moulders, morticing hands, nailing hands. 25, foremen, maintenance tradesmen, managers; 30, benders, bevellers, blowers, embossers. Clergymen, teachers and some classes of industrial worker were not required to join. — 25, foremen, maintenance, tradesmen, managers; 35, leading hands in, carbonation, char end house, in golden syrup, and treacle, jelly house, melting house, pan. Come and see why. The terms of the act meant that all men between the ages of 20 and 21 had to register for six months’ military training. List of reserved occupations (Provisional), Department of Defence Coordination, September 1940 D.P. Thu 28 Sep 1939 - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. Abrasive—25, Chemists, Foremen, managers; 30, Burners, cementers, machine operators. charge hands; 35, mica production employees. People in reserved occupations did not serve in the armed forces. smiths, template makers, testers, welders, wheelwrights, toolmakers; 30, bulldozers, elec-. hands (all processes), maintenance tradesmen, managers, mangle-men, moulders, open hearth, workers, oxy-acetylene cutters, puddlers, re-. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to get the full Trove experience. tects (all classes), surveyors (all classes). and turners, forgers, foremen, furnace-men, holders-up, leading hands, maintenance en-. electroplaters (1st class), furnace-men; 35. assemblers, brushers, dressers, drillers, fusers, Paint, Enamel, Varnish, Colour Manufacture, —25, foremen, managers, technicians; 35, blast. carpenters, caulkers, chippers, coppersmiths, drillers, electricians, electrical wiremen, fitters. guillotiners, mill hands, powder monkeys, powder charge tippers, riggers, splicers, trim-. packers or pressers, shearing shed hands. feeders, machinists, press hands, sand workers, Mining Industry (coal, gold, oil, shale, &c.), —25, blacksmiths, carpenters, examiners, fore-, men, inspectors, leading cyanide hands, main-, classes), saw doctors; 30, battery-men, cage-, platmen, retort-men, saw sharpeners, set run-, ners, shaft sinkers, stopping builders, winch. pump attendants, quarrymen, slurry testers. vanisers; 35, machinists, picklers, polishers, setters, repairers, spinners; 35, blankers, drop. tives, mining engine-drivers, traction engines, Engineering—25, annealers, benders, boiler-. ), finishers, foremen, furnace-men, leaden goods, makers, lead shot maker, leading hands, main-. (machine and hand), erectors, polishers, saw-, Nails, Barbed Wire, Tacks, Bolts and Nuts. men, warehousemen; 40, bumper attendants, Hotels and Restaurants—35, caterers (work-, ing principals), chefs (1st class), maintenance, Jewellery Manufacture—25, clockmakers (1st, class), foremen, lappers, leading hands, mana-, gers, setters, toolmakers, turners, watchmakers, (1st class); 35, chainmakers, clockmakers (2nd, class), enamellers, melters, polishers, press, workers; 30, assemblers, brass finishers, pol-, nical staffs; 35, assemblers, drillers, finishers. Students (University) — Medical and. 1940, List of Reserved Occupations (Provisional) ; revision, Sept., 1940 L.F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer Canberra Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. staffs, policemen, police officers, radiographers, surgical dressers, wardsmen (trained), X-ray, Sugar Refining. classers, workers under glass; 35, Farm hands, singly employed; 40, Budding workers, fencing. Yet in World War II he was responsible for its introduction, overturning one of the Labor Party's most sacred policies. We pay our respects to elders past and present. Hat Manufacture (Felt) —25, dyers (head), foremen, leading hands, maintenance trades-. Examples of reserved occupations in the Second World War included coal mining, ship building, and many engineering-related trades. — Boiler fitters, boiler and. Places of Pride, the National Register of War Memorials, is a new initiative designed to record the locations and photographs of every publicly accessible memorial across Australia. and assistant secretaries, senior executives. — 25, Customs agents, ferry boat crews, heads of departments, office executives, steve-, 25, annealers, foremen, maintenance trades-. 5, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1958, p. 191 graphers (1st class), retouchers; 40, developers. blockers, cutters, dry cleaners, dyers, fleshers. dryermen (key), development staffs, engine-, drivers (powder production), foremen, leading. (not rubber)—25, block cutters, foremen, dyers. off, moulders, pattern makers, pipe builders, plate setters, riggers and splicers, ring and, flange makers, saw operators, smiths, template. second and later years of biological sciences. Medical Profession (ex-. tradesmen, managers, refrigeration engineers; 30, cold cellarmen, coopers, distillers, malt-, sters; 35, bottling machine operators, syphon-, tradesmen, managers; 35, burners, clayhole-. Publicity authorised by Curtin for an anti-conscription mass meeting during The Navy has a diverse range of jobs, unparalleled benefits and great lifestyle. During the Second World War Australians at home did not suffer the miseries and privations that many civilian populations in other parts of the world had to endure, but the war did have a profound impact on the Australian home front. erers, silk throwsters, warehousemen, warpers, warp drawers-in, weavers; 40, carbonisers, card, and chain makers, machinists, plierers, shrink-, ing hands, sizing machinists, spinners, willy, house workers, wool sorters, waste department. They are experiencing a greater than Christmas amount of mail with fewer staff due to social distancing rules. You need to login before you can save preferences. —25, foremen, leading hands (sectional), main-, tenance tradesmen, managers, section machine. The list of reserved occupations was not strong enough to administrate the demands of the services against the demands of industry and a labour crisis began to emerge. beater-men, breaker beater-men's assistants. moulders, pattern makers, planers, refiners. boilers, stone dressers, stone millers, carders. finishers, tank makers, tile and ridge makers; mixers, crushers, moulders, pipe wirers, spray-. Do records exist? tradesmen, managers; 40, bass brush hands. hands, maintenance tradesmen, managers; 30. blenders, compo mixers, glycerine distillers, leading storemen, millers, mixers, sawyers, soap. teachers in other educational establishments; Public Services or Essential Services Con-. Reserved Occupations Order, National Security (General) Regulations. — 25, inspectors, lines-, motor-men, platelayers, signal-men, superin-, Water Conservation and Supply. Vehicles). paratus makers: electrical, mathematical, nautical, scientific, surgical, optical instru-, ment makers and fitters, including appren-. National Archives of Australia C934/P1 Folder 6. mechanical makers, tinters, varnish makers. Page 2 - 172 "RESERVED" OCCUPATIONS. engravers, foremen, maintenance tradesmen. applies to volunteers in that occupation, Abattoirs and Butchering—25, Foremen, lead-, ing hands, managers; 30, Boners, Retort hands. men, maintenance tradesmen, managers; 35. bankmen, cement burners, cooler attendants. ance tradesmen, managers; 30, leading hands; ton setters, foremen, leading hands, mainten-, ance tradesmen, managers; 40, armoury press, hands, corrugated board workers, platen press, hands, printing workers, sawyers, slotting, chanics, assemblers, axle makers, body mak-, ers, braziers, carpenters, coremakers, examin-, ers, fitters and turners, foremen, furnace-, men, joiners, machinists, maintenance trades-, men, managers, markers out, moulders, panel. The powers under the Manpower Regulations included: Our collection contains a wealth of material to help you research and find your connection with the wartime experiences of the brave men and women who served in Australia’s military forces. The government there is now known as the Vichy Government and … makers, braziers, case hardeners, carpenters, caulkers, coremakers, draftsmen, fitters and, turners, forgers, foremen, furnace-men, gear. tradesmen, managers; 35, first assistants. These roles were described as ‘Scheduled (or reserved) Occupations’ and included coal miners, doctors, and those working in the iron and steel industries which produced vital ammunition and equipment for the war. — 25, civil, engineers, draftsmen, inspectors, jointers, lead-. tallymen, tractor drivers, upholsterers; 35. buzzer hands, dockers, dogmen, frenchpolishers. The provisional capital of France during the German occupation in World War 2 was Vichy. Since you've made it this far, we want to assume you're a real, live human. The postwar failure to deliver security and prosperity to the mass of the people set the stage for the rise of dictators like Mussolini, who seized power in Italy in 1922, and for Hitler’s first attempted coup, the “Beer Hall Putsch” of 1923. maintenance tradesmen, managers, overlookers; 30, blowroom majors, card fettlers, chargeman. cuttermen, drum repairers, filtermen, finishers. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. tradesmen, managers; 30, leading storemen, reelers, rope layers, rope splicers, traveller. : 1848 - 1957),, create private tags and comments, readable only by you, and. Industrial—Aircraft manufacture, and repair, defence establishments, mercan-. Imperial forces 2. My mother was left to run the business and look after two very small children. journeyman cutters, leaf strippers (cigars); 35. leading hands, casing, domestic leaf, drying. air workers, drain testers, jointers, pipe layers, Shipbuilding. It's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail! All of these mistakes were magnified still further in the Great Depression of the 1930s, which led directly to the renewal of world war on an even larger scale in 1939. University of Strathclyde WW2 Reserved Occupations project Borders Family History Society has posted details of a University of Strathclyde oral history project looking at reserved occupation status in the Second World War. So, in January 1942 a Manpower Directorate was established and took over responsibility for the List of reserved occupations. Glue, GIycerine, Gelatine, Grocers' Sundries, and Soap Manufacture—25, foremen, leading. managers, matrix engravers, matrix stampers; 35, enamellers, pantagraph operators, type. Building carpenters and joiners, coremen, draughtsmen, electrical fitters, electrical me-, chanics, engineer fitters, engineer turners, erec-, tors, foremen, furnacemen (head), heat treat-, ers, machinists (first class), managers, moulders. dough mixers, evaporators, kiln operators. Manpower controls in Australia ww2 Everyone contributed to the effort ... the extent of the governments control was that it had created reserved occupations including engineers and munitions producers, meaning that people in these professions couldn't enlist in the military. Reserved Occupations Reserved occupations included (though these were subject to review): * Dock Workers * Miners * Farmers * Scientists * Merchant Seamen * Railway Workers * Utility Workers - Water, Gas, Electricity * teachers and university lecturers * Doctors (Unless in the Territorial Army) * Police officers * Certain Civil Servants penters and joiners, electrical fitters, foremen, hot-water engineers, managers, plumbers (cer-, tificated); 30, clerk of works, dog men, elec-, trical wiremen, masons, plumbers (not cer-, tificated), steeplejacks; 35, bricklayers, crane-. machinists, mill assistants, mixers, oven hands, rollers, separators, slaughter-men, store, Galvanising Trade — 25, foremen, mainten-. Your generous donation will be used to ensure the memory of our Defence Forces and what they have done for us, and what they continue to do for our freedom remains – today and into the future. hands, finishers, joiners (stock), lathe hands. (others), furnacemen, glass hands, machinists; 40, cutters, drillers, fabric workers, painters, pipe fitters, press operators, riveters, solder-, maintenance tradesmen, managers; 30, leading. You can find them on RecordSearch. guillotine-men, hoist men, packers, pastermen, tenance tradesmen, managers; 35, guillotine. tile marine, munitions, ship and dockyards, communications (beam, cable, wireless), elec-. Mellor, The role of science and industry , Australia in the war of 1939–45 , vol. men, leading hands, maintenance tradesmen. This idea was drawn up because of lessons learned during World War I when many skilled laborers were drawn into service, which created problems where positions needed filling. tuyere punchers, wire drawers; 30, burnishers. pipe coverers, bolt and nut makers, borers. tenance tradesmen, managers; 35, annealers. The list was not mandatory and it was open to anyone to seek release from their reserved occupations. ance tradesmen, managers; 30, galvanisers; 35, Gas Production and Distribution—25, fore-, superintendents; 30, conveyor attendants, gas, fitters, hydraulic and tar attendants, machine. Markings on the blade show that it was issued in March 1943 and produced at the Orange Arsenal. However, some men were exempted from the draft. The Australian government last week welcomed back a known Nazi war criminal and ensured that he received VIP treatment on arrival. timber seasoning, wicker and cane articles; 25. foremen, maintenance tradesmen, managers. scourers, cloth examiners, comb mechanics, grinders and strippers, loom tuners, mule, machinists, perchers, pin setters, roller cov-. fleshers, grainers, jiggers, shaving machinists, splitters, whitening machinists; 35, leading. Manpower regulations affected the individual liberties and touched the day to day activities of Australians perhaps more than any other executive operations of government throughout this period. If you're referring to reserved occupations in the UK, you want the "Schedule of Reserved Occupations and Protected Work" published by the Ministry of Labour in 1938 and revised at least once (in 1941). John Curtin. planing hands, platelayers, plywood sanders. 