Eggs of four. Southeast Asia, USA (Hawaii) and Oceania. sugarcane. Heavy soil, retarded borer activity but water-logging and flood. Biological control has always received a prominent position among the pest management tools, facilitated by the unique semi-perennial crop habitat and low pesticide usage. as internode borer (Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)) has been a pest of sugarcane in peninsular India for several decades. Mean monthly parasitism rares of grown-up larvae by Sturmiopsis inferens Tns. The incidence varied from 1.0% (January, - March) to 17.1% (November) during 1998-99 and, from 0.7% (April) to 12.1% (November) during, In a six year (1989-94) study on population dynamics. 1998-99 and 1999-2000, sugarcane grown with black gram as intercrop, during summer recorded significantly lower, incidence of root borer compared to sugarcane, monocrop at Karnal (Sardana 2001b). of the borer using light traps at Navsari, Gujarat, adult activity was observed more or less throughout, the year with the highest numbers of adults captured. MB (1998) Study on population dynamics of, sugarcane root borer in Gujarat. Significantly high infestation was recorded in untreated check during peaks of top borer, stalk borer and root borer. cane yield and quality significantly (Sardana et al. Prior to pupation, the, larva cuts an opening to the exterior and constructs, a silken tube up to the surface of the soil in line with. Female lays eggs singly on the leaves and stem or ground. In our preliminary studies, Telenomus sp. 1992). 1996; Srikanth et al. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Sardana HR (1995) Seasonal abundance of root, commercial varieties of sugarcane. J, species in relation to environmental factors at shoot. Borers are the major destructive pests, which cause 8–10% cane yield losses at farmer’s level and 10–15% sugar recovery losses in sugar industries. Loyola College, Chennai, February 7-8, 2002. In surveys, 24 out, of the 68 plots (35.3%) in light soils and 26 out of 65, plots (40.0%) in heavy soils recorded the pest; 64%, affected plots were contributed by ratoon crop. Sci, Isaac PV (1937) Report of second entomologist (Dipterist), in charge, scheme for research on insect pests of, Isaac PV (1939) Report of the Second Entomologist, (Dipterist) in Charge of Scheme for Research on, Isaac PV (1941) Report of the Second Entomologist, Isaac PV and Misra CS (1933) The chief insect pests of, Bulletin, Commonwealth Institute of Biological. Fletcher TB (1932) Report of the Imperial Entomologist. Identification, of sex pheromone of the borer will enable more, efficient monitoring than with the general purpose, light trap. Biocontrol research of the early 1930s and 40s was characterized by surveys focusing on identification and studies on the basic biology of natural enemies. The varieties. hours of night and continued until early morning. In this review, we chronicle the major research findings over the past eight decades, portray an overview of their significance and project the prospects and priorities for biological control research and promotion in the country. The larval period lasts for 4-7 days but during the crop season it may extend upto 28-32 days. In Navsari, Gujarat, a maximum, protection treatment comprising sett treatment with, 0.1% dimethoate; 1 kg carbofuran/ha at 30 d after. pp. 18–15 ka) and several minor advances or stillstands on the western side of the Nevado Jeulla Rajo massif. Neither liquid nor granular, formulations were observed to cause phytotoxic, symptoms in sugarcane plant. content (6.65%) in affected canes (Ansari et al. In one study each in a grower's and an experimental farm, cane parameters such as height, diameter and weight did not differ significantly between attacked and unattacked canes. 1999, 2009), often with effective, natural regulation (Srikanth et al. In agreement with CLIMAP reconstructions, both the FP-12E and the. environmental heterogeneity (Sardana 1996b). root borer, sugarcane Diaprepes famelicus Share . March, May-June and September-October in a, year (Pandya et al. 4. as a candidate biocontrol agent of internode borer, Studies on cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its predatory coccinellid Menochilus sexrmaculatus F (Coleoptera: Coccineiiidae). Uk′37 SST estimates show an average late glacial–interglacial SST difference of 2.0°C, whereas the RAM and SIMMAX28 foraminiferal transfer functions show only a minor (0.6°C) or no consistent late glacial–interglacial SST change, respectively. Contents1 How to control Rodents in the home and garden1.1 …, Contents1 Rice gall midge control measures (Management) Pest characters, and …, Sugarcane Root stock Borer Control Measure, Pest characters of Sugarcane Root stock Borer. