just said. In the final version, the sign is on the left and does have writing on it. there was going to be a vision of Mr. Krabs sitting atop and sniffing a pile of treasure. I won’t spoil the ending, but the way this trio are saved from the forest is so impossibly idiotic that it’s perfect. Cry, Mr. Squidward Tentacles, or should I say, Squidjerk Losercles?" Originally, the episode was supposed to have dialogue, but the studio's audio equipment wasn't working properly, so they had to improvise and make both SpongeBob and Squidward mute, having the episode relying on a "silent film"-style format instead. In the finished version, he is run over by an old fish in a wheelchair. There’s almost a Seinfeld-like outrageousness to many episodes, which is best exemplified by “Nasty Patty.” Much like the maniac in Hall Monitor or the robot in Imitation Krabs, Spongebob likes to play around with false identities, and the misunderstanding that arises in “Nasty Patty” is also incredibly rich. There's an extra scene with SpongeBob and Patrick is with Goofy Goober in the animatic. When SpongeBob is depressed at Goofy Goober's in the animatic, he sings, "Goofy goofy goober goober yeah," this is missing in the final. to Squidward before getting electrocuted. The final version's changes are described below. She also mentions that there are buses that arrive here and Bikini Bottom. The group does not rush over to SpongeBob's bed until later. and "mini-take on 'late 4 work'". The dedication card at the end of this episode was removed after the Best Day Ever marathon. Squidward asks "What happened?" All I have to do is...wait. Deleted scene with Mr. Krabs appearing in SpongeBob's room. A shot of Mr. Superawesomeness' (Patrick's) pants ripping off revealing his underwear with him saying, "Nothin' to see here.". When he's at the Krusty Krab, he says, "There it is, unguarded! Please help Encyclopedia SpongeBobia by adding sources.Please remove this message when finished. In the final version, he is sitting and then the exterior of the truck is shown again. suspiciously. However, on May 1, 1999 after Kids Choice Awards 1999, it aired with the the famous theme song. Play More Games. [64], SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick were originally going to ride a snail camel. Rewatching Spongebob for the first time in years is a surreal experience. Originally, the box the Whirly Brains came in appeared on SpongeBob's TV, the camera zooms into the screen, and then we fade to the box on SpongeBob's lawn. A mad car chase scene with SpongeBob and Plankton and ends with SpongeBob receiving an F- from. As shown in the storyboard[37], there are several deleted scenes. It was heavily implied in the audio commentary that Sadie was not going to be the baby's mother, so it was later cut. In the storyboard, the Bikini Bottom sign-in on the right and does not have any writing on it. An interview with Sam Henderson revealed there was going to be a scene that has baby Squilliam walking while Squidward is only learning to crawl. Between Patrick’s scream of “Leedle, leedle, leedle, lee!,” Spongebob’s assurance of “Keep going. When SpongeBob is taken to prison, he blows bubbles with his fellow prisoners before he goes to speak with Mr. Krabs. There was originally a scene that showed Sandy getting arrested for kicking SpongeBob's bottom but it was cut possibly to save time.[citation needed], A deleted scene has Squidward lay down and find a rock under his blanket, then insist that it's "all part of the roughing-it experience." In the animatic, the "ceremony" when SpongeBob says, "Today is the grand opening ceremony of the Krusty Krab 2!" A rare early logo used in the ending of the original 1997 version of "Help Wanted," before United Plankton Pictures, Inc. was created. "[51] This never made it into the final episode because it was time-consuming. He also says, "and the announcement of new manager!," instead of "where Mr. Krabs will announce the new manager.". ... Stop on your right foot. Also in the storyboard is a deleted shot of SpongeBob and Patrick eating cookies together at the end. In the final version, he is on a hill, watching it. Club Spongebob is the series’ most perfect episode. As shown in an early production image (found on eBay), a background of Pearl's bedroom was created for a scene in the episode. SpongeBob, I don't have the whole day. This is our burglar alarm? As sad as that trajectory may be, you would practically never know those new episodes existed, just based on the classic Spongebob content that circulates through social media every day. In the final version, he runs on the house and then lassos the lights on his house. Squidward sees SpongeBob on the roof, then angrily shuts his curtains. For years, there were rumors that in the original airing of this episode, there was a small amount of blood on Master Udon's face after getting beaten up by Sandy. According to the audio commentary, when