All this was to be done, however, under the strict supervision and guidance of the autocratic power, with as little aid as possible from private initiative and with no control whatever of public opinion, because influential public opinion is apt to produce insubordination. Employers who are willing to hire students for summer jobs expect for the people they hire to show initiative and demonstrate a true desire to work. For the purposes of this initiative ' street crime ' includes robbery and snatch theft. For several years, critics of Britain 's private finance initiative have been puzzled by its extraordinary resilience. patgfisher Rosalind, or Roz to her friends(, took the, 19. This did reduce crime over the period of the Initiative. The ministers were not responsible to the Crown in a way that ministers of a European government are: they rarely took any initiative, and generally referred their affairs to the grand vizir or to the shah for final decision. Up to 1870 the government was in the hands of a small oligarchy of Santiago families, but the president enjoyed large powers of initiative. Radulescu (1802-1872), a man of immense activity, of great power of initiative and of still greater imagination. Initiative In A Sentence Definition of Initiative Serving to initiate; inceptive; initiatory; introductory; preliminary. Serials Review Examples of recent collaborative ventures between the two libraries include the Serials Review project funded by SHEFC under the Regional Strategic Initiative. 20 examples: However, temporary appointments could be transformed into permanent ones… At this period, on the initiative of the 4th earl of Clarendon, then foreign secretary, an understanding was come to between the British and French governments by which it was agreed that each power should respect the independence of Madagascar; and the future of the country appeared to be bound up in the gradual consolidation of the central Hova authority over the whole island. In this account nothing is said of confession; but it would appear that in early days the sins were made known to the congregation, and in notorious cases they would take the initiative and expel the offender. The ability to see something that needs to be done and stepping up to do it is a game changing habit that can help you to stand out at work. On the initiative of Great, Britain a conference between the representatives of the great powers and Turkey was held in London, itnd resulted in the signing of a convention in March 1885. The only work published by Copernicus on his own initiative was a Latin version of the Greek Epistles of Theophylact (Cracow, 1509). The whole initiative toward personalizing learning has to be done in online environments. Check the meaning of initiative. We are partnering with our clients on these initiatives. The king is an autocrat in practice as well as in theory, he has an absolute power .of veto, and the initiative of measures rests largely with him. Italian practice has always aimed at the maintenance of peace; therefore, I am happy to be able to say that our delegates at the coming Hague Conference will be instructed to further the English initiative.". Examples of initiative in a Sentence Noun … on the day before their Club Med flight she took the initiative of telephoning Franco from work, ostensibly to tell him that she had really admired his new place … The duke has considerable powers of initiative and veto. Fortunately, however, the initiative of the Prussian subordinates was sufficient to meet the strain. Our commitment to this initiative has been vindicated by the fact that New Deal has already helped over 55,000 Scots into work. centerpiece of this initiative, charts the landscape of emerging technologies and produces the NMC's annual Horizon Report. Definition of take the initiative in the Idioms Dictionary. The public roads and other works of the province are excellent, and, like those of the rest of the Basque provinces, entirely kept up by local initiative and taxes. Giry took an energetic part in the Collection de textes relatifs a l'histoire du moyen dge, which was due in great measure to his initiative. Initiatives sentence examples. Leeds University linguistics experts are involved in an ambitious joint initiative with the BBC to find out why we speak the way we do. But the only state capable of taking the initiative was Piedmont, and the king still hesitated. Accordingly the Silesian estates never again chose to exercise initiative save on rare occasions, and from 1550 Silesia passed almost completely under foreign administration. Definition of Initiative. Initiative in a sentence. 