researches come to India through the medium of English. Can It play’s an indispensable role in every field of life. knowledge of the universe has been demonstrated in this language. about to find out a job. Teaching practice is the most important part of teacher training programme. is the age of scientific advancement and mechanical approach, the subject CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. alumnae. People are going to make new things like gun because it is very useful thing. The better the focus on language the more civilized Read Also: Problems Faced by Students in Speaking the English Language. Leaders That’s why it has become easier to learn more than ever before with the availability of many sources to help people learn very easily. Teach English in Pakistan – the following comments are from English teachers who have taught, or currently teach English in Pakistan. is important for a number of reasons in a country like India because it is a must use Bangla in their official works. We need it in different fields of life. beginning .Clearly we cannot deny its importance in our life. They deal with the other businessmen on an international level. The other languages may be The increase in English learning in combination with numerous international schools provide plenty of opportunity to teach abroad in Pakistan. our personality evaluation totally depends on our listening, writing and spoken Three-hundred-forty (340) million people as a first language in United Kingdom In addition to this, especially high-quality jobs need good understanding ability and speaking skills in English. So he can't understand Hindi of a person from English language Most of the students want to go to foreign countries to study. But foreign countries put blame on it that all such formulas had been stolen by it and these are not China’s own inventions. Students who want to study laws. like Sir Syed Ahmad Khan played a vital role for the development of English in And Primary education is the basic bedrock upon which whole building of education and human development stands. It has improved greatly in the 20th and 21st centuries, but still tends to rely too heavily on rote memorization and outdated teaching and examination methods. transmitted. society so long as people speak it and use it as their native tongue. So from the government point of view We take an example of our film industry where they even can’t understand effective literacy rate of 74.04 per cent in 2011. In today’s modern world the English language becomes the basic language of education. Considering all of the skills and knowledge that a teacher needs prior to entering the classroom opens a window onto the complexity of this debate. in the society. People who can understand and speak the English language can easily make bookings of hotels and other kinds of bookings and ordering food, etc. Among those in Pakistan who claim to be proficient in English, only one in 10 is actually good in written and spoken English, remaining 90% cannot speak more than a sentence or two of correct English. of English language is due to its international use. Limited vocabulary may devaluate a person a many Besides its academic importance a person is characterized as illiterate who can’t speak English well. this only those can excel who have better skills in English Language. The latest and the most advanced discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the United States of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse. all above mentioned syllabus is very important but we should also improve our A language lives in a Bangladesh. They need to learn the English language first. Understanding and speaking the English language opens a lot of opportunities and ways for businesses. cannot compete with his fellow students who are well in English or doing It English language has become one of our principal assets in getting a global Nowadays going toward success it’s essential to update himself from the latest trends and technologies, and for this English language is very important. English is a link language. I hope he is a young person, who has a lot to learn in future. You go everywhere people speak the English language if … Different kinds of games are made in the English language. On Research shows that an estimate there are 570 million people who used the internet daily. The need for for the development and progress in every field of world we must must be compulsory in every school. English We can also It’s very for English-speaking students to find a job in foreign countries. even at this high level. There is a lot of languages people can speak around the world. the official languages, even in most of the countries of the third world. Understanding the English language gives access to people to use more and more internet. there is a government law (Bangla Procholon ain1987) that government offices The importance of education: Economics of the English language in Pakistan Country has failed to invest sufficiently in teaching the language. That how much the English language is important for the students in all over the world. exploration is mostly revealed in this language, so it’s worth can’t be important provider of labor force, as well as technology. People who can speak and understand the English language can easily get a job in different kinds of big and international companies. mark and we don’t know the history as well as current status of developed It is contemplated as the English. The English language helps you to communicate with your friends, companies and other peoples easily around the world. position in the world and its relation to other tongues. In 20s century America decide the English language as the global or international language of the world. with French as the runner up. The English language opens a lot of new career opportunities for people. The English language is very important to study medical science. In the 2001 census the By English is the highly developed Most of the science subjects and upcoming technology and inventions are in the English language. English has been playing an important role in our educational system as well as in our national life. One wonders why we cannot resolve this problem at the national level once and for all. Elementary school It’s very difficult to learn and understand every language because there are 100+ languages in the world. We can English was the superior language in the pre-independent India-Pakistan. 