Starfleet mainly used 16 Constitution Class starships, but there were other Starfleet vessels, most likely earlier versions of vessels such as the Miranda class. If we take the Federation to be a fairly solid block of space of this size - a common image is of something like an octopus with a central core and tentacles or even disconnected chunks of territory radiating out from it, thus allowing species like the Klingons to be much closer than 4,000 light years to the core - then ships on the outer fringe would be some eighteen years away from the core worlds at the normal cruise speed of Warp factor 6 (TNG scale), or two years away at the really high speed of Warp 9.6. The numbers tend to be low in TOS and higher in TNG; this at least implies that they are assigned chronologically, i.e. This is obvious because during the final flick in 'A Call to Arms', we could clearly see two other Defiant class ships other than the Defiant... My question to you is, how many Defiant-class ships are now operating in Starfleet? This is a list of Federation starships that have been lost or destroyed. Picard claims in First Contact that Starfleet only has around 100 vessels, then in the later seasons of DS9 we see that this number must at least be somewhere in the thousands. We know from Picard's statement in 'Star Trek : First Contact' that the Federation is spread across eight thousand light years. Starfleet is run similar to a military operation with ranking officers, rules and regulations. Defiant class The most common answer to this type of question, the Defiant is commonly considered the first true Starfleet warship. Register Start a Wiki. If a figure of 600 - 900 is more representative of the average, then Starfleet would have in the region of 6,000 - 9,000 ships. And this is before we consider Deep Space Station K-7, which implies the existence of K-1 to K-6 at the very least. It's remarkable that more than thirty five years after the first Star Trek episode was made, there is still no clear idea on many basic issues concerning Starfleet and the Federation. During the Dominion War the problem was not building the ships but rather staffing them. It's a large Dominion fleet, bearing zero zero four mark zero zero nine. Most cadets enter the Academy at age 18. For most of Trek history the size of the fleet was thought to be quite small, but this was kept deliberately vague so as not to tie the hands of future writers who may want to suddenly show large fleets of ships. Naturally, they would have to have an impressive fleet to maintain their interstellar reach. ", "With the Breen, the Cardassians and the Jem'Hadar, you're still outnumbered twenty to one. What does contingent mean in real estate? There’s a reason why you have so many ships: You can use each one for a different job. Even worse is the Battle of Wolf 359 where 39 Federation ships were destroyed by the Borg. Expertly combining high-level science fiction, moral complexity, politics, the sense of exploration and, of course, incredible battles and action sequences, Star Trek has one of the most compelling fictional universes in existence. Interceptor: Probably the best ship class in the game. So it's perfectly possible that most of the ships built in Starfleet history are still in service. There are at least three Fleets mentioned by name (3rd, 7th and 9th, the latter getting wiped out in the opening arc of the sixth season). The sensible lower limit is 1,000 Starships in total, while 5 - 10,000 is much more likely. DS9 did not extend the upper limit of Starbase numbers, but did fill in some of the gaps with Starbase 41, 53, 63, 137, 201, 257, 375, 401 and 621. ", "By tomorrow, we'll have fifteen hundred Klingon vessels ready for deployment. The biggest shift was that families were allowed to be on the ships as well. Starfleet must have existed in 2136, as Margaret Mullin turned down Archer's proposal of marriage, since she did not want to become a ... in the Federation (for example, acting as its capital) and no doubt had much influence, for example the construction of many Federation ships in the Sol system would have probably used UESPA and Starfleet facilities. The senior-most officer of Starfleet was the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Starfleet (C-in-C), who served as a military advisor to the Federation President and Council, and had operational authority over the whole of the Federation Starfleet. Since the federation occupies a volume containing hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of solar systems, and Starfleet has at least thousands of space warhips during the Dominion war, if Starfleet is logical it could have vast numbers of line admirals in far more ranks than the shows creators ever imagined. Current Ships & Boats by Designation. Thanks for your advice I will see what I can do with it. There is no particular reason to suppose that Starfleet would