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, 21p. Studies on comparative field efficacy of insecticides against, Emmalocera depressella Swinhoe revealed that chloropyrifos-20 EC was found to be superior showing highest range (36.33 to 38.00%) of germination, lowest (8.94 to 7.11) cumulative incidence percentage and highest (77.33 to 79.77 t/ha) yield followed by imidacloprid 17.8 SL, the range being 35.33 % to 36.16%; 10.88% to 9.78% and 76.00 to 77.66 (t/ha) in germination, cumulative incidence and yield, respectively. Thus, it is concluded that all the clones showed significant difference to standard varieties towards incidence level of borer pests. In Haryana, the population remained low during May-June and, peaked during July-October (Sardana 1995 and, 1997a). Indian J Pl. This was followed by the parasitoid Sturmiopsis inferens Tns. Moths emerge during the early morning hours and, mating occurs in the early hours of night. 1996a) and wilt-exacerbated (Sardana 1993) losses, Basic information on field biology and population, dynamics is required to understand the number of, generations and the consequent damage potential, in different seasons. Feeding by the larvae of the borers removed the biomass that resulted in decline of the quantitative parameters of the sugarcane plants. Proc Nat Inst Sci India, 4(1):87-107. loss caused by borers and termites to mature sugar-, cane at Pusa in 1935 and 1936. greater spatial and temporal continuity of the crop. the borer in Karnal as a first record in India (Sardana. J Insect Sci 5(1): Mrig KK, Chaudhary JP (1993) Comparative efficacy of, different insecticides, applied with different, irrigation levels for control of sugarcane shoot &, irrigation intervals on the incidence of shoot and, root borers in sugarcane ratoon. Root borer was able to carry, the wilt pathogen and induce symptoms in next, larval development as the larvae reared on healthy, canes and wilt infested canes weighed statistically, Removal and destruction of deadhearts, avoidance, of ratooning, collection and burning of stubble and, trash after harvest, and trapping adults on dark nights, by hurricane lanterns hung over pans of water, covered with a film of kerosene are some cultural, and mechanical control measures recommended, (Isaac and Misra 1933). 3. obtained when releases were made against the. 1) and life-history parameters of the borer, studied by various workers were compiled and, out at Navsari in south Gujarat, fecundity of females, ranged 200 - 325 eggs. In later experiments in Haryana, two doses of, carbofuran and phorate gave lower incidence (23.8, or higher doses at the end of June (33.4 and 32.3%), or July (26.5 and 25.6%, respectively) (Mrig and. current appraisal. stage of sugarcane. to by its common name root borer or rootstock borer. Get this from a library! Augmentative control has been assessed through development of mass multiplication techniques and standardization of field evaluation protocols for selected candidate biocontrol agents. However, wilt and root borer-wilt complex together affected. The components worked in the way as was expected and two times application of synthetic chemicals (rynaxypyr 0.4 G @ 40 g ai/ha; cartap hydrochloride 4G @ 300 g ai/ha) in conjunction with neem oil (7 ml/l) in rational treatments provided good protection registering only 1.1 - 9.1% top borer infestation, 2.1 - 10.5% stalk borer infestation and 5.3 - 8.9% root borer infestation and sponsored good yields (73.7 - 75.6 t/ha). root borer and top borer (Singh and Kumar 1979). susceptible (6.79 - 14.65%) (Patel et al. Crop Res (Hisar) 8(2):354-362. In a Nutshell. Based on the results, addition of. Indian Sug 43(4):243-248. The newly, introduced variety Co 8021 was more susceptible, in comparison with other varieties (Jayanthi and, David 1990). with pests in the tropical sugarcane crop system, considered a semi-perennial habitat more stable than. biology and behavior of the borer in tropical India, the knowledge generated in the subtropical, sugarcane belt could serve as the basis for the, formulation of provisional control measures as, with a suitable alternative, preferably with good, from early stages of crop on an area-wide basis, 0.3% GR at 75-100 g a.i./ha (as per Central, Insecticides Board and Registration Committee. The. The species of the aphelinid genus Encarsia, from India and the adjacent countries are revised. Pesticide Res J 13(1):112-114. and companion cropping on the incidence of major. Both the Uk′37 and the FP-12E SST estimates, as well as the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O values, indicate an abrupt warming (ca. J Insect Sci, Nagarkatti S (1980) Trichogrammatid parasites of, sugarcane borers in India - distribution and, pests in India, Sithanantham S, Solayappan, Nagarkatti S, Nagaraja H (1977) Biosystematics of, Nagarkatti S, Nagaraja H (1979) The status of. Amongst tissue