❤, Your email address will not be published. Religiously checking Facebook. Bipolar disorder (BP) is a brain disorder that causes unexpected and often dramatic shifts in your mood. My irritation and nasty meanness is attached to a mood swing. “You seem agitated, did you remember to take your meds today?” But what about people who don’t have mental health conditions? Walking on Eggshells Around A Person With Bipolar Disorder … Bipolar disorder is a … Those... After my diagnosis, I was excited to have an answer for some of my past behaviors and mistakes. Home › Advice › 5 Things You Should NEVER Say to Someone with Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar disorder … The low and high mood swings never reach the severity or duration of major depressive or full mania episodes. Sometimes people who don’t really understand what is going on inside of their loved one’s head can say or do certain things that were meant out of kindness but actually do more harm than good. Anyone who struggles with their mental health is already well aware that meds are actually only half the battle when it comes to managing their moods and emotions. Iam going crazy please help. I try to keep them inside and when they do come out during a down swing, I apologize. My Fight For Stability: The Good & The Bad, Guest Post by Rissa: Struggling With The Loss of My Nana, The Worst Panic & Anxiety Attack Of My Life, Important & Useful Helpline Numbers You Should Have Handy. I feel if her tone were different it may not seem as harsh. I have bipolar disorder and I get sick regularly. Distortion of the Truth. Why Can Bipolar Disorder Make Me Mean and Nasty? To be honest, we really … At Parent Support for Raising Kids with Severe Mood/Bipolar Disorder, a monthly group I host on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, parents share a range of responses to this question. When pleasurable pastimes like shopping, gaming, or online socializing cross the line from enjoyable to excessive, it may be time to tame your overindulgences. Off the top of my head, here are a few: #1. She was a really sweet girl, very loving and affectionate at first. I feel like she should be taking something along with it because she still has a sassy mouth and says hurtful things to people. When your mood shifts to mania or hypomania (less extreme than mania), you may feel euphoric, full of energy or unusually irritable. 5 Things You Should NEVER Say to Someone with Bipolar Disorder If you have a friend or a loved one who struggles with their mental health it is always a good idea to research your loved … Someone with bipolar disorder or manic depression might give in to the misperceptions caused by the disease and commit sinful acts. A woman living with bipolar disorder describes the early, "hurtful" sign of her hypomania: "bipolar rage." But the steep climbs (mania) and sudden plunges (depression) of bipolar disorder can lead to life-threatening situations.. Shirley Rogerson thought her … They happen to just be there when we let loose and lash out. I swore like a sailor; the words that flew out of my mouth were not things I would ever say to … "I’m guilty of this when I’m hypomanic and in a negative mood and I’m super … Ghosting is done by many of us living with bipolar disorder, especially during bipolar depressive episodes. You may feel frustrated around a person with bipolar disorder who is having a manic episode. Eli Lilly Reintegration Achievement Award. Also, I would like to sign up for bphope's FREE e-Newsletters. And I agree. It’s so disheartening and frustrating to me! Again, picture someone telling you to act normal over and over again; it can really make you feel like something is wrong with you. It feels like every time someone with bipolar disorder shows any sign of emotion, far too many people are quick to start questioning whether or not medications are being taken as prescribed. In this instance, many people vowed never to set foot in a Joy store again, while other people with bipolar disorder took to Twitter to say they couldn’t see what all the fuss was about. Copyright© 2020 bpHope. Please know that there is a regular anger that exists that is attached to an event; it is considered a normal reaction to life. “Just get over it,” is honestly one of the most hurtful things that you could say to anyone who has a mental health condition. If you have a friend or family member with bipolar disorder… Research your loved ones disorder and learn how you can actually help them during these times because calling them lazy when they are doing everything they can to hold themselves together can be devastating and at times it can even cause a setback. I can't tell you how many times that verse has gone through my head, since my husband was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder II, superimposed with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. I can listen, but I don’t have to act on the thoughts. Wow, what a loaded question! The biggest issue is how easily things switch from "you're perfect" to feeling like you can't do … My daughter only takes one type of medication for her bi-polar. I acted on these thoughts for years before I was diagnosed. Great article I really now know now my roomate/friend is bipolor mania! A person with bipolar disorder … Can I Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Cyclothymia -- or cyclothymic disorder -- is a relatively mild mood disorder. If you have a friend or a loved one who struggles with their mental health it is always a good idea to research your loved one’s diagnosis in order to understand them and what they are going through better. I currently live in a city that has out of control growth. They get to show normal emotions without fear of being judged whereas someone with bipolar disorder often feels like they have to defend their right to express their emotions just like everyone without this diagnosis gets to. At least 25% to 60% of people with bipolar disorder attempt suicide and between 4% and 16% die from suicide. 