Topics. “Absolute beginners” podcasts involve basic vocabulary and slow speaking, and feature Mark and a beginner French student. Le  Petit Prince a été classé quatrième meilleur livre au monde par les Français en 1999. Podcast: Play in new window | Download. A transcript of this episode is available at On the other hand, if you just want to listen to the podcasts without subscribing or paying for anything, your choices are more limited. Cost: $60-$316 USD a year, depending on your subscription level. En Route avec Coffee Break French . Personally, the free episodes I’ve listened to  show that the headlines seem to be well selected and enjoyably presented, so if you are planning to invest in a paid podcast subscription, this could be a good choice. E86 Les effets psychologiques du confinement. Cost: The podcasts are free, but you can also purchase additional learning tools and lessons. Il vit sur une autre planète, très très petite ou plus exactement sur un astéroïde : l’astéroïde B 612. recommended podcasts, you can improve your French skills in an entertaining way! Vous l'avez sûrement remarqué avec le rythme de publication erratique de ce podcast (sans parler de la chaîne YouTube !). Still, I love the fact that this podcast is short and to the point. Their methodology consists of using real-life situations and exploring the vocabulary and expressions that are necessary for those situations, so during the podcasts … She has taught English and French for more than ten years, most notably as an assistante de langue vivante for L'Education Nationale. Its a really versatile way of asking questions in French and it will really boost your French. Do an online search for “podcasts about French ____” (the blank is whatever interests you – culture, history, movies, TV series, life, etc.) Like just about any podcast. These lesson plans can be opened, read and printed with Acrobat Reader. Two hosts discuss this week's top stories from France and around the world. La constance est à la base de toutes les réussites. How to find podcasts and podcast episodes about French culture, history, sports, etc. Posted in: Non classé Posted on 1 … This means  a huge variety of vocabulary for listeners. The opening music, in fact, is the same thing I hear every morning when my French husband listens to the news while getting ready for work. With our selection of … more. I’ve included some recommendations of my favorite episodes in the following list of 15 to get you started. Richards also offers courses and other learning tools to purchase. TRANSCRIPT : Le Petit Prince. Olly Richards, a cheerful Englishman, polyglot, and teacher, shares the tips he’s personally learned while learning 8 languages. Listen to episodes of the French Duolingo podcast for compelling, true-life stories that improve your French listening and comprehension skills. Something you couldn't quite understand? “On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. Build a Strong Core; Raconte ton histoire ; Expressions; Le prof; Apprendre à penser en français. Use podcasts as your personal French tutor! It seems to me that a lot’s changed. Slow French is what it sounds like – slower spoken French, which is a great way for beginners and intermediate level learners to practice their listening skills. info (at) Il est à côté de son avion, tombé en panne. Blog; Podcasts; Vidéos; Search for: 13 décembre 2020. Get Your Copy for Free! Apprendre le français (FLE) gratuitement. Grand reportage, Radio France International This tri-weekly podcast is very much in line with the modern-day trend of social media figures like vloggers letting you into their lives (Fittingly, the podcast has its own Instagram account). Pour les enfants, chaque rencontre du petit prince représente une petite histoire jolie et amusante mais pour les adultes, chacune de ces rencontres est chargée de symboles et peut être lue comme une allégorie. Language learning podcasts can be a great way to realize that you’re not alone, and they can also give you some very helpful tips when it comes to some of the challenges you’re facing. A1 - Beginning French • travel French Listening Practice. Cost: The podcast is free to listen to. Basically, this podcast is what it says: different headlines are read in slow French. Combine them to create the most relevant experience for you! This true crime podcast discusses a case in one hour. Beginner level podcasts feature native speakers’ words explained by a native English speaker after the dialogue or information is said in French, while Advanced level podcasts are entirely in French, with vocabulary explained in French, by a native French speaker. Menu. You can do an online search for a French podcast that covers any subject that interests you. This means French Together may earn a commission for purchases made through these links. Il  existe aussi de nombreuses adaptations au cinéma, une bande dessinée et de nombreux enregistrements sonores. So, rather than being an extensive French lesson, this short podcast is an excellent way to train and test your French listening skills, while also discovering (or re-discovering) some French poetry. Jour après jour, le petit prince raconte son histoire à l’aviateur. Personally, I find it hard to locate the podcasts on their site, and when using a podcast site like Player FM, I’ve found that most of the options are actually just ads for Frenchpod101, not podcasts unto themselves. Of course, podcasts aren’t just for people learning French – there are podcasts for and by native French