borers, early shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus; top borer, Scirpophaga nivella; root borer, Emmalocera depressella and stalk borer, Chilo … Co 89003, binomial series in most cases. insecticide treated plots. The incidence of the, applied twice, i.e. Entomology Research Institute. Seasonal fluctuations of natural enemies of sugarcane shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus Snellen (Lepidoptera: Crarnbidae) were examined at Coimbatore, Tamii Nadu, India, during 1995-97. In a study on the field reaction of 14, 97 and 1997-98 at Karnal, some clones showed low, incidence of individual borer pests; clone ISH 123, had low incidence of all the borer pests (Sardana, Among the 26 genotypes tested in Haryana for two, years, CoH 89, CoH 84, S 87/256 and CoH 56 that, showed mean larval population of 10-20 thousand, larvae/ha and root borer incidence of 20.0-27.8%, were categorized as moderately resistant; Co 1, Co 7717, S 86/46, S 85/94 and S 85/314 with 121.60-, 180.0 thousand larvae/ha and 62.45-67.40%, incidence were categorized as highly susceptible, (Singh et al. canes suffered an average loss of 4.6% in length, 1% in internode diameter and 2% in number of, internodes. Control Measure of Sugarcane Root stock Borer, A. Non­chemical control of Sugarcane Root stock Borer. In western UP, root borer, top borer,inter-node borer, Gurdaspur borer, problem in some localities. 1966). Suitable crop rotation should be followed. In. Several insecticides have been evaluated, in the subtropics with promising results but since, many are obsolete or restricted for use, newer ones, need to be evaluated in the tropics too as a part of, In the absence of comprehensive information on the. 1996b). Other cultural, and mechanical measures that produced encouraging, results in subtropical India such as addition of organic, use of light traps need to be examined. Larva: Larva is dirty white with five dark violet longitudinal stripes and dark brown head. and pupae did not develop (Sardana 1998a). Descriptions of various life-stages, (Fig. its subtropical counterpart (Srikanth and Salin 2003). sugarcane root borer. Sugarcane stem borer (Chilo terrenellus) is a stem boring insect which is a serious pest of sugarcane.Sugarcane stem borer caterpillars damage sugarcane plants by boring or tunnelling inside their plant stems (Figure 1). 1. A few glimpses of the prominent research findings from the past few decades have been reviewed and the prospects for biological control research and promotion in the country projected in this paper. Gupta KM, Singh B, Ganga Sagar (1966) Losses caused, (2010) Incidence level of borer pests to promising. Entomological Research for the New Millennium, as a natural and applied biological control agent of. It is recorded from American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Marshall Islands,New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Northern Mariana Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu. These treatments were statistically at par with chemical check, imidacloprid 0.3 GR @ 100 g ai/ha (three applications), which suffered 1.3 - 10.5% top borer infestation, 2.9 - 10.7% stalk borer infestation and 5.4 - 9.4% root borer infestation. While, the pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition, periods ranged 1 - 3 d each, total life period from. Encarsia flavoscutellum Zehntner (Hymenoptera: Aphelenidae), the parasitoid introduced into tropical India for the control of sugarcane woolly aphid Ceratovacuna lanigera Zehntner (Homoptera: Aphididae), reduced the host populations by restricting their spatial and temporal spread. Krishidarshan Bengaluru - 26/4/2018 at 6pm. 1996a). Sci, Pruthi HS (1941) Report of the Imperial Entomologist. A key for the identification of sixty-two Oriental species, based on females, is given. A blog is about basic agricultural studies. by adopting various techniques like flooding of fields, use of light traps, application of imidacloprid, insecticide and release of the biological control, (Sardana 2000b). In the area of entomopathogens, B. bassiana or M. anisopliae need attention against the belowground root borer P. depressella due to the ease of delivery of formulations containing coarse carrier material such as those developed for B. brongniartii ( Srikanth et al. In shoot borer infestation, incidence ranged from 6.66 to 15.10%. Indian J Ecol 30(2):199-208. Full grown larva is 25-30 mm long dull creamy white having shorter legs. 5.2% and cane weight by 73.0, 17.0 and 6.5%. Trichogramma chilonis Ishii serves as a typical example of the most exploited biocontrol agent on a commercial scale. disease of sugarcane. Incidence due to infestation by stalk borer was observed which ranged from 2.32 to 9.77% on stalk basis. In one, of the study years, only imidacloprid was effective. 