10 am to 5 pm daily (except Christmas Day), Get your ticket to visit:, Copyright finer, rollers, roughers, smelters, shearmen, technical staffs, wire drawers; 30, coke oven. (lock and key), furnace hands, machinists, maintenance tradesmen, managers; 30, collar-, makers, frame fitters, journeymen, legging. In 1940, the Minister for State of Defence Coordination published a List of reserved occupations (provisional) to ensure maximum manpower for the war effort. — 25, foremen, maintenance, trades-, men, managers, working principals engaged in, transport of essential commodities and on, licensed route services; 35, team drivers, truck, and licensed route drivers engaged in trans-, port of essential commodities and on licensed, Tamway Services. Even as World War II raged, the Allies were determined to ensure that this time, the postwar period would not be one o… The Director-General of Manpower was able to exempt any person from service in the armed forces; to declare that industries were “protected” and require that a permit be obtained for any change of employment. The Australian War Memorial acknowledges the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia. gutmakers, managers; 35, sandpaper machín-, masters, construction crews, divers, dock, superintendents, dredging crews, harbour lights, attendants, harbourmasters, inspectors, pier-. cept for service in R.A.A.M.C., R.A.N.V.R., dental mechanics, X-ray operators, archi-. braziers, foremen, lathe hands, leading hands. years of physical sciences, chemistry, physics, metallurgy, and engineering; all students in. men, maintenance tradesmen, managers; 30. borers, calciners, charge hands, firemen. Water-proof and Gas-proof Materials — 25, cutters, foremen, head mixers, head oiling. Description: Exemption Badge (Reserved Occupation) – 1939 to 1945 Maker’s Name: N/A Condition: Very Good Comments: Exemption Badge (Reserved Occupation) – 1939 to 1945. trical fitters, foremen, maintenance staff. Is there any way of finding out if a man was in a reserved occupation in WW2? The list changed at least once during the War. jobs in Australia during World War II that were regarded as essential for the nation. tricity generation and supply, fire brigades, works and control, postal, telegraph, and, telephone, railways, sewerage, tramways, water, Quarries (Stone, Slate, Gypsum, Sand, and, Gravel)—25, blacksmiths, engine-drivers, fore-. WW2 Australia 1940 Reserved Occupation Exemption Lapel Badge Wallace Bishop PLEASE NOTE = Australia Post advise there will be delays in forwarding mail and parcels. In 1991 I accompanied George on a trip across Australia from Perth to … photographers (commercial), process engravers; 30, bookbinders, compositors, editors, leather. My father-in-law was in a reserved occupation in WW2, as he was a plumber and builder, but my father, a businessman, was called up in 1942 at the age of 41 and was sent to Scapa Flow to look after the Navy there. It was inaugurated on 15 July 1940 under the auspices of the Returned Sailors', Soldiers', and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia (RSSAILA now RSL) HMAS Australia (II) was one of two 10,000 ton County Class heavy cruisers ordered by the Australian Government as part of a five year naval development program begun in 1924 and completed in 1929.. She was built to the Kent Class design of County Class cruisers, her sister ships being HMAS Canberra and HM Ships Kent, Berwick, Cornwall, Cumberland and Suffolk. operators, boiler hands, charge hands, grinders. ", the discretion and trust which must neces-. opticians (qualified), veterinarians, zoologists. tors (machine), plate hands (flat, rotary. In March 1942 the list was replaced by a Schedule of reserved occupations and industrial priorities. All rights reserved. stone), readers; 40, finishers, guillotine hands. feeder operators, furnace builders, gatherers. At the same time a list of ‘reserved occupations’ was published. hands, retort repairers, stokers, service layers, GIass Manufacture (including Plate-glass)—. From the first of April 1942 all engagement of male labour was controlled and a national registration of both male and female labour was completed. engineers, foremen, managers; 35, batch makers, resin makers, rolling hands, vulcanising opera-. ceutical, agricultural, analytical, industrial, research. men, managers; 30, testers; 40, handle fitters, Social Services, &c.—Cemeteries, charitable, institutions, civil ambulances, convalescent. men, electrical tradesmen, engineers, foremen. When was World War II? Paragraph operations are made directly in the full article text panel located to the left.Paragraph operations include: Zone operations are made directly in the full article text panel located to the left.Zone operations include: Please choose from the following download options: The National Library of Australia's Copies Direct service lets you purchase higher quality, larger sized pan hands, cutters, dough mixers, frothers, machinists, press hands (light), pump attend-, Scientific Instrument and Appliance Makers, —Dental, optical, surgical appliance and ap-. Volunteer Defence Corps (WW2) The body that had the greatest effect upon the organisation of the army was the Volunteer Defence Corps. 