13 Things People With Bipolar Disorder Want You to Know ... or doing anything else that can be invasive and hurtful. I’m not talking about this kind of anger. In hindsight,  this was all about untreated  bipolar disorder, but I still feel guilty and sad that I was so awful a large part of the time. The high energy level can be tiring or even frightening. My brain still races all night and tells me mean things when I feel someone has done me wrong,  but it’s often just bipolar talking. Bipolar disorder usually includes manic and depressive episodes, but there can also be hypomanic … I know what you're saying… If you think your loved one is having a hard time, telling them to get over it could actually make things feel so much worse for them. Fast is the author of Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder, Get It Done When You’re Depressed, and The Health Cards Treatment System for Bipolar Disorder… If you care about me – understand me! What is normal to you, could be strange to someone else. Julie A. Spending hours on a video game. Sometimes, the person may tell a lie if they are in trouble, as … Book One: “My Bipolar Mind: You’re not alone”, Book Two: “My Bipolar Mind: Surviving the Chaos”, What It’s Like Coming Down From a Manic Episode. Even then, you still shouldn’t say “get over it” to anyone because everyone handles things in their own way. People with Bipolar often do hurtful things in mania or depression. Nothing was ever good enough. Also, it's quite common for a bipolar child to have co-morbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder … It’s a struggle,  but I don’t do it! I enthusiastically reached out to people to apologize and rebuild relationships, but their reactions weren’t always what I expected. By Andrea Bledsoe, PhD Medically Reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, … These moods can be intense and euphoric. I think of how others will be affected by what I say. Some people don’t realize how harsh their words can actually be, especially to someone with a mental illness! Great post, Samantha. It isn't even a real disease. When I was finally diagnosed at age 31, I still didn’t understand how the illness affected my behavior. And if you were to say this phrase to someone with bipolar disorder and if they didn’t try to rip you a new one, they have much more restraint than you give them credit for! Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. I've dated someone with bipolar. It’s important to keep in mind that this is the disorder saying or doing hurtful things and not the person who has bipolar. Here are some warning signs to look out for. My opinion of why we “attack” the ones so close to us is because they are all we have. She was diagnosed late fall shes 25 but acts like a 13 year old. LOL(LotsOfLove)! Your email address will not be published. People in general tend to say very hurtful things when they get upset. Being told to act normal when you are just being yourself can be very hurtful and offensive to say the least. There are just certain things that you should never say to someone with bipolar disorder. Think about it this way, how would you feel if you felt like someone was telling your that your feelings weren’t valid and they told you to “just get over it?” If you don’t want people to say things like that to you in your time of need, then you really shouldn’t be saying it to others. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Children with bipolar disorder often need special assistance at school. He is always looking for something to bitch and argue about, sleeps little bit, on and off happy acting then bitchy acting towards me! I look forward to getting an email from you! I have to stay stable in order to be the nice person I know I am inside. Some say … I wrote down all of my behaviors and eventually determined what was the real me and what was the bipolar disorder. You might feel like you are being considerate when you ask your loved one if they remembered to take their meds, but in reality, that medication statement is quite hurtful. I Was Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Now What? Thank you so much, Christy! The mean and nasty Julie was ALWAYS the illness. First off, there is no such thing as “normal” because every person is unique in their own way. But this phrase is wrong—bipolar disorder can kill. Going on a shopping spree. Any suggestions on where I can find out information. So, in fairness to all of us with Bipolar Disorder, the issue could be more accurately cast as whether people with Bipolar Disorder lie a little (or a lot) more than the average person. When dealing with a loved one who has bipolar disorder, you should highly consider losing the word “normal” from your vocabulary when you are speaking with them. I don’t know about Bp but my daughter act strange, she leave with his husband to my surprise she went to other man’s house for two days. We can only be one thing, and that is who we are. I truly try to step back and think before I do something stupid. Categories: Advice, Bipolar Disorder, Featured, Mental Health, Samantha Steiner, Tags: #SickNotWeak, Bipolar, Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Disorder Awareness, Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Blog, Mental Illness, Sick Not Weak, Think Before You Speak. Sometimes people who have never taken psych meds before may think that these meds are a simple “cure all” and that their loved one shouldn’t have anymore bad days after starting treatment which couldn’t be further from the truth. People with Bipolar Disorder … The person may also actually enjoy the mania and may not take medicines, which can prolong the episode. Take it from someone who struggles with bipolar disorder themselves and has had these statements said to them before, saying the following 5 things could cause more damage than you realize! I still want to kick things and yell at people,  but I can’t give in to it now. No matter what mean, cruel or hurtful things he says, does or accuses me of, I will not engage." People with mental illnesses are judged enough and they really don’t need someone they care about judging them so harshly. Unfortunately, that is the world we live in. Stigma stings, but when it happens in your own backyard—our own families and friends not accepting us—it is especially hard to take. You know he’s “bipolar,” don’t you? Please do not use your full name, as it will be displayed. Negative thoughts can be a normal part of bipolar disorder depression. It was awful, and now I feel I wasted so much time in that interesting country due to my anger and irritation. Stigma, no matter where it comes from, is insensitive and dehumanizing. “I feel joy and encouragement each morning I’m emailed a newsletter.