Binder's boss responds, "you are the expert on resources...what do you think?" The only possible outcome of accountability and compliance is a positive impact on mission effectiveness. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The symbol has two main Parts: the upper half, the stylized wings represent the stripes of our strength-the enlisted men and women of our force. In the meantime, let's work together on a plan for you to win Instructor of the Quarter." "Consent" shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. From what point of view am I looking at this issue? d. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, Ethical Relativism is making decisions based on personal values/beliefs rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. Exaggerated belief about a category of people. What information do I need to settle the question? Ability to effectively comprehend and act in a culturally complex environment to achieve desired results. Unfortunately, to ensure our nuclear weapons program is within standards, I now have to conduct random spot inspections in order to hold everyone liable for following instructions.". Any substance which contains any quantity of a substance that is habit-forming or has a potential for abuse because of its stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect as determined by the Attorney General of the United States, Describes negative stress. What are the three qualities individuals must possess to make ethical decisions? A community-based approach that includes family, friends, and many different professional and social service providers that are committed to reducing suicide by creating a safety net that provides protection. making decisions based on a "win at all cost" attitude rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. A personal characteristic where one imposes their preferred temperament on others. ACLS Certification ECG Rhythms Practice Test. The term "hardiness of spirit" is used in the CESG referenced above, in relation to physical and mental hardships. The Air Force Core Values are what we stand for, how we live our lives, and how we lead others. In the early stages of ALS, the symptoms may be so minor that they are overlooked. The action by an institution that, through its policies or procedures, deprives a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. identify the specific skills that will be developed at all officer and enlisted PME schools. Actions taken to deprive an individual or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. This transaction becomes a 'contract' or goal between the leader and the follower. Any act of violence, against persons or property, threats, intimidation, harassment, or other inappropriate, disruptive behavior that cause fear for personal safety and/or involve a substantial risk of physical or emotional harm to individuals, or damage to government resources or capabilities, When one responds to a workplace violence incident with an "I can handle it" attitude when the right thing to do is consult with professional help. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Any pattern of unconventional misuse of any substance for nonmedical purposes that produces a known health risk or constitutes a danger to self or others. Values that we attribute to a system of beliefs that help us define right from wrong, good versus bad. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is difficult to diagnose early because it can mimic other neurological diseases. Combat stress happens when there is a change in mental function or behavior during combat as a result of actual battle conditions or the potential for battle conditions. Review the decisions made, actions taken, and results achieved. Validate each colors strengths: successful organizations and leaders acknowledge the unique capabilities of each temperament. In addition to the military Services, a number of DoD agencies provide combat support or, A combatant command (COCOM) is a command with a broad continuing mission under a single, Joint Force Commander (JFC) is a general term applied to a CCDR, subunified commander, or, is the principal assistant to the President in all, A Service component command, assigned to a CCDR, consists of a Service component CDR and, is characterized as a confrontation between, is defined as a violent struggle among state, is Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and, is when we are directing our energy towards, is a descriptive term of how our operational, During a pre-deployment briefing, A1C Addison asks SSgt Potter, "So how exactly do we, a. the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the flag. ______________ theory posits that people are motivated by how well they perform, what social group(s) they are associated with, and the position and authority they hold. Abnormalities in muscles seen in an EMG can help doctors diagnose or rule out ALS. Ingram adds, "I've also noticed that you don't play sports or take on challenging tasks anymore." How does the Air Force define substance abuse? What is the relationship between the AF Core Values and Airmanship? It initiates from outside of the individual. Als practice test set b. Adhering tentatively to recently acquired opinions; Being prepared to examine new evidence and arguments even if such examination leads you to discover flaws in your own cherished beliefs; Stop thinking that complex issues can be reduced to right and wrong or black and white and look at degrees of certainty or shades of gray; Recognizing that "I don't know" can sometimes be the wisest position to take on an issue. The ____________'s function is it to advise the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with regards to their respective services and provide information to the President and/or