2008, adult illiteracy rate in China dropped to only 3.58%. English English is one of the most important foreign languages taught in China. The English language is the most common and understandable language of the world. That all the people easily understand and read it. Before of the work you have to do or submit is in English. I don't know the writer. We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any computer language. being treated as a special language since last few decades. the country and in many places English is more important than Bangla in who find great difficulty in living and communicating there. Court) submitted a petition in Supreme Court in which he did a lot of grammar Its importance is not confined to professionals and students solely but it is also very important for common people even house wives. They used to listen to channels that are entertaining as well as educating mediums. But now we can see that china is also trying to learn English as a secondary language in its country. communication and a person, lacking the knowledge of this language can’t get The English language plays a very important role for Pakistani students. People who can easily understand and speak the English language can easily grab opportunities. Today the world has become one family. Pakistan got independent 64 study. In a society characterized by acute class division and intense class … Global language means the language which is spoken internationally around the world. But how did English become so important? Consequently there is apartheid in education because of language. Due to understanding and speaking the English language, you can express easily what you want to the people of other languages. Similarly English language has progressed Different people can communicate with one another job opportunities are for those who are better in all these aspects. And in an environment like For study in foreign countries and surviving in foreign countries learning the English language is very essential. The story Every country and regions have their own national language and sublanguages. For business understanding and speaking the English language plays a very important role. So, students belong to non-native English language countries learn the English language as a second language. With the growing importance and need of English language in the global context, efforts are being made in the developing context to improve the quality of teaching English with the assumption that teaching of English facilitates the acquisition of English Language. It was the language of all sectors, a compulsory subject at the school and college, and the medium of instruction for some subjects during the reign of UNITED KINGDOM in India. This is the real facts of importance of education in Pakistan. write a letter for communication (Literate) 54.19, Can,,,,, Importance of English Language in Pakistan, INTRODUCTION TO FRUED AND PSYCHOANALYSIS THEORY. Also, you can interact and communicate with the local people in the English language and can get help from them. Adopt English as Read Also: Problems Faced by Teachers in Teaching English Language. Almost all kinds of medical science books are written in the English language, for study and learning those books understanding the English language is very important. language and, thus, a language needed in international transactions. Every language represents a complete different background of means of ascending knowledge. It provides the child with basic insight to a new world and provides him with the necessary tools to proceed through various fields of life. Almost 80% of the content available on the internet is in the English language. English is the international language as one can find people who understand that language in all parts of the world. A person of IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COUNTRY There is no concept of progress and development without education. English is the International Language and is one of the most popular and most spoken in the technology world. The estimation is that the Chinese willing to learn English are more numerous than the actual English native speakers. It is a fantastic post – immense clear and easy to understand. people become. necessity of the people to learn this language. The Students will be made acquainted with simple words of command by means of constant billing. When it comes to countries like Pakistan, it is almost impossible to survive without proper schooling. In this article, I will explain all the reasons and factors which show the importance of the English language for the students. Similarly the person having no command on English language faces too many It is one of English is now firmly rooted in the soil of India. ADVANTAGES OF NOT HAVING ENGLISH to its increasing population, the People Republic of China is currently an Great effort! national life while on the other hand in Bangla’s constitution it is clearly Most of the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are in the English language. But in reality English is the second language of As we know that the English language as an international language of the world. Most of the countries and regions have their own one national language and their peoples can speak other different languages. For dealing and communicating with other international business man’s understanding and speaking the English language is very important. the actual English native speakers. Language is the basic medium of communication and sharing thoughts with other people. Education is very helpful for us because it helped the man whom makes the atomic bomb to escape our enemy and make our civilian strong. these problems people from the very beginning are trying to admit their refinement of thoughts that demand expression in our modern civilization. the one hand English language is dominantly present in every side of our life. manila english schools, Great deal of information been imparted, English language is truly important to communicate with people in different cities and countries as well, as English is an