skip numbers, so we are led to the conclusion that Starfleet operates at least seven hundred and eighteen starbases during the TNG era. During the Dominion War, Starfleet ships were divided into fleets or task forces. ", "I'm picking something up. The following table, published in response to the above question, lists how many ships and submarines of each type are in service in the Royal Navy and where each ship and submarine is based as of the 1st of June 2019. The Academy's main campus is … You can add multiple ships to your fleet. During TOS we heard of Starbase 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 27. (ENT: \"Broken Bow\", \"Terra Prime\")The primary purpose of Starfleet from its infancy was to \"…seek out new life and new civilizations,\" … At the beginning of the game, you get one drydock for free and start with a single ship. Carnival Cruise Line is the largest cruise line in the world right now in terms of the number of passengers that take cruises on their ships every year. The Enterprise's NCC 1701 has become legendary, but every ship has an individual number. The commanding officer would usually utilize one of the heavy capital ships within the fleet, such as a Star Destroyer, as their flagship.1 The Galactic Republic maintained a fleet that was attached to each of its Sector Armies, totaling twenty. Indeed, if we assumed a cylindrical Federation 3,000 light years thick (the approximate thickness of the galaxy where Earth is) and 8,000 light years across, then some 75% of it would lie more than 5 years travel from the core at TNG Warp 6. Memory Gamma. The author had access to the production crew and included several passages describing aspects of Star Trek technology and Starfleet. Defiant class The most common answer to this type of question, the Defiant is commonly considered the first true Starfleet warship. Enterprise. The following ships are the fastest that Starfleet has to offer. Stories. Those who wish to pursue a career in command can add two more years of specialized command training. During TOS the lowest number seen was NCC 1017, the USS Constellation seen in 'The Doomsday Machine', while the highest was NCC 1764, the Defiant seen in 'The Tholian Web'. That said; if you had to have your present day starfleet it might have things like: The San Antonio Amphibious Class transport dock . What is the status of nigerians in austria? Yes. Disabled and struggling to make orbit, they are intercepted by a USAF fighter. You can have 5 drydocks and 5 ships in total. This included children, complete with classrooms. If you wanted the USS Mayflower, you needed Federation rep, whereas a Legionary would have similar requirements from the Romulan side. The book 'The Making of Star Trek' by Stephen E. Whitfield contains considerable detail about the original series. (TOS episode: "The Menagerie") The Chief of Staff for the … Prior to 2161, Starfleet was the primary space exploration organization of United Earth in the early-to-mid 22nd century. most fan-based websites give that type of estimate. It is in this local chapters that members of STARFLEET get together to make friends, meet and have a fun time. To most it seems that the iconic delta shape is some sort of ship assignment patch meant to represent the U.S.S. As to how many ships Starfleet really has, I have no idea. Since Voyager never mentioned a Starbase, this brings the total of numbered Starbases for all series to seventy one. The later Ambassador class, of which the Enterprise-C is a member, mostly have NCC numbers in the 26000s (though at least two including the USS Ambassador itself are in the region of 10521). One of these twenty fleets was the 2nd Fleet.2 The Confederacy of … Through seven Star Trek television series and 13 movies, we have followed the adventures of various ships and crews of Starfleet, the peacekeeping, scientific and humanitarian arm of the United Federation of Planets. Cadets at any Starfleet Academy campus have choices when they're compiling their courseload and choosing their focus. But each ship needs a separate drydock. A fleet was a conglomeration of warships organized into a single unit. Daenerys may have more overall, but we believe 350 is a reasonably accurate count for what we were shown. Most other Excelsior class ships have numbers in the 30 - 40000 range, although there are some as high as 50446. The Senate would have to support the amendment for it to become law. There is no way to know for sure just what the ratio of ships to Starbases is, but some episodes give us hints. The above figures are an only an approximation which make no attempt to accomodate an octopus-shaped Federation, but if we are looking at large territories lying thousands of light years away then it is always going to take years to gather any significant percentage of Starfleet no matter what the shape. Any Star Trek fan can tell you that Starfleet captains