speakers, too. L’aviateur lui dessine alors une boîte et lui dit que son mouton et à l’intérieur de la boîte. You can also have free access to the transcripts, if you subscribe to the newsletter. Cost: $19.99 USD a month ($239.88 USD per year) for access to the podcasts (different levels available) and other learning material. Let’s look at the pros and cons of some of the best French learning podcasts. Depuis quelques mois, je suis le champion de la procrastination. Podcasts in French are perhaps the best way to fit French learning into your busy, fast-paced life. But if you like the Frenchpod101 system and would sign up for the lessons anyway, the podcasts are a nice part of that. Hosted by Kerstin Cable and Lindsay Williams, two enthusiastic polyglots, the podcast explores things like how to memorize vocabulary about ideas, what an indigenous language really is, and much more. Her podcasts are positive but very teacherlike, asking people to repeat, guiding listeners, and announcing what you’ll learn later. If you want to stay up to date with what’s going on in France and around the world while practicing your listening skills, stay tuned as … Learn French in Context thanks to these Interesting Topics designed for Intermediate Learners. Outline. For example, in a recent episode, “Comment parler comme un français”, he starts out by telling listeners that they will never speak like a French person, since they’re not native speakers – but that this is okay. You can also subscribe for access to more resources. A paid subscription includes not only access to podcasts but worksheets and other helpful resources. Au début de son voyage, avant d’arriver sur la Terre,  il rencontre différents personnages. Learn French by Podcast is a language learning system that includes podcasts and a lesson guide. This is a 10-minute news broadcast by Radio France Internationale (RFI), read slowly and clearly, accompanied by a transcript. You control the flow of information delivered to you. Like all podcasts, you can, of course, donate to support the hosts/producers if you want. But that’s also an advantage for foreign listeners, since you can focus on the voices. Then download comprehensive PDF Lesson Guides with transcripts, details grammatical explanations, cultural points of interest, and more. Then, he breaks it down, defining and repeating each word or phrase. It actually airs on RFI (Radio France Internationale), a real French radio station. Le Petit Prince est une œuvre d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry publiée pour la première fois en 1943 à New York, aux. level: beginner. Episode #511. Au début du livre, l’aviateur est perdu dans le désert du Sahara. Ce livre est très original dans sa forme mais aussi dans son contenu : – il s’adresse à des enfants mais en même temps à des adultes ; – il  ressemble  à un conte mais aussi à un petit roman ; – sous une première apparence simple, il aborde des thèmes profonds et philosophiques. Très rapidement après sa parution  Le Petit Prince  connaît un immense succès. But don’t worry – she talks very slowly and clearly. Season 4 Free Podcasts. 2 décembre 2020. Luckily, you can get a transcript of each episode for free, by clicking on the title of that particular podcast. Outline. Ce passage est bien représentatif du livre en général. Since it’s a technically a radio show from French radio station RTL, unlike most podcasts, it simply involves an announcer and the occasional interview – there’s no music to set the mood or other similar features you might find in a typical podcast. Cost: The podcast and transcripts are free. 10 Podcasts in French You Shouldn’t Miss. Podcasts are delivered in an easy-to-use portable format that allows you to learn when you want and at your own pace. Even if neither of these three in particular speak to you, they should show that French podcasts are extremely diverse. I would say that if you don’t mind paying for access to these podcasts, they could be helpful, but with so many other free options (as you’ll see from the rest of this list), they didn’t particularly stand out to me as being so remarkable as to be worth the investment. Each episode is about something that happened in the daily life of Laetitia, the host, a Frenchwoman who lives near Paris. Podcast. Episode #508. Des centaines d'exercices avec des dialogues, du vocabulaire, de la grammaire, de la conjugaison. Learn French listening to French podcasts made by French teacher Pierre. Il a été sauvé in extremis grâce à des nomades qui passaient par là. Dans chaque rencontre un ou plusieurs thèmes philosophiques sont abordés : l’absurdité de l’homme, le jugement, la vérité…. These may be individual episodes of other podcasts, or entire podcasts unto themselves. Have you listened to any of these French learning (or French) podcasts? It seems simple enough, and at a short 4 minutes or so per podcast, it’s a great way for learners to train their ears and acquire some new vocabulary. If you’re an advanced French learner who likes podcasts that cover a wide range of topics, this is a great one for you to try. For example, when Mark suggests holding your nose to practice the nasal sound of Non, he then remarks that he’s imagining people all around the world holding their noses right now. The Lesson Guides will help you make sense of all the material you'll hear in each … Ca ne me fait ni chaud ni froid. Il va aussi rencontrer le serpent qui va l’aider à rentrer sur son astéroïde pour retrouver sa rose qu’il a quittée et dont il est amoureux. Alysa Salzberg is an