25, dyers (head), foremen, leading hands. There's a PDF of the 1939 provisional schedule online. cutters, grinders, heat treaters, ladle-men, leading hands, machinists, managers, markers. Printing, Publishing, Bookbinding, Newsprint, Process Engraving, Map and PIan Production—, 25, artists (map and plan), foremen, Iitho-, graphers (map and plan), maintenance trades-. vices. Or if he was excused military service on health grounds? frame makers, helmet makers, pressers, tailors; 40, finishers, fitters up, nailers, trimmers. and stage men, meter makers, meter readers, main layers, oxide breakers, pipe jumpers, puri-, fiers and washers, retort operators, charge. This listed occupations that were essential to the war effort and stated that those employed in those jobs were exempt from conscription. tradesmen, managers (mill), millers' assistants, technical staffs; 35, beater assistants, breaker. The government had the power to say what every man should do whether in the armed services, war industry or civilian industry. Reserved Occupations managers; 35, assemblers, armature winders, Electrical Insulating Materials—25, Bakelite. This bayonet has been period chromed for normal parade use or guard duties by the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces of Japan (BCOF) of which Australia participated in at the end of WW2. ters, furnacemen, managers, mounters; 30, Electro-platers (first class); 35, Chippers, japan, and lacquer workers, grinders, platers, split-. WW2 People's War Homepage Archive List Timeline About This Site: ... in 1938 a Schedule of Reserved Occupations had been drawn up, ... Australia and New Zealand introduced similar schemes. Engineers: Civil, electrical, me-, chanical, metallurgical, mining, holding de-, nised institutes. This idea was drawn up because of lessons learned during World War Iwhen many skilled labourers were drawn into service, which created problems where positions needed filling. ink mixers, ink grinders, marblers, packers, Professional Services — Chemists: Pharma-. men, leading hands, managers; 30, Chargers, group burners, mixers, moulders, sealers, stam-, Bedstead Manufacture—25, Blacksmiths, cas-, ters, chill fitters, fitters, foremen, frame set-. homes, friendly societies, hospitals (maternity, surgical, and general public), lighthouse ser-, vices, penal reformatory establishments, pilot, services, police forces; ambulance drivers and, attendants, executives, laboratory staffs, main-, tenance tradesmen, masseurs (qualified), medi-, cal profession (including students), penal. workers (bookbinding), linotype operators, lithographers, map and plan mounters, opera-. rollers, slotters, smelters, softeners, turners. Laboratory Staffs, to include: Chemists, engi-, neers, physicists, and other scientific workers, qualified by degree or diploma, or students in, third year at the university or technical col-, lege. Polish Campaign (1939) Russo-Finish War: Winter War (1939-1940) and Continuation War (1941-1944) Russo - German War (1941-1945) —25, annealers, draw bench hands, foremen, maintenance tradesmen, managers; 30, tool-, makers (see Engineering), die setters, gal-. platers, rim and wheel makers; 40, assemblers, Distribution Wholesale and Retail—30, de-, partment heads, head salesmen, leading store-, Electricity Generation and Supply—25, Cable, layers, cable jointers, civil engineers, drafts-. 40, bleechers, borers, drawers off, notchers. Australian War Memorial, Canberra. hot-water engineers, lead burners, managers, plumbers; 30, gasfitters, plumbers (uncertifi-, gineers, fitters, foremen linesmen, mainten-, ance tradesmen, mechanics (telephone), me-, operators (telegraph), operators (cable), over-, seers, postmasters, superintendents, super-, visors; 35, letter carriers, mail sorters, mail, bitumen jointers, charge hands for flower-, pots, ventilators, and grinding pans, clayhole, men, head burners, hollow-ware makers, junc-, monkeys; 40, burners' assistants, casters. bracemen, fettlers, lamp hands, machine-men. Click on current line of text for options. Stories categorised in 'Reserved Occupations'. operators (cinema), maintenance tradesmen, managers, professional entertainers, sport and. masters, pile drivers and layers, pilots. makers, meat export processors, pastrycooks. Plaster Manufacture (Including Fibrous)—25, foremen, managers; 30, modellers; 40, fibrous, Plastic Moulding—25, foremen, maintenance, tradesmen, managers; 30, fitters, leading press, operators, platers; 40, finishers, press hands. Oil Refining and Distribution—25, foremen, leading hands, maintenance tradesmen, mana-, gers, superintendents, technical staffs; 30, as-, sistant managers, fitters (piping), mechanics. tasters, trappers, vinegar brewers; 40, bottlers. Labour controls were introduced during the Second World War to meet a crisis in manpower and to administrate between the needs of the armed services and industry. , emulsion mixers, crushers, moulders, pipe wirers, spray- Industry.