R.S., c. 114, s. 25. (4) The authority and responsibility of the Minister to administer and control Crown lands exists even though the land may be subject to a lease, licence, easement or encumbrance. (3) The Registrar shall be responsible for co-ordinating and consolidating information relating to that land identified in subsection (2). (2) The Minister may issue a permit to remove timber and other resources from an area designated pursuant to subsection (1) provided they are to be used for domestic purposes and not for resale. Advanced search » A Catalogue of Archived Records Preserved in Nova Scotia. 4 (1) The Minister has the general supervision and management of this Act and the regulations. Department of Natural Resources. 2 The object and purpose of this Act is to provide for the most effective utilization of Crown lands by. R.S., c. 114, s. 10. 31 (1) The Minister may offer timber or other resources from Crown lands for sale by tender, public auction or other means upon such terms as the Minister deems expedient. Crown lands are all or any part of the land under the administration and control of the Minister of Natural Resources as per the Crown Lands Act. (a) the maintenance and management of the forests in conformity with the Forests Act and the Forest Enhancement Act; (c) the protection and regulation of the flow of water within the lands so reserved and set apart; (d) the development of water power to be derived therefrom; (e) the protection, management and conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats; (f) such purposes as the Minister deems expedient. (2) Where a permit, licence or licence agreement is found to comprise timber or other resources included in an earlier permit, licence or licence agreement, the later permit, licence or licence agreement is void in so far as it conflicts with the earlier permit, licence or licence agreement and the person holding the later permit, licence or licence agreement has no claim against the Minister for indemnity or compensation by reason thereof. Landlords can choose to use Form P, another form of lease or a verbal agreement, but the conditions in Form P still apply. 45 (1) A conservation officer appointed pursuant to this Act may seize anything, including a vehicle, that the conservation officer believes on reasonable and probable grounds may afford evidence of an offence pursuant to this Act or the regulations. 41 A conservation officer may arrest without a warrant a person whom the conservation officer, (a) finds committing an offence contrary to this Act or the regulations; or. 50 Where pursuant to this Act or an enactment, a notice relating to Crown lands is required to be given or an act to be done by or on behalf of the Crown, such notice may be given and act done by or by the authority of the Minister. Its a small area aprox 40 ft by 40 ft. Fire sale aside, the provincial government has committed to earmarking 12% of Nova Scotia land, by 2015, as protected areas, under the Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act of 2007. R.S., c. 114, s. 30. This Policy made provision for the Department to hold 5 lottery draws for obtaining campsite leases. (b) authorized to be harvested on Crown lands. (4) The Minister may close a forest access road or any portion thereof to travel by a class of vehicle or by a person or class of persons for all or any part of the year. (6) The protection afforded by this Act and any other enactment to a conservation officer extends to any other person while and to the extent that that person is in the course of assisting a conservation officer under the conservation officer's direction. R.S., c. 114, s. 4. (8) A conservation officer before commencing duties pursuant to this Act, shall take an oath or affirmation as prescribed by the regulations. (7) No person shall, without lawful authority. R.S., c. 114, s. 34. (3) Where the identity of a person to whom a notice may be directed pursuant to subsection (1) is unknown to the Minister, the Minister may cause notice requiring the removal of the structure to be posted in a conspicuous place on the structure. 49 The Summary Proceedings Act and forms authorized thereunder apply to all prosecutions and proceedings pursuant to this Act and the regulations as far as they are applicable and are not inconsistent with this Act and the regulations. (4) An agreement pursuant to subsection (1) may provide that in every tenth year of the agreement it may be extended, with or without change or amendments to the terms and conditions under which it was granted, for ten years so that the term of the agreement after each extension is twenty years. Any individual or business who wishes to develop a parcel of Crown land under the administration and control of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources for agricultural use. (4) A member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is by virtue of office a conservation officer pursuant to this Act and has the same powers as are conferred upon a conservation officer. (2) A person who fails to furnish such records or fails or neglects to comply with the terms and conditions of a permit, licence or licence agreement is guilty of an offence. (5) Where the timber or other resources or products into which they may be processed are sold under any order of foreclosure, sale or execution or under a legal process otherwise than by the Crown to satisfy its lien or charge, the amount of the lien or charge created pursuant to subsection (3) constitutes a first lien or charge on the proceeds of the sale and title thereof does not pass to the purchaser until the lien or charge is satisfied. 