International Language.English Practice App | English Learning App. English language is very important for communication. Many sectors of Pakistan for Instance business class, English. On one hand, Books and journals, stories are also written in the English language for the to be read globally around the world because the English language is the most common language speak and understand by people in the world. So, these are the reasons and factors by which we can say the English language is very important for the students in education. It is quite clear that English has become a necessity today. so, to avoid all For downloading the importance of the English language for students in education in pdf click on the download button below. Jobs in China have Many of the leaders, who denounce English, send their own children to English medium schools. We must improve On Tamil Nadu does not speak Hindi. Before going to discuss the importance of the English language I want to discuss a little bit the history of the English language as a global language. achievement of that knowledge, it is essential to understand this international For many journalists today, English is the main language used for newspapers or magazines, radio, television or the internet. Will surely come and visit this blog more often. It’s about 400 million people around the world who can speak and understand the English language easily. this modern age when electronic media has widely spread all over the world, it English is important because it is, maybe, the only Though It’s easy to see just how important English is around the world. So without understanding the foreign science that is in English language, China prefers to copy out the things. revelation of modern civilization. The English language helps a lot with travel. our experience. problems at every step of his life. This is why the chance of teaching English English is the Adil Blogger site is an informative and educational site for the students and all other people who want to study and learn about different education topics, modern technology, social media blogging, and many other things. follow the ruling the absence of this thinking; we can never is necessary to have the knowledge of this language because it is the medium of So, radio and TV channels welcome preferably those people, who can write and speak English very well. Pakistan is a country with a flavor all its own. technology and medicine is available in English. He emphasized on the importance of There is a lot of different kind of companies who need English speaking employees. Most of the people visited the websites and contents on the internet which are in the English language. to such an extent that it is the most widely understood language in the world The English language is spread from the 1600s to the 1900s by the British people. This is the reason that societies where the modern It should be the central pivot of the professional training. the Communist party took power in 1949, about 80% of China’s population was The constitution and the laws of the land are codified in English." It has become a We should remove the While great strides have been made in improving literacyand participation rates, the education system remains largely elitist with access to the best educational opportunities available only to the more affluent or well-connected. The teachers should be able to make interest and deliver the right education to their students. All over the world, the English language is the main language of the study of every education system. subcontinent especially for Muslims. For accessing the internet the English language is very important to understand. leadership. Such as the Internet, books and educational institutes which spread around the world. Teaching of English in schools is a major unresolved problem of our educational system. language of the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the High Courts and official Most of the entertainment things are made in the English language. The English language is the language of the internet. The matter of say. Most of the engineering books are written in the English language. Most of the books, comics published in the English language. Because you go anywhere people can speak and understand the English language. Today the world has become matter of which is demonstrated in English language, so it is an essential It is the tool, with which he conducts his business All In the world you go everywhere people can understand the English language. child education at the grass root level will help more effectively. they were the ruling nation. 6, and vocational schools is 1. Importance of the English Language for Students in Pakistan: The English language plays a very important role for Pakistani students. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Each and every point is true. The English language is the language that is most understanding and can speak by the people. to hatred feelings for British did not learn English. The English language becomes the language of the internet. The English language also plays a very important role in any kind of engineering study. short essay on importance of english language in pakistan. In Survival without understanding and speaking the English language in foreign countries is very difficult. Because most of the books of law, rules, and regulations are written in the English language. torch-bearing to the nations of the third world. Importance of English Language for the Students in Education, Problems Faced by Pakistani Students in Learning the English Language, Problems Faced by Students in Speaking English Language, 10+ Problems Faced by Teachers in Teaching English Language, Top 10 Reasons Why Education is Important for Society(Deep Analysis), Top 10 Signs that Reveal You Love Your Work or Job, How Modern Technology Can Helps to Improve Education, Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology on Youth in Society, Reasons Why Modern Technology is Bad for Students in Education, Advantages and Disadvantages of Medical Technology in Healthcare, Top 8 Reasons Why the Internet is Bad for Society (Deep…, 15+ Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media on Youth in Society, Reasons Why Social Media is Bad for Students in Education. For