Sandy rakes the leaves, she makes a big symbol for "girl power," but it was changed to Texas - likely because it fit better with her character. In the finished version, Patrick pulls down a mirror on the bus. In the final version, he does not. Yet when binge-watching season after season, the drop-off in quality after Season 3 becomes glaringly apparent. In the storyboard, after the cookie is shown, Patrick is holding a string. In the storyboard, Patchy looks at Potty. In the storyboard of the part where Santa shows up at Patrick's rock, only his head is shown. His dialogue had already been recorded when he was cut from the episode. In the storyboard, after Mr. Krabs says, "The more you give, the more I get," presents appear. Burger-Beard throws a 6-pack can holder at Sour Note and he gets tangled by it. When Old Man Jenkins is knocked out, he is shown next to his car. The last verse of Now That We're Men has very different shots. [5][6] However, the title card is left intact on Nicktoons USA airings.[7]. Reports of the scene being deleted were as early as January 2002, a mere three months after the episode originally aired. The Tram's Travels tour guide cuts in line and bangs on the bathroom door. Also in the original storyboard is a scene where, after imitating Tom, SpongeBob imitates a customer trying to order; the customer laughs and pulls on his cheeks. at the end of the episode on Nick airings starting in October 2020, possibly due to the screen going black when the line is said. Old Man Walker isn't present, SpongeBob's house isn't destroyed, some lines were changed and Patrick is in a different position throughout the birthday song. Puff, who gives Spongebob a hall monitor uniform at boating school, suddenly empowering him with what he believes to be legitimate law enforcement credentials. That might cause a concussion.". However, in the actual episode, he lands in ketchup instead of mustard. This episode is also sometimes called "To SquarePants or Not to," most likely because the main title is considered to be too long. In the storyboard, SpongeBob's foot is present next to the alarm clock's plug when he realizes it is unplugged, and his expression is slightly different. There are two versions of this episode. In the scene with the class bullies laughing at Plankton after Billy hits Plankton with a spitball, Young Man Jenkins does not have his hair. Plankton waits for Karen to bring him dinner, but Neptune's Moon turns him into a feral copepod. In the final version, he just floats down. In the finished version, he eats it with his stomach. An additional background of Squidward's house was made that wound up being unused. In the final version, he is next to a machine. The kitchen bursts into flames for a few seconds. Before the party scene, the storyboard shows the Flying Dutchman laying in a pile of junk and sleeping. SpongeBob catches Gary by the shell in the final, not by his bottom. Squidward also has an added eye-roll in the final version. There is also a deleted scene where Mr. Krabs appears in SpongeBob's room with the "MANAGER" hat. When a legitimate health inspector visits the Krusty Krab, they decide to make him the most disgusting Krabby Patty possible, and he eventually falls unconscious. Squidward's head is not peeking through the door when it opens. In the final version, it shows Patrick's tongue instead of his mouth. SpongeBob uses the gold to buy milkshakes at the Krusty Krab for everyone.[4]. It’s like an art installation of live memes. Art from a deleted scene can be seen here. © 2020 Paste Media Group. "[47] The French dub of this episode ("Le Raccourci") still uses this title. SpongeBob's response to Patrick is also missing. This was most likely removed as it would have been disturbing and Gary is a male snail, so it would not make sense. In the finished version, his dinner is. This was toned down to them having a picnic in the finished episode to remove any sexual undertones. When the fish looks out of the window, there is nobody there. While in the World Laughter Day TV spot, SpongeBob is shown plugging his nose and airing himself while laughing with Patrick. Mr. Krabs and Squidward's dialogue probably also was different because of this. and cut to the interior of Krusty Krab with the camera zooming in through the window to the Patty Vault. [16], An early background for the scene where SpongeBob reads a bed-time story for a Krabby Patty. enthusiastically. It originally involved SpongeBob using a reef blower to clean his yard, only for it to become out of control causing SpongeBob to fly everywhere. Ha-ha!" An alarm clock is left behind after Rube disappears. April 1, 2000. Various expressions and angles of characters are also changed, and the "c'mon!" However, in the final version, they are replaced with SpongeBob's friends. Patrick Gets Hired at the Goofy Goober! In the final version, there are two. 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