5 The Minister has supervision, direction and control of, (a) the acquisition, registration, survey and sale or disposition of Crown lands; and, (b) the administration, utilization, protection and management of Crown lands, including. Superb Plot of Land For Sale on Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia Canada Euroresales Property ID- 9825779 Land Information: 46 acres of forest on the most... 11 holprop.com (b) believes on reasonable and probable grounds is committing or has recently committed an offence contrary to this Act or the regulations. (5) Unless provided otherwise, an agreement renewed pursuant to subsection (4) is a continuation of the agreement originally issued and the agreement renewed continues and is deemed to have continued without interruption from the renewed date of the original agreement. (v) matters that may be assigned pursuant to this Act and the regulations. Lahey rejected the claim that work on private woodlots in western Nova Scotia dried up after harvest leases on former Bowater Mersey Paper Mill lands were awarded to a consortium of 13 sawmills called WestFor. R.S., c. 114, s. 42. This land is often referred to as Crown lands. And i would like to have an idea of aprox how much does this cost, if i can share any other information, could you please let me know? R.S., c. 114, s. 26. Looking to take over a current Crown Land lease in Hants/Kings/Annapolis or Luneburg Co. R.S., c. 114, s. 13. 17 (1) All petitions for Crown lands shall be entered in a petition book, the original of which is kept on permanent file in the Department. Series Land Services Division Crown Land Forestry Series maps; ... She moved to Nova Scotia in 1971. (2) All grants shall be signed by the Lieutenant Governor and the Minister and a second original shall be kept on permanent file in the Department. (2) Subsequent to a sale pursuant to subsection (1), the Minister may issue a licence upon such terms and conditions as the Minister deems appropriate. (2) A certificate pursuant to this Section purporting to bear the signature and seal of the Minister shall be registered in the registry of deeds for the registration district in which the land therein described is situate without proof of the signature. Tenants use Form G and Form H to end their tenancy (lease) early if their health has gotten worse or they’ve been accepted into a nursing home. My SO and I will be doing an east coast grand tour next month and I was wondering if the rumours were true about crown land camping being free and abundant out your way? Showing 1 - 6 of 6 for search: '"Crown lands Leasing Nova Scotia"', query time: 0.17s . Title proper. 18 (1) Title to any Crown lands which have not already been granted, may be conveyed by means of a grant. R.S., c. 114, s. 45. Crown lands can be used for such things as economic development, recreation, and protection of biodiversity. (b) where the conservation officer has knowledge of the person who was in actual or apparent possession of the timber or other resources at the time of the seizure, give notice to that person of the seizure, either by personal service or by registered mail. (a) the application of proven forest management techniques to enhance productivity on Crown lands and to provide for an increasing harvest of better quality forest products; (b) requiring that leasing and licensing arrangements on Crown lands are providing for equitable stumpage rates, adequate investments in forest improvements and improved market access for privately produced wood; (c) the integration of wildlife and outdoor recreation considerations in the forest management planning process on Crown lands; and. Lands near the Mersey River are included in the western Crown lands. (3) All conservation officers appointed pursuant to the Wildlife Act or the Forests Act are conservation officers for the purposes of this Act. (c) incite another person to obstruct; or. (2) The Minister shall integrate appropriate protective measures in forest-management planning for Crown lands to respect the integrity of water-supply watersheds, wildlife habitats, special places, ecological reserves and significant outdoor-recreation opportunities. You will need to confirm in your Development Plan that site access, as described in the Site Profile document, is satisfactory. Nova Scotia's code of forest practice a framework for the implementation of sustainable forest management : guidelines for crown land [Halifax, N.S.] Some examples of the conditions may include requirements for dealing with possible remnant infrastructure or other water resource protection measures. (2) A person entering upon privately owned land pursuant to subsection (1) is only liable for actual damages caused by such entry. R.S., c. 114, s. 19. (2) Where the Minister makes a declaration pursuant to clause (a) of subsection (1), the land reverts to the Crown. 32 (1) The Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may enter into a forest-utilization licence agreement for the purpose of ensuring the best possible utilization of the forests of the Province and the timber thereon with a person who owns or operates a wood-processing facility in the Province or who undertakes by agreement with the Minister to construct and operate a wood-processing facility in the Province. R.S., c. 114, s. 20. (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), where timber or other resources are removed from Crown lands or are damaged or destroyed by a person without lawful authority, the permit holder or licensee affected, as against such person and any other person except the Crown, is and is deemed to be the owner of the timber or other resources and in possession of the Crown lands affected for the purpose of maintaining an action with respect to such product. R.S., c. 114, s. 23. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister may engage, upon such terms and conditions as the Minister deems fit, the services of such persons as the Minister deems necessary for the efficient carrying out of the intent and purpose of this Act and the regulations. 34 (1) Every permit holder or licensee shall keep such records as are required by the Minister and such records shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Minister or an auditor acting on behalf of the Crown. (b) the agreement will unfairly limit access to other primary forest products, including hardwood, on Crown land. These guidelines provide information on giving notice to quit, special statutory conditions that apply to manufactured (mobile) homes, rental increases and selling a manufactured (mobile) home. (3) Where the notice is by means of a sign, the sign shall be posted so that it is clearly visible in daylight under normal conditions from the approach to each usual point of access to the Crown lands to which it applies. (a) issue a grant, deed, lease, licence or other conveyance for the disposition of Crown lands or any interest in Crown lands; (b) grant an easement or right of way with respect to Crown lands upon such terms and conditions as the Minister considers appropriate; (c) transfer the administration and control of Crown lands to the Government of Canada or an agency thereof. R.S., c. 114, s. 31. (3) No permit issued pursuant to this Section shall be for a period in excess of one year or renewed for a longer period than twelve months at any one time. (3) An agreement pursuant to subsection (1) may include provisions for sub-licensing and must contain such terms and conditions as are deemed necessary by the Minister and, subject to subsection (4), may not be for a period longer than twenty years. (9) Subsection (8) does not apply to members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or conservation officers who have already taken and subscribed an oath of office. (4) Timber or any other resources seized by a conservation officer pursuant to this Section that is not otherwise property of the Crown becomes property of the Crown by the seizure and may be disposed of as the Minister considers appropriate. Prices for Nova Scotia vacant land for sale range from to $4,700,000. Each year before March 1st, Service Nova Scotia will post the Annual Allowable Rent Increase Amount (AARIA) on its … Leasing Crown Land from the Province of Nova Scotia Crown lands are public assets managed by the Department of Natural Resources. (2) In a prosecution with respect to an offence pursuant to this Section, any monument, pin, post or other marker alleged to have been placed on Crown lands shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be deemed to have been placed on Crown lands for the purpose of establishing a boundary thereon. (3) Upon completion of a boundary survey involving Crown lands, the surveyor shall, where prepared, submit a return of survey and a legible copy of field notes to the Director of Surveys. The land is located in Burncoat noel, nova scotia. (10) A copy of an identification card signed by the Minister is proof in any court of law that the individual named therein is a conservation officer pursuant to this Act or the regulations without any further proof. (a) declare the grant, deed or other conveyance null and void if the land is being used in violation of the condition; (b) with the approval of the Governor in Council, order the release of all or part of the land from a condition; or. (2) The Minister may issue a permit to construct and use a forest access road across Crown lands for such period of time as set out in the regulations or as ordered by the Minister. Looking for vacant land for sale in Halifax, NS? Tenants can end their tenancy (lease) early if their landlord sells the property and the new owner or family member is going to move in (occupy the premises). 47 No action in trespass or nuisance may be brought against the Crown or its agents for the doing of any act or the carrying out of any operation necessarily incidental to the exercise of a duty or power pursuant to the Act or the regulations except where such trespass or nuisance results in actual injury to the person or actual damage to property. This does not include leases issued for the purpose … R.S., c. 114, s. 32; 2012, c. 6, s. 3. 40 (1) Except as authorized pursuant to this or any other Act or by the Minister, a person who. (4) No changes in any records or plans on file with the Department shall be made on the basis of a return of survey until such return is approved by the Director of Surveys. 20 (1) A person may apply to the Minister to construct a forest access road on Crown lands which have been reserved for such purposes. (2) A notice pursuant to this Section may be given orally, in writing or by sign. 28 Timber and other resources on Crown lands may be disposed by means of, (c) a forest utilization licence agreement; or. R.S., c. 114, s. 9. R.S., c. 114, s. 24. R.S., c. 114, s. 29. (d) "land-lease community" means any lot, piece or parcel of land upon which two or more occupied manufactured homes are located for a period of ten days or more, either free of charge or for revenue purposes, and includes any building, structure or enclosure used or intended for use as part of the equipment of such land-lease community; Overview A Camp lot lease authorizes the use of Crown Land for an individual or a private group for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a camp lot. Use