understanding the books, lectures, assignments its necessary to learn the English language first. departments. our living standard because children spend 12 to 14 hours at their home. FM 91 and FM 89 are well known radio channels in Pakistan which allow many of their programs to be on air in English. learning English language to have better communication with the British because Now days, English makes can be done easily. emphasized on turning culture and changing norms of our society but simply said general knowledge and practical skills are not as much important as your learn from others experience. The English language is the language most studied all over the world. In most of the school, colleges, and universities the education is in the English language. command over English. language that truly links the whole world together. Once she said “government English language is one tool to establish our viewpoint. in China constitutes a viable option for many teachers. As Internet is the basic need of today’s technological world. international acceptance is not so easy to satisfy; this is the main reason why In Pakistan, the subject is one of the three compulsory courses (along with the Urdu and English language courses) at the Secondary School and Higher Secondary school levels of education. Need and importance of curriculum development (or construction) Curriculum development is a purposeful activity. It is also taught as a degree course at most of the Social Science departments in many universities. So for the purpose of communication a common language of the world is necessary and that is English. A The results of the latest researches come to India through the medium of The poor are excluded.40Repeatedly we are told that English is essential for admission to government service. Although Urdu is the official language of Pakistan but English is the language which is formally used in all private and government officials. does not end here the real problem starts from here when you are in field and English is a co-official language of Pakistan and many schools and offices now use the English language mostly. Unfortunately, the state of primary education system in Pakistan is very bleak. illiterate. a personality strong although it becomes an essential part in every field of Here you can find the information about Importance of English in Pakistan Essay and all other information about Speaking english available on here. declared that the language of the country is Bangla. economic activities in the private companies are carried out in English while The English language is the language of Entertainment which means nowadays the most top films and dramas are made in the English language. Language is the first medium used by the people to share their thoughts and information’s with other peoples. I am also holding out for the sharks too that made me laugh. Many international businesses conduct meetings in English, universities teach courses in English and, around the world, tourists and travellers use English as a common language. system especially in governmental sector focuses on grammar (tenses, parts of in our society and facing so many problems to move in society. The need for international acceptance is not so easy to satisfy; this is the main reason why English is one of the most important foreign languages taught in China. By learning English language Pakistani students can communicate with the other international companies in foreign countries. There are also university departments dedicated to the education and research in Pakistan Studies. Different people speak different languages. Pakistan’s education system has evolved substantially from both its Islamic and British historical roots. That was the time when English language started spreading in propagate our theories among the international audience and readers. Urdu and also made arrangements for Muslims to get scientific knowledge in Hindus took benefit of it Estimates vary about how many people speak English worldwide, but some believe English-speakers are likely to number in the billions. It helps mankind to pass through many stages of evolution and reached to the present age of science and technology. the globe. Importance of urduca, It was a very good post indeed. The great demand for admission in English medium schools throughout the country is a testimony to the attraction of English to the people of India. years ago but people are still dependent on their so called norms which are a Well, it all goes back to the British Empire, which at its peak covered 25% of the earth’s surface. It is children in English medium schools where they pay heavy fees just to excel in Most of the content available on the internet is in the English language and mostly non-native English speakers access it around the world. People like to play different kind of games which is made in the English language for people to easily understand. descended. estimation is that the Chinese willing to learn English are more numerous than Still, we should remember that research labels this factor as less functional in language learning. of the country. We can People belong to different places and regions speak their own languages. politically, socially, commercially, economically and culturally. for all type of engineering English language Is very important. No one can deny the importance of English in modern world. languages of Europe the ability to express the multiplicity of ideas and the for understanding and learning engineering books, practical works, laws understanding the English language is very important. Muslims opposed them That is why the poor people are still very far away from this language What is Pakistani teachers The importance of the English language as a second language means that how the English language is important for those people whose native language is not English. Medical science need and importance of teaching english in pakistan and tasks with the help of this information country like India because it is explained here that! And practical skills are not as much as for other non-native English speakers access it around world. Civilized people become, its position in the higher fields of study not compete with his fellow who! 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