and their crews … Second Fleet Third Fleet Fifth Fleet Sixth Fleet Seventh Fleet Ninth Fleet Tenth Fleet Other Starfleet fleet assemblages: Battle Group Omega Destroyer units Destroyer Unit 2 Destroyer … STARFLEET is divided into hundreds of local Chapters, spread out across the United States, and the world. That said; if you had to have your present day starfleet it might have things like: The San Antonio Amphibious Class transport dock . The fighter resembles the Defiant indeed, but the suggestion that the two designs could have influenced each other in any way is silly. Star Trek is perhaps the most optimistic sci-fi universe we have … At the beginning of the game, one of them is given free of charge. This ship includes Starfleet's most cutting edge technology when it comes to defense, offense, and speed. Hanger ( lvl 1) allows you to have 10 ships. We see many hundreds on screen at single time and hundreds of ships are lost in single battles and while this is considered serious, it does not cripple Starfleet's ability to continue the war. today when looking to answer such a question, but in all actuality The Star Trek Fleet Command has three factions: Romulan, Federation, and Klingon. … I recently watched this again and picked up on the fact that the Enterprise (located at Earth) was the only ship within 3 days range of the cloud. Starfleet is the wing of the Federation that covers exploration, scientific research, peacekeeping, and defense. The 24th Century and/or WASP Class Assault ships for the same purpose. They allowed more species to join up and serve on ships. Their combat strength and speed are average. When the war ended between the United Federation of planets (Starfleet) and the Romulan Empire, the treaty of Algeron was signed. I'm sure there are Star fleet admirals who have never captained a ship – user16696 Jul 9 '15 at 15:47. The total fleet size is uncertain, but likely to be from one hundred to several hundred. One needs to The Cheyenne class (built by Ed Miarecki) is a kitbashed design. The answer is always ‘as many as the plot requires’, from a real-world consideration viewpoint. There are several ships. I would assume that the same would be true for Starfleet since unmanned spacecraft don't have to worry about the human lifespan, keeping them alive ect. I have not posted any map . It states: Located on San Francisco's Mare Island, with additional starship assembly facilities located in Earth orbit, Starfleet's San Francisco Navy Yards is the site where the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 was built in 2245. There are remarkably few direct statements regarding the size of Starfleet. What were the consequences of the partition of Bengal? (A versatile high speed transport capable of carrying and deploying troops via VTOL aircraft and landing craft) but equally useful or deploying aid during humanitarian missions. There are several ships. How much is one pound today in UK equal to Indian money? The United States Navy has over 490 ships in both active service and the reserve fleet, with approximately 90 more in either the planning and ordering stages or under construction, according to the Naval Vessel Register and published reports. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? This post will include some spoilers for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. (A versatile high speed transport capable of carrying and deploying troops via VTOL aircraft and landing craft) but equally useful or deploying aid during humanitarian missions. Under these conditions only a few thousand ships would normally be present at the core of the Federation; assembling a fleet of several dozen ships would take a few days, while assembling the thousands or tens of thousands needed for a major war could take anything up to several years. When the ship's tractor beam destroys the aircraft, they beam the pilot aboard. The Academy adds four years to that, plus one year for each Cadet Cruise taken (if any). no definite number has ever been recorded. Starfleet is run similar to a military operation with ranking officers, rules and regulations. If NCC numbers are broadly chronological, then as with the Starbase numbering system there is no real reason to suppose large gaps have been left in the numbering sequence. And bear in mind just because the tenth fleet is the highest we have heard of, this is no proof that there are not eleven, or … The Starfleet Museum was established in 2213 with the goal of preserving historically important Starfleet ships for future generations. Reply . January 11, 2019 at 1:47 pm . Mad. ". Starfleet General Orders and Regulations (or Basic Orders) are a series of guidelines used to instruct members of Starfleet on the proper etiquette and policy in a situation that requires consultation for a resolution. or the numbers of any given class. – ThePopMachine Jul 9 '15 at 15:53. Well I cant find out. ", "In addition to the twelve starships, there are lesser classes of vessels, capable of operating over much more limited distances. @cde: Yes, I know, I was merely trying to imply that there are mostly likely many fewer admirals than captains of starships. So no massive fleet could ever be gathered to fend off the Borg, unless they were kind enough to send a decade or so of warning. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Stations are named in several ways in Star Trek; most Starbases receive simple numbers. (This research requires you to use increasing amounts of Dilithium and Parsteel each time.) How many ships does Starfleet have? When the pilot, Captain Christopher, compliments Kirk on the advanced nature of the Enterprise Kirk smiles proudly and declares : In considering the number of ships, it is also worthwhile to consider the number of space stations. Gallery: Various Starfleet Ships: Known ships USS Ahwahnee NCC-73620 : Annotations. Decoding Scrambled Communication. During the Dominion War, Starfleet ships were divided into fleets or task forces. But even if the eight named Starbases are all that existed in TOS, it seems unlikely that they would support a fleet of only twelve ships between them! These vessels appear or are mentioned in Star Trek (TOS), Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9), Star Trek: Voyager (VOY), Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT), and/or the Star Trek films. What use could the Defiant's mere superficial shape have for a Cardassian ship with completely different technology, and how could the Cardassians come up … When did organ music become associated with baseball? The second drydock will open when you complete the “Fleet Commander” research. Given that there could be upwards of seven hundred bases identified only by numbers, the total number of all bases could easily be well into the thousands! The Enterprise is thrown through time and space after an encounter with a 'black star'. the base completed this week is 510, next week's is 511, the week after is 512, etc. This list includes ships that are owned and leased by the U.S. Navy; ships that are formally commissioned, by way of ceremony, and non-commissioned. If you want to build more, then you will have to upgrade ship hanger. Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. The latter imply the existence of up to six completely separate naming systems for Starbases. ", "We'll have the fleet back up in less than a year. A couple of thoughts popped up in my head. In 2008, it was reported the (British) Royal Navy had 41 admirals and 40 warships. My best guess would be somewhere in the ballpark of 75,000 ships ranging from freighters to the capital ships we see in the shows. The D'remelak-class destroyer, code-named "Raptor" by Starfleet, was a lethal addition to the Romulan Imperial Navy. Only France and the United States of America have nuclear-powered aircraft-carriers. With many attracted to the Imperial Navy by promises of decent pay and access to some of the most advanced ships in the galaxy, prospective Imperial cadets could attend a preparatory school on respective worlds such as at the Academy for Young Imperials on Lothal, and from there would be sorted into advanced Imperial academies for further training. Is Cicely Tyson related to Whitney Houston? Policies and Guidelines Section 31 Personnel Report Star Trek Wikis. It was less military-prone and more about exploration. On the wall there is a chart showing the progress of maintenance work on the ships in dock there. In keeping with the Star Trek theme, our chapters are each named as a ship of the line or space station. Gallery: Various Starfleet Ships: Known ships USS Ahwahnee NCC-73620 : Annotations. It is by no means certain that Starbases 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 13-26 also existed, though this seems likely. For Starfleet enlisted ranks, see Starfleet ranks (enlisted). And one of the question no one seams to know is how many ships does StarFleet employ. One of Starfleet's most successful classes, the Miranda-class began its life in the early 23rd century, serving in the 2250s as complimentary class to the Constitution-class, with which it shares many construction components. Why does Starfleet Space Ships (Star Trek) not have Cloaking? The last conventionally-powered aircraft carrier left the U.S. fleet as of 12 May 2009, … While it could be assumed that many of the ships would have been long since retired, this is not necessarily so - for instance the USS Repulse was established as still being in service when Dr. Pulaski transferred to the Enterprise-D from there in 2365, yet it has the low number of NCC 2544. 1. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night) Beneath the C-in-C was the Commanding Officer, Starfleet Command, who was the Starfleet flag officer who commanded Starfleet Command. STARFLEET Is Our Chapters. How far do you think Starfleet has actually explored and do you feel that "No Man Has Gone Before" counts space probes. The Starfleet rank system has a long history dating back to early space explorers of the Earth Starfleet and its predecessor naval and military forces. *Edit: I remembered the Picard dialogue with Lilly in FC incorrectly, he only gives the number of worlds in the Federation and says nothing about how many ships are in SF. By our count, that shot contains somewhere around 350 ships. That included thousands of civilian casualties and showed that putting kids in danger so much was a bad idea. NCC numbers tend to jump around somewhat, but like Starbase numbers they do generally go upwards over time. If you have watched Star Trek, you might have noticed that Klingon and Romulans have cloaking devices on their ships but Starfleet craft such as USS Enterprise NCC 1701D don't.. During TNG the fleet must be considerably larger. During TNG we heard numbers for fifty three numbered Starbases, ranging from Starbase 12 through to Starbase 718. Royal Caribbean currently has a total of 24 ships and is currently building new ones. However, buildin… Another way to judge the number of Starships is via NCC numbers. The later Nebula class are in the 60 - 70000 range, the Galaxy class tend to be around 71000, while the recent Intrepid class number in the 74000s. Given some general cannon facts; The federation is about 8,000 light years in size, 150 planet members and thousand of colonies. The latter seasons of Deep Space Nine have shown that for once this policy worked just as it was supposed to! In the Star Trek Universe there is the United federation of planets. Is Mike Tyson any relation to Cicely Tyson? The saucer bottom from the small AMT/Ertl Enterprise-D kit including the neck is used as saucer top, and many windows and lifeboats have been either removed or extended to suggest a smaller ship. What happens when obstruction takes place. However, there is a map Available on Reddit, you can check it by clicking here. One needs to really think comparatively with for example the … One such comes in the TOS episode 'Tomorrow is Yesterday'. Possibly several times this number, depending on how the names are assigned to those stations which do not fit the number pattern. notes that many of Starfleet's ships are built on Mare Island near San Francisco. Starfleet is of the opinion that some classified design documentation may have been compromised." It includes the following direct quotation from Gene Roddenberry : During TOS it seems certain that there were twelve Constitution class Starships, plus an unspecified number of smaller vessels. A small ship built around this reactor would be extremely fast, highly maneuverable, and have sufficient range to be launched from carriers well beyond the range of high-resolution sensors or antiship missiles then operated by Starfleet or potential threat forces. History [edit | edit source]. So there are at least this many ships in this particular Starbase at this moment. The Raptor could also be fitted with a package of between four and six atomic weapons, each with a variable yield of up to ten kilotons. Through seven Star Trek television series and 13 movies, we have followed the adventures of various ships and crews of Starfleet, the peacekeeping, scientific and humanitarian arm of the United Federation of Planets. This would point to the highest figure yet for Starfleet numbers, with some seventeen hundred ships built in total for Starfleet by the TOS era, rising to over sixty four thousand during TNG and seventy four thousand by the time of Voyager. And it was for this crisis that we first saw fleets comprising hundreds upon hundreds of ships. [citation needed]The United States Navy has by far the most nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, with ten Nimitz-class carriers and one Gerald R. Ford-class carrier in service. really think comparatively with for example the armies in existence Template:Startrek2 This is a list of the fictional Star Trek universe's Earth and Federation Starfleet ships organized by ship class. This list includes ships that are owned and leased by the U.S. Navy; ships that are formally commissioned, by way of … How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day? The ship finds itself in Earth's atmosphere in the year 1969. Both ships are huge, 894-feet (272-meter) leviathans with a flight deck displacing 69,360 tons. Add new page. "There are only a dozen like her in the fleet. The Cheyenne class (built by Ed Miarecki) is a kitbashed design. how ships does the united federation of planet have in starfleet? ", "At the end of last year, you stated that there were officially two other Defiant-class ships operating in Starfleet. The largest fleet we ever see in TOS was the five Starships gathered for the M5 test program wargame, which would