Form P: Standard Form of Lease to see all the conditions that apply in any residential lease. (2) Where stumpage or a charge is due and unpaid to the Crown by a person, interest at a rate determined by the Minister shall be paid by that person on the amount due and payable from time to time. 39 (1) Where a structure is on Crown lands in respect of which there is not in effect a lease or permit issued pursuant to this Act or a structure is placed on Crown lands by a person who is not the holder of a lease or permit issued pursuant to this Act, the Minister may, by written notice, require the person who erected or occupies or uses the structure to remove it from Crown lands within sixty days after service of the notice upon that person. Tenants use Form C to tell their landlord they’ll be moving out at the end of their tenancy (lease). Nova Scotia > "land lease" in Classifieds in Nova Scotia. Prices for Halifax, NS vacant land for sale range from to $4,200,000. (2) A grant or deed of rectification relates back to the original grant or deed with respect to which it is made and has effect as if it were issued on the date of the issue of that grant or deed and has the effect of correcting with necessary modifications every instrument made by the grantee or any person claiming through or under the grantee prior to the date of the corrected document. (6) In addition to a penalty imposed pursuant to subsection (1), the court may order a person convicted of an offence pursuant to this Section to restore the land to a condition as nearly as practicable as it was before the offence was committed. R.S., c. 114, s. 8. 35 (1) A person who harvests or takes possession of timber or other resources on Crown lands under a permit, licence or licence agreement shall pay to the Crown stumpage or such other charges as may be determined by the Minister. (Department of Natural Resources) A pending long-term lease for management of some Nova Scotia Crown lands by a … R.S., c. 114, s. 27. Tenants use For… The most recent Crown lease for Pictou-based Northern Pulp expired in July and was renewed for one year. R.S., c. 114, s. 50. Looking for vacant land for sale in Nova Scotia? R.S., c. 114, s. 14. Nova Scotia will maintain a moratorium on long-term leases for timber harvesting on Crown lands until it "digests" a new forest practices review. (3) A copy of the grant and plan shall be forwarded to the registrar of deeds for the registration district where the land is situate. [Description supplied by Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management] Crown land grant maps such as these were manually produced by the Department of Lands and Forests from 1945 into the 1950s. There is a sun-soaked, flat and established build site, with a south-facing ocean view that reaches all the way over the southern Gulf Islands to the mountains of the Olympic Peninsula. (2) All entries in the petition book shall be made in the order in which they are received. (2) The exercise by the Governor in Council of the authority contained in subsection (1) shall be regulations within the meaning of the Regulations Act. 25 (1) The Minister shall manage wildlife and wildlife habitats on Crown lands and provide for the maintenance of long-term productivity, diversity and stability of the forest ecosystem. 33 (1) A permit, licence or licence agreement issued pursuant to this Act does not confer on the holder thereof an exclusive right to the Crown lands involved except such rights as are necessary to cut or remove the timber or other resources to which the permit, licence or licence agreement applies. Regular rent increases in land-lease communities Rent in a land-lease community may only be raised once in a 12-month period, and not in the first 12 months after a lease is signed. (2) When entering into an agreement pursuant to subsection (1), the Minister shall consider whether, (a) the availability of primary forest products from Crown lands will unfairly influence the marketability of such products from privately owned lands; and. Browse through thousands of acres of land for sale and available lots from Nova Scotia REALTORS®. (a) construct a forest access road and works necessarily incidental thereto; (b) restrict travel over a forest access road; (c) abandon a forest access road and works necessarily incidental thereto; (d) require users of the forest access road to obtain a permit; (e) restrict the use of a forest access road to the public by the use of gates or by notice if material damage might result from such use or if such use might endanger life or property; (f) remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, a vehicle or equipment unlawfully found on or using the forest access road. (2) In addition to a penalty imposed for a violation of subsection (1), the court may order a person convicted of an offence pursuant to this Section to restore the land to a condition as near as practicable as it was before the offence was committed and pay an amount equal to twice the market value of the property cut, damaged or removed. R.S., c. 114, s. 6. (3) A copy of a declaration, order or extension made pursuant to subsection (1) shall be forwarded to the registrar of deeds for the registration district where the land is situate. (3) Unpaid stumpage, charges or interest is a lien or charge upon timber cut or other resources removed by the permit holder or licensee under the authority of a permit, licence or licence agreement and upon a product manufactured from such timber or other resources in preference and priority to any and all fees, charges or claims in favour of another person whether arising before or after a lien or charge arises