2. In 1908 an act was passed providing for local option in regard to the sale of intoxicating liquors, by an election to be called an initiative petition, signed by at least 35% of the electors of a county. Nurses are spearheading an initiative to promote the use of arts in healthcare. Describe their character and behavior, but also include examples of when they showed initiative, went beyond their job description, or demonstrated that they are a person of good character. In 1908 two laws proposed by initiative petition were passed, stopping all fishing by night and fishing in the navigable channels of the lower river, limiting the length of seines to be used in the lower river and abolishing the use of gear by fishermen of the upper river - the mouth of the Sandy river, in Multnomah county, being the dividing line between the upper and lower Columbia. A law of 1901 provided for a system of initiative whereby any question of public policy might be submitted to popular vote upon the signature of a written petition therefor by onetenth of the registered voters of the state; such a petition must be filed at least 60 days before the election day when it is to be voted upon, and not more than three questions by initiative may be voted on at the same election; to become operative a measure must receive a majority of all votes cast in the election. The case came to the state supreme court on appeal from the Oklahoma County District Court, which had similarly upheld the constitutionality of the state's voter ID law. The case was essentially the same as on the various mission-fields to-day, where the position of the "missionary" is at first one of great spiritual initiative and authority, limited only by his own sense of the fitness of things, in the light of local usages. For those of you with the initiative to create your own video game guitar tabs, they allow you to submit your own creations onto their website. The matter was decided by one of the Swedish couriers, Baron Karl Otto Morner, who, entirely on his own initiative, offered the succession to the Swedish crown to Bernadotte. A future initiative coming soon will be the provision of steering wheel locking devices to motorists. How to use take the initiative in a sentence. Use "initiatives" in a sentence. The first attempts to utilize the explosive power of nitroglycerin were made by Nobel in 1863; they were only partially successful until the plan, first applied by General Pictot in 1854, of developing the force of gunpowder in the most rapid manner and to the maximum extent, through initiative detonation, was applied by Nobel to nitroglycerin. The secret society's initiative events are best left undescribed. Sentence Examples. A sentence for initiative would be, 'He takes the initiative in his job and does things before he is asked.' And as sportswear brands face flack from Oxfam over labor issues, budget clothing retailer Primark joins the Ethical Trading Initiative. The green initiative to push the green industry forward is helping to advance solar power to be far more efficient than the first photovoltaics used to produce energy a decade ago. Find more ways to say initiative, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. While Richelieu was opposing the designs of the pope and of the Spaniards in the Valtellina, while he was arming the duke of Savoy and subsidizing Mansfeld in Germany, Henri, duc de Rohan, and his brother Benjamin de Rohan, duc de Soubise, the Protestant chiefs, took the initiative in a fresh revolt despite the majority of their party (1625). With so much information readily available online, interviewers expect applicants to at least take enough initiative to read through the company's website prior to showing up for an interview appointment. But the regicide Buiga and his associates probably acted on their own initiative. The "obligatory referendum" exists in the case of all laws, while 8000 citizens have the right of "initiative" in proposing bills or alterations in the cantonal constitution. This article discusses tips on how to take initiative at work. A system so inelastic, and so deadening to all initiative, could have but one result. In the 1990s, on Gigante's initiative, an abortive attempt was made to reopen the old 18th-century excavations. Initiatives and referendums—collectively known as "ballot measures," "propositions," or simply "questions"—differ from most legislation passed by representative democracies; ordinarily, an elected legislative body develops and passes laws. Examples of initiatives in a sentence: 1. 105. Since 1875, 1000 citizens can claim a popular vote (facultative Referendum) on all bills, or can exercise the right of initiative whether as to laws or the revision of the cantonal constitution. Entirely on her own initiative, and moved by admiration for the fine achievements of "her brave Irish" during the war, the queen announced her intention of paying a long visit to Dublin; and there, accordingly, she went for the month of April 1900, staying in the Viceregal Lodge, receiving many of the leaders of Irish society, inspecting some 50,000 school children from all parts of Ireland, and taking many a drive amid the charming scenery of the neighbourhood of Dublin. wired Region initiative might benefit their activity. But Hewitt was too old and Wilson was lacking in initiative; the opportunity was lost, and no attempt was made to do more than clear the cantonments. reduce crime over the period of the Initiative. In theory these agreements may result from the spontaneous and pacific initiative of the contracting parties, but in reality their object has almost always been to terminate more or less acute conflicts and remedy more or less disturbed situations. The meeting is a well-planned initiative that includes loved ones, close friends and a professional counselor or local pastor. 182. 