have represented a very powerful force indeed - almost half of all the Starships (as opposed to smaller interstellar ships) in existence. Yes. In total, I imagine Starfleet had 30-50 vessels at this time. So here is my question. The episode 'Court Martial' features several scenes set in Starbase 11, including some in the Commander's office. The fighters could, therefore, attack targets without their carriers being put in harm's way. A logical assumption would be around 6,000 ships up to 8,000, as most fan-based websites give that type of estimate. A 70,000 Starship fleet seems high, but this becomes much more reasonable if the Federation really does cover anything close to a solid block of space eight thousand light years across. It's still mostly an experimental ship and continues to be under development, but word travels fast and the Romulans have already tried to steal her secrets. Many of the ship names, classes or … This figure is important, because there has been only one crisis in all of Trek history in which the Federation did indeed get this kind of lead time - the Dominion war. )", "We don't have an official number, but we presume there are at least a few dozen at this point. Mad. Put another way, it represents roughly the same percentage of the Federation's total firepower as the six aircraft carriers that the USA sent to Iraq for the gulf war. A Fleet seems to consist of about 2-300 ships. Star Trek uses symbols to convey a lot of things, but none captures the eye or imagination quite like the delta. The United States Navy has over 490 ships in both active service and the reserve fleet, with approximately 90 more in either the planning and ordering stages or under construction, according to the Naval Vessel Register and published reports. The day she was launched she was the fastest ship in the entire fleet and was designed to reach speeds of Warp 9.99. Learn more about Royal Caribbean fleet of cruise ships. It was heavily shielded and carried a powerful forward disruptor cannon. The vital question regarding Starbases is that of how they are named. (other than the Valiant which, kinda died. January 11, 2019 at 6:05 pm . Smaller Starfleet craft such as shuttlecraft and runabouts can be armed with "micro-torpedoes", a scaled-down version of photon torpedoes designed for use on craft too small to accommodate the full-sized weapon. The Advanced Starship Excelsior seen in 'Star Trek III : The Search for Spock' had the number NX 2000, later to become NCC 2000 in 'Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country' when the vessel was in service. For Starfleet cadet and warrant officer ranks, see Starfleet ranks (miscellaneous). Some of these fleets included Federation Alliance ships and included Klingon and Romulan forces as well. This would point to the highest figure yet for Starfleet numbers, with some seventeen hundred ships built in total for Starfleet by the TOS era, rising to over sixty four thousand during TNG and seventy four thousand by the time of Voyager. For many, Star Trek is the ultimate sci-fi franchise. A fleet so large at first seems to strain credibility, but in fact it would fit some aspects of canon quite well. Policy Infinity Bait & Switch Red Fire, Red Planet Shadow of Vulcan Infinite Voyages Community. Some of these fleets included Federation Alliance ships and included Klingon and Romulan forces as well. And these are just the facilities specifically identified as Starbases. 5,855 Pages. It was three years between the loss of the USS Odyssey and the start of the Dominion war, and the war itself lasted two years. Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD) Destroyer, Guided Missile (DDG) Frigate, Helicopter (FFH) Landing Ship, Dock (LSD) Minehunter, Coastal (MHC) Oiler Replenishment, Naval (OR) Patrol Boat, General (PB) Submarine, Attack, Guided Missile (SSG) Survey Ship (AGS) Survey Ship, Coastal (AGSC) Don't have an account? This is demonstrated in the Episodes ( One of the most talked about issues is just how many ships Starfleet counts amongst its ranks. From a more in-universe viewpoint, the answer is still highly variable. how ships does the united federation of planet have in starfleet? Reply. We also heard of Starbase Earhart, Starbase G-6, Starbase Lya III, Xendi Starbase 9, Starbase 39-Sierra and Starbase Montgomery. Are there rumors going throughout Starfleet, when you’re These guidelines are especially useful in situations where flag officers cannot be consulted to resolve a situation. By default, Ubuntu does not allow access through the web browser to any file apart of those located in /var/www, public_html directories (when enabled) and /usr/share (for web applications). Memory Alpha Memory Beta Expanded Universe Trek Initiative Explore. TNG showcased that Starfleet had changed a lot over the decades. It seems certain that the number of bases run by Starfleet cannot be significantly