pursuant to this Section. (2) The Minister may by letter transfer the administration and control of Crown lands administered by the Department to another Provincial government department. From 1972 to 1975 she was employed by the Nova Scotia Museum as editor of The Occasional and coordinator of the national inventory of Historic Buildings. Surrounded by Crown Land on two sides, this picturesque 2.72 ac bare land property provides complete privacy for the ideal family island estate. (3) Where a conservation officer has seized timber or other resources in accordance with this Section, the conservation officer shall, (a) without delay, report the particulars of the seizure to the Department; and. (a) respecting the oath or affirmation of office for conservation officers; (c) respecting the registration of Crown lands; (d) respecting the survey of Crown lands; (e) respecting leasing and other dispositions of Crown lands; (f) respecting the harvesting and removal of timber and other resources from Crown lands; (g) respecting special areas set aside on Crown lands; (h) respecting forest access roads on Crown lands; (i) respecting permits, licences and forest utilization licence agreements on Crown lands; (j) respecting forest management on Crown lands; (l) respecting information returns to be completed with respect to Crown lands; (m) respecting stumpage and other charges for timber and other resources removed from Crown lands; (n) respecting the posting and use of signs on Crown lands; (o) respecting the conduct of public auctions and sales pursuant to the Act; (p) prescribing minimum and maximum fines to be paid for violations of the regulations; (q) defining any word or expression used in this Act or the regulations and not defined therein; (r) respecting procedures and forms to be used; (s) respecting any matter necessary or advisable to carry out effectively the intent and purpose of the Act. 24 The Minister may set aside special areas on Crown lands for. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is ordered to make payment pursuant to subsection (2) of Section 29 or subsection (2) of Section 40. (a) a person removes timber or other resources from Crown lands; (b) the removal is not authorized by a permit, licence or licence agreement; and. Tenants and landlords of land-lease communities (mobile parks) have certain rights and responsibilities. R.S., c. 114, s. 12. The Site Profile documents also include a Site Access section. 14 (1) No person shall destroy or deface any boundary line or any part thereof or remove, move or destroy any monument, pin, post or other marker placed on Crown lands to establish a boundary of Crown lands. (5) A person who, without legal justification, removes a sign or notice posted on Crown lands is guilty of an offence. (a) travel on a forest access road or portion thereof which is closed; (b) remove or deface a sign or barricade erected pursuant to this Act; or. R.S., c. 114, s. 36. : Nova Scotia … (d) such means as the Minister deems appropriate. Holdings ; Quick search Fonds ... Land Services Division Crown Land index sheets; Title and statement of responsibility area. (3) The entry shall specify the name of the applicant, the date of the application and such other details as the Minister deems expedient. Crown Lands: Lease - Agricultural . (c) damages or removes property of the Crown. 11 (1) The Minister shall keep on file in the Department records and plans showing the location of Crown lands and such other land and boundaries thereof as are directed by the Governor in Council. An approved Development Plan will be referenced in the lease agreement indicating what activities are authorized and when they will occur. (2) In addition to a penalty imposed for a violation of subsection (1), the court may order a person convicted of an offence pursuant to this Section to restore the land to a condition as near as practicable as it was before the offence was committed and pay an amount equal to twice the market value of the timber or other resources cut, damaged or removed. Browse through thousands of acres of land for sale and available lots from Halifax, NS REALTORS®. 19 (1) Where the Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, conveys title to Crown lands, the Minister shall sign the instrument or document and affix the seal of the office of the Minister. (2) The Minister may from time to time designate persons to act on behalf of the Minister. Department of Natural Resources. Crown lands are all or any part of the land under the administration and control of the Minister of Natural Resources. R.S., c. 114, s. 48. R.S., c. 114, s. 37. (4) A person upon whom a notice pursuant to subsection (1) has been served pursuant to this Section who fails to remove the structure from Crown lands within sixty days of service is guilty of an offence. (4) A lien or charge arising pursuant to subsection (3) does not require registration or filing and attaches to any processed wood or other product into which the timber or other resources that are subject to the lien or charge may be converted. (a) enters upon Crown lands where entry is prohibited by notice; (b) engages in an activity which is prohibited on the Crown lands by notice; or. (ii) habitats for the maintenance and protection of wildlife on Crown lands. To time designate persons to Act on behalf of the Governor in Council, the Minister may from to! ) with a search warrant, search a residence or structure a Site access section with the approval of Minister. Damages or removes property of the publicly owned land is managed by the Minister may, register the in... 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