1. A visit would not have prospered, not least because of the widespread conviction in Washington that Wilson's peace initiative was largely self-serving. sinner that repenteth, you might reasonably think, for this was always a wholly misconceived policy initiative. His own initiative is more clearly traceable in the Toleration Act, extending liberty of private worship to Dissenters. Compressed dry guncotton is easily detonated by an initiative detonator such as mercuric fulminate. The charter contains initiative and referendum provisions, provides for the recall of any elective city official, and prohibits the granting of any franchise for a longer term than twenty years. The administration 's support for the war crimes initiative was first disclosed by the Los Angeles Times. overseeVM successfully oversaw the withdrawal of army units, but the initiative was not even-handed. A county council may also prepare a scheme on its own initiative. Like it or not, we need to take the initiative and set the record straight. A sentence for initiative would be, 'He takes the initiative in his job and does things before he is asked.' How to use take the initiative in a sentence. Cotton, The Codes and Statutes of Oregon (2 vols., San Francisco, 1902); and Frank Foxcroft, "Constitution Mending and the Initiative," in the Atlantic Monthly for June 1906. How to use take the initiative in a sentence. Why didn't Katie take some initiative to get the fire going in the dairy? D'Erlon, had on his own initiative ordered the I. The initiative is spearheaded by the Atlantic Common Ground Alliance. How to use initiative in a sentence. In 1902 thirteen amendments were adopted, including provisions for the initiative, the referendum and the recall. He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative. An amendment giving women the right to vote was defeated, and among those adopted was one providing for the initiative upon special and local laws and parts of laws, and another giving cities and towns the exclusive right to enact or amend their own charters, subject only to the constitution and the criminal laws. take the initiative phrase. He believed in giving his staff scope for, 8. Are you taking any initiative to preempt being in a scary situation like that again? The infant formula initiative is the opening salvo in an ideological campaign to smear a safe and useful product. Self-discipline is crucial, since you'll be expected to pace yourself to complete all assignments on time and take the initiative to seek help if you need assistance with a particular aspect of the course content. 3. The constitution admits of amendment by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature, followed at the next succeeding spring or autumn election by an affirmative vote of a majority of the electors voting upon the question; or an amendment may be proposed by an initiative petition signed by more than 20% of the total number of electors who voted for secretary of state at the preceding election, and such an amendment (unless disapproved by a majority vote in a joint meeting of the two houses of the legislature) is submitted to popular 2 In 1909 telegraph and telephone companies were put under the supervision of the same board. conforms to level A of the W3C project (Web Accessibility Initiative or WAI) for accessibility. Some community members have taken the initiative to begin talks about rising crime. (proposed, current, latest, recent) " That was a practical initiative. A proof is the mysterious rapid extinction of savages the moment that their group-life is broken up; they are individually so many lost sheep, without self-reliance or initiative. an introductory step; energy or aptitude displayed in initiation of action : enterprise; the right to initiate legislative action… 31. In political terminology, the initiative is a process that enables citizens to bypass their state legislature by placing proposed statutes and, in some states, constitutional amendments on the ballot. the state of being passive, inactive, or lazy; a lack of initiative Examples of Passivity in a sentence. The process was even hastened; for the emperor's stern discipline crushed out all independence of initiative and silenced all honest criticism. To lack initiative. However, a few points of note before you dive into your grand hair-revival initiative. In this period were comprised his travels among the different states, when he hoped, and ever hoped in vain, to meet with some prince who would accept him as his counsellor, and initiate a government that should become the centre of a universal reformation. The Initiative also includes an Internet incubator Fund to stimulate the creation of new regional Incubators that will support and nurture new e-businesses. The Directory had to make a stand or perish, and with it the Republic. 20 examples: The objective of the educational initiative was to review the guidelines with… But whether it was on his own initiative or not, there can be no doubt as to the hopes which they built on his arrival (see Daudet, Louis XVIII. You might want to put another sentence into it, but you get the point. To, Klain's initiative can be traced most of the work of the three. Examples of recent initiative in a sentence, how to use it. 2. - Chickasaw Bayou and Fredericksburg ended the Federal initiative in the west and the east; the Army of the Cumberland under Rosecrans alone could claim a victory. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced a national initiative to promote safe use of ladders. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and, 11. Veterans Employment Initiative for the Executive Branch: Legislation implemented in November, 2009 created an initiative to hire and train veterans for jobs in the executive branch of the federal government. try its best to gather and make good sentences. Messalla restored the road between Tusculum and Alba, and many handsome buildings were due to his initiative. The chamber has the right of initiative in the organization of the annual budget laws and those relative to the numerical strength of the army and navy. But the initiative of demanding justice had passed from thecrown to the Commons. Mr Roosevelt brought the whole subject before Congress in his message of the 3rd of December 1901, and thereby started what seemed likely to be a new sphere of Federal initiative and control. The mining industry is growing rapidly in importance in spite of costly and deficient means of communication, want of capital, and lack of general initiative. S s. To take the initiative in making friends. They, having the great opportunity of initiative, organized it in all its branches, giving it an administrative machinery that in the main endures to-day; established the doctrine of national neutrality toward European conflicts (although the variance of Federalist and Republican opinion on this point was largely factitious); and fixed the practice of a liberal construction of the Constitution,) - not only by Congress, but above all by the United States Supreme Court, which, under the lead of John Marshall (who had been appointed chief-justice by Pres. Or, your children may be taking part in a Go Green Initiative at school. He believed in giving his staff scope for, 5. Words like leadership, intelligence, dedicated, energy level, initiative, direction and ability to handle conflict all provide a clear indication of the person's attributes. Learn Ludwig. Actual construction was completed to Burnoi (220 versts) when Bolshevism came to crush all enterprise and initiative. Sentences with audio are listed first. al_ex_an_der 289565 He is quite good at his job, but lacks initiative. Like it or not, we need to take the initiative and set the record straight. Crown Prince Gustaf, who during the illness of King Oscar was appointed regent, took the initiative of renewing the negotiations between the two countries, and on the 5th of April in a combined Swedish and Norwegian council of state made a proposal for a reform both of the administration of diplomatic affairs and of the consular service on the basis of full equality between the two kingdoms, with the express reservation, however, of a joint foreign minister - Swedish or Norwegian - as a condition for the existence of the union. Whereas at 2.30 absolute destruction seemed the only possible fate of the defeated army, by 6 p.m., thanks to the devoted heroism of the artillery and the initiative of a few junior commanders of cavalry, it had escaped from the enclosing horns of the Prussian attack. This assembly elaborated 102 canons, which did not become part of the Western law till much later, on the initiative of Pope John VIII. Use "initiatives" in a sentence. Many internships are not advertised and it's up to the student to take the initiative to get in the door and make it happen. exciting initiative, which encourages more young people to become involved in sport in their local communities. She understood both how to take initiative, and how to determine when a customer was raising an issue that needed supervisor intervention. It is important that we now sustain the momentum behind this initiative. The initiative was taken by Archbishop Parker, about 1563-1565, who, according to Strype (Parker i. Even those theologians, however, who have laid special stress on the limitations of the human will have repudiated the strictly fatalistic doctrine which is characteristic of Oriental thought and is the negation of all human initiative (see Predestination; Augustine, Saint; Will). Filter. launched the international initiative in Krakow, Poland, in May 2003. The Word "Initiative" in Example Sentences Each page has up to 50 sentences. A special board may be formed at the request of any union of employers or of workmen, or on the initiative of the Labour department. The shellfish fisheries sector itself was expected to take the initiative in managing the implementation of low impact measures. Smartwater property marking -- a property marking initiative free to every Burngreave resident to deter theft. Initiative definition: An initiative is an important act or statement that is intended to solve a problem . Within recent years, owing to the initiative of Colonel English, a method of raising oil by the agency of compressed air has been introduced into the Baku oil-fields. The rapid advance of Belgium in industrial and manufacturing prosperity, due largely to the stimulus of William's personal initiative, did nothing to bring north and south together, but rather increased their rivalry and jealousy, for the Dutch provinces had neither manufactures nor ironand coal-mines, but were dependent on agriculture and sea-borne commerce for their welfare. Among the many reforms introduced under his guidance were a workmen's compensation law; a survey of occupational diseases with recommendations for health insurance; the elimination of the sweatshop; the establishment of a state industrial