“. They can have trouble focusing, have anger issues and be easily tormented by other children. Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. I had to write my own treatment plan in order to get better. Thank you for sharing! You can’t tell another person how they should be feeling unless you are able to walk a mile in their shoes. Bipolar disorder alters a person’s perceptions of reality, so a strong foundation in truth is a necessity when dealing with its symptoms. Please Help Keep My Bipolar Mind Up And Running. Examples includes, Being irritated at dinner at dinner and saying … Also, the person may say and do unusual or hurtful things. It’s a dysfunctional … In fact, … But unless you are trying to purposely push your loved one’s buttons, you should probably stop telling them that it doesn’t take much to set them off because that statement alone could set off someone who isn’t bipolar. Truth is, most people can say they’ve been there, done that. The worst ones I’ve heard have had no diagnosis of anything. I lived in Japan for three years and I complained about everything for three years.   Leave this cliche out of your repertoire. Quotes tagged as "bipolar-disorder" Showing 1-30 of 154 “If I can't feel, if I can't move, if I can't think, and I can't care, then what conceivable point is there in living?” ― Kay Redfield Jamison, An Unquiet … Even now, it’s a terrific challenge to keep my thoughts to myself when the negative mood swings are raging. Yes, I will admit it, people with bipolar disorder can sometimes deal with extra anger and agitation issues that perhaps people without this disorder wouldn’t be able to fully understand. Required fields are marked *. I would do the same for my friends or family if they were suffering! In cyclothymic disorder, moods swing between short periods of mild depression and hypomania, an elevated mood. Thanks for reading, sweetie! Bad days can happen to anyone, but just because someone is having a bad doesn’t usually mean that meds are being missed. Reducing someone to the illness he faces is destructive. It’s just common courtesy! Destruction of families. This causes a lot of stress in my brain and I react with negative thoughts. I know it’s hard to understand when someone with bipolar is screaming obscenities and saying hurtful things to you, but it’s really not aimed at you in particular. During these times, it’s the little things that most people seem to do with ease that can challenging for someone with bipolar disorder such as remembering to eat and shower. We know that they probably won't take it … And sometimes she abandoned her kids. This means you can have them no matter what you really think about a situation. This is called a manic period. Considering ending a relationship with someone who has bipolar disorder can have some added challenges. People with bipolar disorder and their loved ones sometimes report a tendency to say things that others may consider lies. The personality traits of entrepreneurs and those with bipolar frequently overlap; experts say embracing both strengths and vulnerabilities is key to success. I can’t believe that people put up with me. People with cyclothymic disorder have milder symptoms than occur in full-blown bipolar disorder. Here are some things to consider before making the decision and how to … Anytime someone makes me feel bad about how I feel, I know that they’re not someone whose energy I want to be around. This isn’t the province of bipolar or ptsd patients. Great post! All rights reserved. Urghhhh the words “act normal” can be so terrible to hear for anyone with mental illness. Anything Helps. But when discrimination comes from those we consider to be part of our inner circle—friends, family, co-workers, fellow worshipers, others we’d hope... Sign up for bphope's FREE weekly newsletters—your trusted source of inspiration and information. . ❤. My Bipolar Mind: ORDER NOW Back On Amazon! This can be especially true when you are dealing with a loved one who has a bipolar disorder diagnosis. She had little empathy and was completely unable to comprehend the impact she had on her children with no chance of navigating their feelings when she said something hurtful and inappropriate. Me and my wife is married for over 8 years.She was diagnosed with bp and refused the drink her medication.life have changed.she has a lot of work stress.will come home spend hours also just looking at social media.the problem now is she started to drink.no more feelings and always looking for a argument.never admitting that she is wrong always blaming others people.and work.i am standing in a crossroad point to get n divorce but i know deep down she is a good person. Prolong the episode receive notifications of new posts by email a situation an from. Bipolar frequently overlap ; experts say embracing both strengths and vulnerabilities is key to success a mood swing to! Families and friends not accepting us—it is especially hard to take be when. Stings, but I don ’ t believe that people put up with me put up with.... I get sick regularly treatment plan in order to get better my daughter only takes one of! And that is who we are at age 31, I still Want to things! 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