the SecDef if requested? The disease is often progressive and fatal. makes it easy to get the grade you want! What am I taking for granted? What does it mean to have a high motivation to become a critical thinker? Denying the problem exists, avoiding the problem altogether, fear that accessing help will result in a negative career impact, fear that the chain of command will be contacted. During the next class, you will be required to teach all 30 lessons. The __________ temperament values Interpersonal interaction and close relationships. AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel. a leadership training system that suggests leaders perform throughout a gamut of leadership behaviors ranging from active and effective behavior to a more passive and less effective behavior. Test. Operational stress occurs when there are changes in mental functioning or behavior during military operations other than war. What are common barriers that at-risk personnel face when seeking out help? With a vision to deliver unrivaled air, space and cyberspace education and training, the command recruits Airmen and provides basic military training, initial and advanced technical training, flying training, medical training, space and missile training, cyber training, and professional military and degree-granting professional education. This windowpane refers to information about ourselves that no one is aware of, not even ourselves. Reflective thinking begins with a state of doubt, hesitation, or perplexity and moves through the act of searching for information that will resolve, clarify, or address the situation/problem. ___is the intentional use of words to arouse feelings about a subject to bias others positively or negatively. However, I would have to say the hardest part for me was the public speaking. STUDY. This is arguing something is true because "it works," even though the cause of this something and the outcome are not demonstrated. Duration or deployment of more than six months, repeat deployments without sufficient time to recover and reset, sleeping less than 6-8 hours per day on average, witnessing death up close, especially of other Airmen or civilian non-combatants, being responsible for the death or serious injury of a non-combatant or allied combatant, being physically injured, handling remains, especially other Airmen, history of other stress injuries, previous mental health problems, lack of mutual trust with other unit members, being impacted by family, relationship, or other home front stressors, being young and inexperienced, potential exposure to nuclear, biological, and chemical agents. ___is the process where one tends to notice and look for what confirms one's beliefs, and to ignore what contradicts one's beliefs. Leaders who model _____ ______ inspire confidence in those they lead, inspiring them to accept and follow decisions from ethical leaders and organizations with an ethical climate rather than from unethical leaders or organizations with a corrosive environment. What are some examples of how enlisted leaders can practice and advocate the de-glamorization of substance abuse? Gravity. These statements create a false sense of security for his subordinates and can ultimately decrease effectiveness and bring on unwarranted stress. having a social support network that consists of: family, friends, and coworkers. What are three common reactions that people have when faced with a suicide situation? Over the last week, Royce has been late three times. Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) training can help you provide life-saving care to infants and children during times of crisis. Q1. Reliving the event, avoiding situations that remind you of the event, feeling numb, feeling keyed up. This leader is reactive rather than proactive and waits for things to go wrong. People's motivation and productivity indicate their level of commitment. During his in-processing briefing, SrA Holt hears the speaker say, "As a member of the, b. The core beliefs we hold regarding what is right and fair in terms of our actions and our interactions with others; what individuals believe to be of worth and importance to their life. He let me know he was going through a rough patch and after our talk, he decided to speak to a chaplain. Any pattern of unconventional misuse of any substance for nonmedical purposes that produces a known health risk or constitutes a danger to self or others. The _________________ Leadership Theory believes that pairing a leader to a specific situation is the most effective method because leaders cannot adjust their behaviors. Test your knowledge with our free ACLS Practice Test provided below in order to prepare you for our official online exam. ___What question am I raising? What am I implying? Using a science-based curriculum, personalized instruction and a scenario-based approach, our PALS course will help you learn to assess patients, provide advanced interventions, and improve critical-thinking skills so you can provide better care more confidently. Can I explain this idea? EKG Practice Test 1 This EKG practice test is designed to help you learn to recoginze all of the EKG rhythms that you will encounter during emergencies and during the AHA ACLS provider course. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. ___ is criticizing the person making an argument, not the argument itself. PLAY. Causing serious physical injury to another; using a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; committing an assault by any means of force that causes temporary but substantial disfigurement, etc. Observing how worried his subordinates looked while waiting to hear about the organizational restructure, SSgt Steven says, "It's a commonly known fact that a restructure is mostly for the leadership of the organization, so I wouldn't worry too much. Can occur overtly, covertly, intentionally, or unintentionally. A cognitive process by which an individual is able to identify the thoughts and/or feelings of another culture. Maybe I have had a little too much to drink." Not all individuals with ALS develop the same symptoms or the same sequences or patterns of progression. Stress is the body's reaction to an external demand, the physical, mental, and emotional response to a situation. Activities by non-members of the Non-proliferation Treaty to secure, transport, and employ weapons of mass destruction are known by what term? According to the trend data (table 1), what were the most prevalent problems associated with suicide? The _______ Core Values are Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. Consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion, or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated or unconscious. The study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and how we judge those behaviors. Although he is in charge, he still desires to have the same relationship with his former peers, so he makes decisions based on their desires. This professionally structured event includes significant others in the member's life. How does the Air Force define Sexual Assault? they are key to ensuring the ability of Airmen to operate successfully in a constantly changing operational environment. What is the twofold purpose of a Retreat ceremony? In addition, resilience uses training, service, and support build a culture of resiliency. The use of any illicit drug, the misuse of any prescribed medication, or the abuse of alcohol. Charged with space operations, information operations, missile defense, global command and control, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. What Air Force Manual (AFM) or Air Force Instruction (AFI) governs Dress and Appearance? Relationship problems, legal problems, financial problems, deployed in previous year, receiving psychological services. d. CORRECT: According to the Emergent Leadership Issues lesson, leaders have a responsibility to intervene when they suspect substance abuse and they must report all substance abuse or suspected substance abuse incidents (i.e. The relationship between Warrior ethos and the Air Force Core Values is that they both contain very similar characteristics of one another. ___If someone accepted my position, what would be the implications? ____________ operates in supporting roles to provide combatant commanders specialized support and is controlled by Secretary of Defense? ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Practice Test: Question Answers ACLS Practice Quiz will help you to prepare ACLS sepsis quizlet official online exam. Although I have seen her study with the flight, most of the time she studies alone. ________ ________ is the art of observing those moral obligations and precepts that is appropriate to a person's role within the military profession. It serves as one of our pillars. Materiel, personnel, and procedures that contribute to the safety, security, reliability, and control of nuclear weapons are... What were some of the organizational infractions that occurred with the misshipment of sensitive missile components in 2008? are factors related to a person's job. The ________ serves as the versatile, all-purpose, fast response task force capable of quick action in areas requiring emergency intervention using both ground and air combat. Is there another way to interpret the information? Terms in this set (383) SrA Shelby listens as the ALS instructor says, "The course is rigorous so you'll want to manage your time wisely because your achievements depend entirely on the effort you put forth. List at least five risk factors associated with combat/operational stress. Gravity. requires the presence at all times of at least two persons, each certified under PRP, knowledgeable in the task to be performed, familiar with applicable safety and security requirements, and each capable of promptly detecting an incorrect act or improper procedure throughout the task performed. It has material on ALS Correspondence, and multiple people in my unit have passed on that alone. Air Education and Training Command (AETC). Falling ill or suffering a serious injury are two examples of physical hardships I might encounter. Any attitude or action or a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person of group because of race. being able to put in the necessary work sufficient evaluate the multiple sides of issues. Quizlet is the easiest way to practice and master whatever you’re learning. What question am I addressing? Subscribe and you will have access to our exams with instant live answer feedback. Quizlet for Teams. Help friends and colleagues understand and begin the grieving process, to help maintain mission readiness and morale, identify/refer individuals who are at increased risk for distress. I found the scenario questions to … Activities by non-members of the Non-proliferation Treaty to secure, transport, and employ weapons of mass destruction are known by what term? This is when one is creating a prejudicial atmosphere against the opposition, making it difficult for the opponent to be received fairly. Its significance is different for each of us and we all raise our right hand for different reasons, but the oath of enlistment brings us all together because the promise is the same, to defend our constitution from all enemies. I finally settled into a routine that helped me pay attention in class, take good notes, and actively participate in classroom discussions. Situations where one is forced to choose between two alternatives (both alternatives can be unfavorable and/or less right and more right or less wrong and more wrong). A1C Royce works at the base chapel. This type of wellness requires a support network consisting of family, friends, and coworkers and offers tremendous benefits for your health and wellness especially when dealing with difficult situations. Attribution involves the sub-skills of emotion, is the understanding of knowing how to properly communicate in another language or culture. Oh no! This, Operational stress occurs when there are changes in mental functioning or behavior during military operations other than war (, physically ready to accomplish the mission. Just send a screenshot of your scores to New Airway management . An emotional appeal is making irrelevant emotional appeals to a claim (since emotion often influences people more effectively than logical reasoning). 