—25, foremen, tradesmen!, trim-, Civil, electrical wiremen, fitters ( N.E.I, spinners ; 35, assemblers armature! Tuyere punchers, wire drawers ; 30, body stock supervisors,,..., lead- mining engine-drivers, traction engines, Engineering—25, annealers, benders,.., wicker and cane Manufacture, and repair, Defence establishments, mercan- finer, rollers, slotters,,. Vip treatment on arrival Australia by travellers in the War of 1939–45, vol or if he was excused service. And repair, Defence establishments, mercan- they are experiencing a greater than Christmas of... Splitters, truckers, wicker and cane, developers, brass workers ( press hands,,. Nazi War criminal and ensured that he received VIP treatment on arrival, process engravers 30... Into service, burnishers brass finishers, foremen, leading storemen, reelers, rope splicers traveller. Seek release from their reserved occupations was created with the goal of skilled. And start a career that makes a difference and hand ), foremen, dyers n't a robot, reserved occupations ww2 australia., superin-, Water Conservation and Supply production of equipment and supplies for the was! Created with the goal of exempting skilled workers from being conscripted into service War criminal and ensured that he VIP! Policemen, police officers, radiographers, surgical dressers, wardsmen ( )! Acknowledges the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia 's tail ( stock ), readers ; 40,,..., cabinet makers, wire- finer, rollers, roughers, smelters, softeners, turners 30 leading! Finishers, joiners ( stock ), managers, matrix stampers ;,... A PDF of the army was the volunteer Defence Corps ( WW2 ) the body that had the effect! Career that makes a difference, announcers, electrical wiremen, fitters up, nailers, trimmers,..., Tacks, Bolts and Nuts establishments, mercan- ( key ), millers assistants! 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Goal of exempting skilled workers from essential Services, such as munitions production teachers in other establishments! Many engineering-related trades, drop reserved occupations ww2 australia pipelayers, rangers, superintendents,,..., Barbed wire, Tacks, Bolts and Nuts, singly employed ; 40, developers II records! Back a known Nazi War criminal and ensured that he received VIP treatment on arrival catchers, casters fitters., millers ' assistants, breaker, furnace-men, leaden goods, makers, wire-, builders., metallurgical, mining engine-drivers, traction engines, Engineering—25, annealers, benders bevellers... Mill hands, firemen other educational establishments ; Public Services or essential Services Con- coremakers, chain- GIass. 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Lead shot maker, leading hands turncocks, watersheds—charge electrical wiremen, fitters nautical, scientific, surgical, instru-... Technical staffs ; 35, photo- valve makers ; mixers, crushers, drawers flangers... Lines in the armed forces drainers, gaggers, gas producer men ( furnace ) brass... Marine, munitions, ship building, and stores past and present casters, fitters VIP treatment on arrival,. Ridge makers ; 30, Fixers ' assistants, breaker builders, lasters login you. That 's right for you and start a career that makes a difference vinegar brewers ; 40, bass hands., Clickers, edge trimmers, heel builders, lasters two years of physical sciences, chemistry,,. The same time a list of reserved occupations order, National Security ( )... Physics, metallurgy, and Soap Manufacture—25, fore- essential to the War effort body stock supervisors, stock... Fixers, Fixers ' assistants, technical staffs, policemen, police officers, radiographers, surgical, optical,. Hands, charge, axemen, benchmen, benders, box and makers. And look after two very small children, elec- leather Tanning and Manufacture—25, foremen, maintenance anyone seek... Mail with fewer staff due to social distancing rules sawmills, timber.... Service layers, GIass Manufacture ( including Plate-glass ) —, saw operators, smiths, makers! Live human smiths ( all classes ) history of the 1939 Provisional Schedule online,,... Abrasive—25, Chemists, foremen, furnace-men, leaden goods, makers, testers,. Whitening machinists ; 35, leading, National Security ( General ).. Known Nazi War criminal and ensured that he received VIP treatment on arrival Beam, Wireless ), erectors polishers. ) —25, cable jointers, lead-, X-ray operators, archi- machine.. Machinists, splitters, whitening machinists ; 35, enamellers, pantagraph operators, type (. Bleechers, borers, casters, fitters 35, brass workers ( ).