American writer, worrier, teacher, and cookie enthusiast who has lived in Paris, France, for more than a decade. This include custom French subtitles. L’ouvrage, a été vendu à plus de 134 millions d’exemplaires dans le monde, et il a été traduit en 220 langues. Two very popular French learning podcasts that aren’t free, Free French podcasts for all levels/beginners, French podcasts for intermediate and advanced learners. À la suite d’un chagrin d’amour, il a décidé de quitter son astéroïde et de partir explorer les autres planètes pour trouver des amis. PO Box 166, … Each lesson consists of audio and an accompanying PDF Lesson Guide. The podcasts here aren’t in French and most don’t specifically focus on French, but they can be a good listen for all of us who are on the journey of language learning. You can often have the podcast transcripts in the BLOG . The concept of this podcast is a bit unusual. These sort of little side comments make for a fun and relaxed ambiance. But if you like podcasts that are a bit long-winded, yet full of pep and good cheer, and do ultimately share interesting ideas and advice, this is a good one to check out. The fascinating Brain Science podcast offers its podcast transcripts for the modest fee of $1-$2. Daily French Pod is conducted entirely in French, but they do make sure to include supports for beginning learners, such as PDF transcripts. Learning a language can take its toll on you. I like the podcasts like the original Frenchpod where they look at a dialogue and then analyse it, but really I need transcripts. And there’s such a wide range of topics that you’ll learn a lot of new vocabulary. Podcasts are perfect for your morning commute, working out at the gym, washing the dishes or walking the dog. Intermediate French Podcast 86 Episodes Episodes About 33 minutes | 11 days ago E86 Les effets psychologiques du confinement Depuis quelques mois, je suis le champion de la procrastination. Some use regular spoken French, while others use slow French. They let you get a sense of French culture, and all you have to do is put on a set of headphones. DailyFrenchPod “Daily audio lessons, exercises and learning guides are entirely produced from Paris by French university … This means that while simplified a bit, the newscast features real French speakers who talk at a normal speed and use current vocabulary. Whenever there is a transcript available, I will put the blog post URL in the podcast episode description, please check it out. Cost: The podcast and texts of the poems as well as their English translations, are free. 6 décembre 2020 . Passer un savon. Personally, I prefer his style to the slower one of The Fluent Show. Présentation. If you’re on a budget, not to worry! Work with high-quality audio podcasts in your own time and at your own pace. Freakonomics Radio. Mais je crois avoir trouvé l'excuse idéale : le covid ! I am making my way through them all and know that my French listening and speaking skills are improving. Most French learning podcasts are tied to a learning platform, so you will probably hear ads or feel that you need to become a (usually paying) subscriber in order to access supplemental features. A part of language learning is also understanding culture, history, and traditions. Listen to the trailer now! That said, you can also watch these podcasts in their original video form. États-Unis. Le  Petit Prince a un musée au Japon, un opéra au États-Unis et en Allemagne, une comédie musicale en France et en Corée. 19 November 2020. You can read about her adventures here, or feel free to stop by her website. Il fait même parti du programme scolaire dans plusieurs pays. Latest was FV 122 INTERVIEW: With planetary scientist François Forget (Part 1). Podcasts are very à la mode these days, which means you can find at least one covering just about any subject imaginable. Podcast français facile Much like Daily French Pod, anyone can listen to and learn from Podcast français facile, but it may be the most beneficial to beginners. It certainly isn’t the only podcast you should use to learn French, but it makes for a moment of beauty and a way to learn something about French culture, which is why even as a fluent French-speaker, I’m going to be listening to this one regularly! We hope you enjoy this elementary podcast. I listen to the podcast a few times, then study the lesson guide, and listen to the podcast again. Produced by, this podcast lets randomly chosen people speak about their thoughts and lives. Cost: The podcast and a list of selected vocabulary, as well as links to other resources, are free. These are typically podcasts and audio that go with learning platforms. 15 Eclectic French Podcasts That Advanced Learners Will Love 1. Here are some of the most notable, with our thoughts. 1908 — lundi 19 octobre 2020 — comment ça va en France ? There are three levels, and a very wide range of topics are covered. If you’re a podcast fan, there are loads of podcasts (in English) about French culture, history, and other aspects of French life. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand French. Before we get started, here are some things to keep in mind about French learning podcasts: If you don’t know what kind of language learner you are, give podcasts a try – but remember to always supplement them with a visual element and other ways to practice. Some of the audio options come with free transcripts or vocabulary lists, while others only make these available to paying members. Do you have a favorite French learning podcast? Intermediate French Podcast Share RSS. French podcasts can usually be found via their official site, as well as platforms like Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Player FM, etc. But even if Mark’s speaking French, don’t worry – as French Together founder (and bona fide French guy) Benjamin Houy wrote in a previous article about this, Mark’s French accent is great (I am insanely jealous), so beginners are in good hands. Each episode, the host, Jessica, a native French speaker, interviews other native French speakers living in France and abroad, about their interesting jobs. Il est l’auteur d’autres livres importants comme Vol de nuit ou Terre des hommes. Mais  le thème central du livre semble être une invitation de l’auteur à retrouver l’enfant en soi, car “toutes les grandes personnes ont d’abord été des enfants. But DailyFrenchPod is definitely not for beginners; while words and phrases are defined, they’re explained in French, and the overall meaning of the dialogue or news story is never explained, so you have to have a decent level of French going into it. There are about 150 bilingual listening exercises and numerous short videos on Lawless French, but if you still need more, take a look at these French sites which include high-quality audio by native speakers.. French Podcasts. Some French learning podcasts are free – including transcripts of the episodes. For example, this episode about how to use Ça va and talk about how you are involves a dialogue where a person is interrupted by their cell phone ringing and incorporates far more than basic vocabulary. Cost: The podcast is free to listen to, and if you listen via the official site, you’ll see a few vocabulary words and exercises for free below it. All of that is explained by an English speaker afterward but to me it seems like it could feel like overload for a lot of beginner-level learners, especially absolute beginners. Still others can only be accessed by paying for them. Il a disparu en mer lors d’une mission aérienne au large de Marseille le 31 juillet 1944 à l’âge de 44 ans. This article contains affiliate links. 9 décembre 2020. This, in fact, can be a disadvantage or an advantage, depending on what you want in a podcast. Il va rencontrer l’aviateur perdu dans le désert mais surtout un renard qui lui va lui apprendre des choses importantes. Cost: The podcast is free. If you have an advanced or fluent level of French, these are a fantastic way to keep up your skills, learn new vocabulary, and gain insight into French culture. You can purchase additional learning materials, including an explanation of the poems (also in French), as well. French Together founder Benjamin wrote this helpful article about the pros and cons of slow French,  and how you can turn audio into slow French if necessary. Épisodes; Transcriptions; Vidéos; Cours. December 3, 2020. Spanish French English. Cost: More of an actual podcast, The Fluent Show isn’t tied to a learning platform, so it’s free to listen to and there’s no supplemental materials to purchase. You can find some free episodes if you do an online search for “News in Slow French podcast.” These seem to only be advanced-level episodes, however. Tous ces personnages sont finalement seuls et perdus dans leurs mondes qui n’ont pas de sens aux yeux du petit prince. If you like the idea of being able to share the daily life of a real French person, this slowness (she’s probably reading a text she’s written) makes it all ring false, regardless of how true her words might be. The News in Slow French Podcast . 26 November 2020. Cost: The podcasts/videos and transcripts are free. However, had no way to really practice my oral comprehension with a known context. Listen to episodes of the French Duolingo podcast for compelling, true-life stories that improve your French listening and comprehension skills. Some French learning podcasts are free – including transcripts of the episodes. Or get started with this list or this one. Most French learning podcasts are tied to a learning platform, so you will probably hear ads or feel that you need to become a (usually paying) subscriber in order to access supplemental features. 25 minutes | a month ago Le nom caché (The Hidden Name) After his grandparents’ deaths, 20-year-old Damien Bouché uncovers a family secret from World War II. Listen online, no signup necessary. The episodes move along at a breezy clip and there’s a lot of honesty and humor around Richards’ thoughts and experiences. Try thinking of them as a way to train your ear and/or as a supplement your classes at school or online. The “Advanced” ones are quite advanced, indeed, spoken at slightly slower speed than usual (but then again, the idea of the podcast I was listening to was that the speaker was reading an email, not having a real-time conversation), but not really anything much different from what I might hear in Paris every day. You learn with her des nomades qui passaient par là a large volume of lessons! New York, aux, depending on what you ’ ll learn a lot more your at. Illustrent le livre ne laissent personne indifférent grammatical explanations, cultural points of interest, announcing... And texts of the podcasts are extremely diverse helpful resources la tendresse profonde de ses textes et le charme nombreuses... Slower one of the podcasts are positive but very teacherlike, asking people repeat... Différent de tous les autres livres importants comme Vol de nuit ou Terre des hommes by French teacher and... 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