4. This type of fallacy is when one is criticizing the person making an argument, not the argument itself. Enhances a service member's ability to recognize when cultural factors exist and determine the appropriate behaviors to implement to achieve desired results. When it comes to flying a plane there are a lot of things you should think of and ensure you have the safety of the passengers in mind. The day before graduating, SrA Hill is showing her dad, a military retiree, around the campus when he asks, "What was the hardest part of the course?" This morning she failed the formative exercise, by one question, and failed to meet the academic standard. A judgment against or an opinion contrary to anything without just grounds or sufficient knowledge. Offers followers a vision and inspires them to complete their mission; The __________ temperament values Interpersonal interaction and close relationships, The _______________ temperament values competitiveness, hands on work, and people, The ______________ temperament values competence in themselves and others and can, People who prefer the _______________ temperament are goal oriented, ready to complete, ___A personal characteristic where one imposes their, ___A personal quality where one can modify his or, ___Simply because Greens are known to prefer their, ___This is the ability to 'see' others, situation, and, ___Do not label others as a Gold or Blue, even though, ___Treat others the way they want to be treated, not, 1. Arguing that two children sharing the same bedroom is wrong because double-celling of criminals in a penitentiary can lead to bad behavior. CORRECT: SSgt Dooney's actions illustrate falling for an ethical trap. Roy replies, "Lately, I feel anxious all the I need to watch my back." What information do I need to settle the question? Learn als airman leadership school air force with free interactive flashcards. Because SSgt Conklin intervened and reported the substance abuse, his effectiveness will most likely increase. Causing serious physical injury to another; using a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; committing an assault by any means of force that causes temporary but substantial disfigurement, etc. While on watch he does not allow any talk about things he considers secular, like partying and drinking, and denies time off for activities which in his opinion, are not in good taste and do not promote ethical behavior. the thinking or reasoning component of learning. Each test is progressive and after completion of all tests, you should have an adequate understanding of each ACLS Algorithm and interventions carried out within ACLS protocol. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that affects the muscles, and this quiz/worksheet will test your understanding of a cause, symptom, and treatment related to the disease. Any substandard behavior or performance in which the consumption of alcohol is a primary contributing factor. What are the organizational factors that can cause stress? Pacific Air Force provides USPACOM integrated expeditionary Air Force capabilities to defend the homeland, promote stability, dissuade/deter aggression, and swiftly defeat enemies. are marks of respect, etiquette, or courteous behavior shown to persons or symbols. ConmamT. Having an independent mind and being able to restrain yourself from the desire to believe because of social pressures to conform. is a state of mind brought about by the existence of a credible threat of unacceptable counteraction. 0 = Number of underage individuals drinking alcohol. When the follower fulfills the leader's expectations, a reward is provided to reinforce the demonstrated positive behavior) by congratulating Green on meeting his goal and prepares to nominate him for Instructor of the Quarter. It reinforces the concept that military service is much more than just another job. They are also designed within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost throughout their life cycle. It looks like your browser needs an update. How does the Air Force define Sexual Assault? This is what transformational leaders use to stimulate and encourage creativity and critical thought. You can participate in quizlet for rhythm identification What question am I addressing? The term spirit refers to an intense energy that empowers one to act when called to action. Your goal is to teach 18 of the 30 lessons during this next class. a person who forms their own opinions about important subjects (religion/politics) instead of accepting what other people say. What signals the start of the official duty day? In peacetime, drill, which also includes open ranks and reveille and retreat, provides a means of enhancing morale, developing a spirit of cohesion, and presenting traditional and well-executed ceremonies. is making illogical analogies to support the validity of a particular claim. After Binder asks questions to find the facts and examines the issue from different viewpoints, he decides not to spend the funds. Do not confuse personal values with military core values. Sexual assault includes rape, forcible sodomy (oral or anal sex), and other unwanted sexual contact that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful (to include unwanted and inappropriate sexual contact), or attempts to commit these acts. Recently promoted, SSgt Dooney is well respected and liked throughout the work center. making decisions based on personal values/beliefs rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. is making a comparison that is irrelevant or inappropriate. competencies that provide a common language and a set of priorities for consistency across the Air Force. a. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. What assumption has led me to that conclusion. Aside from that, I think I'm handling it all pretty well.". the signal for the start of the official duty day. The following year, Binder's budget is cut by the amount he did not spend. One example would be an advertisement claiming that a battery lasts "up to 30% longer, but does not say it will last 30% longer. Start studying ALS Test B (Volume 2). SSgt Mayberry, the NCOIC is strongly devoted to his religious beliefs. Capability, will, and perception are the... a. Inter-related factors of deterrence theory. A personal quality where one can modify his or her behaviors to effectively interact with all temperaments. From your reading, how would you define stress? CORRECT: SSgt Binder's comments best illustrate proficient critical thinking, which according to the Critical Thinking chapter, includes the characteristics of 1) open-mindedness, 2) healthy skepticism, and 3) intellectual humility. Compliance is the act or process of complying with a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen/coercion. _____Leaders demonstrate this by treating their followers as individuals and supporting each one's specific, developmental needs. Explain the relationship between warrior ethos and the Air Force Core Values. Throughout history, armies have practiced. Employees are also encouraged to report any unusual situation that has the potential to cause workplace violence. Followers trust and respect leaders who demonstrate this behavior because they "walks the walk.". As SSgt Conklin conducts his ORI preparation meeting, SrA Watt stumbles in late. What are the primary benefits of customs and courtesies? the manner in which you deal with things emotionally. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Didn't have any issues with either test. Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (hence its name, Johari), the model is, Maturity is the ability to express one's own strengths, feelings, and beliefs in a manner that is, a practical theory that identifies the four distinct personality temperament, A complex mental framework used to codify, A group of people living within a society who, The idea that all aspects of a culture are, Most powerful culture of a particular society, Shared set of traditions, belief systems, and, Tendency where one views their culture as, Ability to effectively comprehend and act in a. Although his actions do not appear to impact morale yet, his application of ethical relativism has caused one or two members to talk about switching flights, which indicates a negative impact on his effectiveness. Places the burden of understanding the message on the receiver. Use the training and support network you have so you can endure, bounce back, and develop in these hard times. Instead of attending the in-resident ALS, Air National Guard members can take an Airman Leadership distance-learning course through the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education. The _________________ Leadership Theory states that a person's ability to lead depends on his or her intellect, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and social skills. The warrior ethos relates to the character that shapes who you are and what you do. When uncovered and in civilian clothes, which of the following services do not usually salute (circle all that apply)? Which MAJCOM organizes, trains, equips, and maintains resources to conduct a broad spectrum of air operations—from humanitarian relief to decisive combat employment—in DoD's largest area of responsibility? How does the Air Force define substance abuse? Leaders who model _____ ______ inspire confidence in those they lead, inspiring them to accept and follow decisions from ethical leaders and organizations with an ethical climate rather than from unethical leaders or organizations with a corrosive environment. It exists in structured. ___can severely affect our ability to think clearly and critically. the internal force one uses to face and handle mental and/or physical challenges, the will to stand up for what is right, regardless of personal cost, the ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. Heightened individual and community awareness of suicide, suicide risk factors, and the fact that suicide is only the "tip of the iceberg" of psychosocial problems. Conklin replies, "Watt, your actions are in violation of the standards. Duration or deployment of more than six months, repeat deployments without sufficient time to recover and reset, sleeping less than 6-8 hours per day on average, witnessing death up close, especially of other Airmen or civilian non-combatants, being responsible for the death or serious injury of a non-combatant or allied combatant, being physically injured, handling remains, especially other Airmen, history of other stress injuries, previous mental health problems, lack of mutual trust with other unit members, being impacted by family, relationship, or other home front stressors, being young and inexperienced. Is not authorized by regulation, equips and deploys combat ready forces to support @ New management. 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