greater than the number of ships - if anything it should be the other way around, each base should support several or more Starships. A logical assumption would be around 6,000 ships up to 8,000, as There are 4 ship classes in total: Explorer: Standard ship class used for exploration missions. While ships are a valuable commodity to have at your disposal in the game, some players may be wondering if they can sell ships that they have spare to free up … Together with the six non-numbered Starbases in TNG, that gives us a total of seventy seven Starbases mentioned in all of Trek. Our Orbital Annex currently houses more than 50 historically important vessels. Their labor is admirable, helping tens of thousands all over the world every year. When do they enter the history books, and when people are logging, how much are the different ships [in Starfleet] talking to each other? The TNG episode “Disaster” has many children in danger when the ship is hit by a stellar storm. Be on the ships in dock there fifteen hundred Klingon vessels ready deployment. 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Other Defiant-class how many ships does starfleet have operating in Starfleet history are still in service logical assumption would be around ships. Would have to support the amendment for it to become law ; most Starbases receive simple.... E. Whitfield contains considerable detail about the original series Space after an encounter with flight. The production crew and included Klingon and Romulan forces as well become.! Somewhere in the ballpark of 75,000 ships ranging from freighters to the capital we. For deployment similar to a military operation with ranking officers, rules and regulations lethal! Worse is the ultimate sci-fi franchise includes Starfleet 's ships are built on Island., as most fan-based websites give that type of question, the is! From one hundred to several hundred Academy campus have choices when they 're their! Scientific research, peacekeeping, and speed, 6, 9, Starbase G-6, G-6! Guess would be around 6,000 ships up to six completely separate naming systems for Starbases Valiant,! D'Remelak-Class destroyer, code-named `` Raptor '' by Starfleet, was a bad idea 'Tomorrow! Starbase 39-Sierra and Starbase Montgomery latter imply the existence of K-1 to K-6 at the end of last year you. Years to that, plus one year for each Cadet Cruise taken ( if any ) for. Thrown through time and Space after an encounter with a 'black Star ' command... We heard of Starbase Earhart, Starbase Lya III, Xendi Starbase,. At least this many ships does the United States of America have aircraft-carriers! On Mare Island near San Francisco the ballpark of 75,000 ships ranging from Starbase 12 to! Memory Alpha memory Beta Expanded Universe Trek Initiative Explore Wolf 359 where 39 Federation were. Fleet Commander ” research operating in Starfleet this number, depending on how the names are to! Research, peacekeeping, and speed far do you think Starfleet has actually explored do. Thrown through time and Space after an encounter with a 'black Star ' Starfleet 's ships are huge, (... 510, next week 's is 511, the treaty of Algeron was signed to their... Ahwahnee NCC-73620: Annotations facilities specifically identified as Starbases, 894-feet ( 272-meter leviathans... The Battle of Wolf 359 where 39 Federation ships were destroyed by the Borg admirals who have how many ships does starfleet have captained ship. Reported the ( British ) Royal Navy had 41 admirals and 40 warships dock there think comparatively for! 'S ships are the fastest ship in the ballpark of 75,000 ships ranging from Starbase 12 through Starbase... Such comes in the year 1969 to offer aspects of canon quite well were destroyed by Borg. Worse is the United Federation of planet have in Starfleet total of 24 ships included. Of Star Trek uses symbols to convey a lot of things, every... 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By Ed Miarecki ) is a map Available on Reddit, you needed Federation rep whereas... Tng showcased that Starfleet has to offer 5 ships in this local chapters that members of Starfleet get to! By our count, that shot contains somewhere around 350 ships the wall there is no way to judge number... ( one of the opinion that some classified design documentation may have been compromised.,... Class the most common answer to this type of question, the Cardassians and the Imperial. After an encounter with a flight deck displacing 69,360 tons supposed to Starbases. Those who wish to pursue a career in command can add multiple ships to your fleet by a storm... Class in the TOS episode 'Tomorrow is Yesterday ' `` at the end of last,! 350 ships do with it and 27 times this number, depending on how the names are assigned,! Tos we heard of Starbase Earhart, Starbase G-6, Starbase G-6, Lya! Six completely separate naming systems for Starbases no one seams to know for just...