commission for dealing with questions of labour and capital; the provision of a minimum wage and a nine-hour day for women; mothers' pensions; ratification of the proposed woman suffrage amendment; the budget system for state expenditures; pure food laws; a " blue sky " law for protecting investors from unscrupulous promoters; the initiative and referendum; a Corrupt Practices Act; the indeterminate sentence for convicts; improvement of rural schools; the establishment of a state tuberculosis hospital and the extension of safety devices on railways and in mines. A new national initiative, it is aimed at encouraging parents to spend just a few minutes a day reading aloud to their children. Society itself must take the initiative by breaking down the barriers of class exclusiveness and reviving a healthy public spirit. The second phase, known as Compass, is the procurement of a managed service through a private finance initiative contract. By his initiative Italian naval industry, almost non-existent in 1873, made rapid progress. For several years, critics of Britain's private finance initiative have been puzzled by its extraordinary resilience. If there is a problem, time is of the essence for launching an early intervention initiative to help deflect some or even most of the symptoms. Initiatives in a sentence. Hempl's initiative was followed by Professor Gundermann of Giessen, who announced in November 1897' that he had discovered the source of the runic alphabet, the introduction of which he declares preceded the first of the phonetic changes known as the " Teutonic sound-shifting," since < = g is used for k, X = x for g, a Theta-like symbol for d, while zd is used for st. But these were only provisionary and desperate expedients, superposed upon the old routine, a further charge in addition to those already existing; and this entirely mechanical system, destructive of private initiative and the very sources of public life, worked with difficulty even in time of peace. Beijing, China has an AIDS Initiative office location run by a small team of foundation staff. 2. Initiatives and referendums, by contrast, allow citizens to vote directly on legislation. The school has recently launched a new green initiative to cut down on energy and resource consumption and reduce its footprint through the use of a strategic energy plan. In 1876, on the initiative of General Chanzy, then governor-general, that official was accorded the right to correspond direct with all the ministers in Paris. (See WASHINGTON CON FERENCE.) Initiate sentence examples. But allowance must be made for the mere advantage of initiative which belonged to any party that organized the government - the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson, in this question of neutrality, being almost purely factitious. 2. on my own initiative phrase. hausen in 1840 through his initiative; he executed comprehensive magnetic surveys 1849-1858; announced the magnetic decennial period irk 1850, and his discovery of earth-currents in 1862. Without pressure, you may choose answers that may be wrong because you don't have enough initiative to really think about the question. use "initiatives" in a sentence Opposition members are suggesting that this government's initiatives to deal with the AIDS problem are simply not adequate. In only two things could they take the initiative, helpfulness and mercy; the deserving poor and the destitute were to receive instant relief; but no member could give anything to his relatives without consulting the heads of the society. The initiative will also provide better public access to the waterfront by opening up areas and providing waterside walks where appropriate. The Group recommended that considerable thought be given to the role of incentives in any participatory forestry initiative. It extends the initiative of the Commission from the investigation of complaints to the investigation of rates on its own motion; authorizes it to suspend rates in advance of their going into effect, pending an investigation which may be continued for ten months, and to establish through routes; and provides for a special commission, appointed by the President, to investigate questions pertaining to the issuance of railway securities. Examples of legislative initiative in a sentence, how to use it. In any case, the seizure of the initiative at a moment when the Serbian I. That he was slow, and perhaps too tender-hearted, in handling armed masses for action may be admitted, and though admirable for defensive war and a safe strategist, he showed himself unfitted to take the highly essential initiative, both because of temperament and his habitual exaggeration of obstacles and opposing numbers. userIds: [{ { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195466', size: [728, 90] }}, Meanwhile joint initiatives between the University and West Yorkshire police to keep students safe remained prominent in the regional press. Page 1. Fambri was ruined by his enterprise, but other manufacturers, more expert than he, drew profit from his initiative, and founded flourishing factories at Pellestrina and Burano. With any of the harmful effects of video games, getting the person to seek help or taking the initiative to find help for them is a good way to get the road to recovery started. 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