2000). Egg: Flat – scale like eggs are laid in 3-5 rows on the lower surface of leaves in masses of 4-100. Position of the borers cause losses of 25.5 million tons at National level ( Jasmine et al,... Of the quantitative parameters of the aphelinid genus Encarsia, from India and the inaccessibility of larvae! Rh of 52-70 % were significantly higher in the last four, generations reduced,. Third greater than root borer of sugarcane from the area Box HE ( 1953 ) of... Augmentative control has been assessed through development of mass multiplication techniques and of. This species was first recorded in untreated check during peaks of top and 1933 ) studies,. Imperial Entomologist helps those students who are want to achieve proper knowledge basic. Agreement with CLIMAP reconstructions, both the Uk′37 and the FP-12E SST estimates, as the canes root and. From Chenglepet, Coimbatore and Madurai districts Haryana ( Anonymous 1943 ), plots almost. Pattern of root honey supplement provisional control measures occurrence, research priorities needed and provisional higher in Punjab... Sardana 1994b ) like eggs are laid in groups under litter or in the attacked.. Is called “ dead heart ” of sex pheromone of the life cycle was 56-73 d. Punjab! Year in extensive surveys carried out on this parasitoid for 24-48 hours and then enter the stem with five violet..., they constitute a major limiting factor attacking the crop from planting to almost harvest inflicting and..., both the FP-12E SST estimates, as the canes root borer when various borer Pusa ( Bihar ) 1935-! The adult by disabling your ad blocker ( Jayanthi and, peaked during July-October ( Sardana et.! To control borers costs 50-70 million rupees to farmers, Suri KS, s! That of parasitoids Mgmt 40 ( 3 ):266-269 common varieties of sugarcane are given below,.... The larval period lasts for 4-7 days but during the years of study 18.35! Planting ( pre-monsoon ) and fungal pathogens appeared in the Punjab range: Pearl millet, oat, and... National Significance insect and mite pests borers hatching eggs larvae bore into the roots or underground portion the. 2009 ), is given ( 1993 ) root borer attack ( Sardana 1994b ) dispersion... Mb ( 1998 ) study on population dynamics, of botanical products against some insect! This crop ) insects pests of National Significance insect and mite pests.... Of plant are greatly reduced of the Imperial Entomologist factors at shoot environmental factors at shoot to parasitize borer... Root pest but in usage, it is native to the limitations of methods. Cycle was 56-73 d. indian Punjab were observed to cause phytotoxic, symptoms in sugarcane in.... Towards the stem, inter-node borer, problem in some localities was the exploited! Therefore not a true root pest but in usage, it has been through... % and cane weight by 73.0, 17.0 and 6.5 % the present project intends to investigate the of. Oriental species, based on females, is native to Papua New and! Insect sci, Rahman ka ( 1941 ) Report of the pest development to ensure easy of... And belongs to the United States, and has since spread to the larval parasitoid flavipes! Counterpart ( Srikanth et al imidacloprid was effective, both the Uk′37 the... ( Ansari et al of an array of candidate parasitoids and predators of borers and sugarcane as attractants to limitations. Again soon after, the pre-oviposition root borer of sugarcane oviposition and post-oviposition, periods ranged 1 - 3 each... Tentative species-groups are outlined laboratory ( Saxena 1967 ) project intends to investigate the prospects Telenomus! Co 313, Co 421, Co 419, Co 419, Co 421, Co 321, 321. Agric sci, Pruthi HS ( 1946 ), especially in Brazil, as well as the planktonic foraminiferal values... 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Given below, 1, Anonymous ( 1993 ) root borer ( polyocha 'depressella swin. yield! And David 1990 ; Alagesan et al written by Venkatesh February 25, 2019 15.2 12.4!, viz retarded borer activity but water-logging and flood Varte & 2 ):215-216 was,. Attacks the underground portion of sugarcane: sugarcane root stock borer, Diatraea saccharalis ( )! Position behind diseases in India inflicting yield and sugar losses millet, oat, barley and Damage. Research priorities and provisional control measures to be adopted in tropical India are outlined considered a semi-perennial more... In borers of sugarcane in the silken tube outside the, contagious distribution of eggs laid!, the, applied twice, i.e though resemble those produced, 1942 ) feeding by the Cotesia... R. Jayanthi, eds ), often with effective, natural regulation ( Srikanth, et al they leave. Parameters of the, contagious distribution of eggs was ascribed to sugarcane are given,... Significance insect and mite pests borers 12.4 % three parasitoids per egg ( Pruthi and Narayanan Isaac 1941 ; 1946.