The Boston mayor, a former top union leader, is poised to step into the job of Labor secretary at one of the most critical points in history for American labor, with millions of people out of work and facing the loss of jobless benefits, and a narrowly divided Congress poised to stand in the way of Biden's labor initiatives. By Kate Sullivan, Janie Boschma and Heather Fulbright, CNN, Updated 1858 GMT (0258 HKT) January 12, 2021. ), so does the selection of Biden’s cabinet and cabinet … Garland has served on the D.C. Buttigieg’s confirmation marks the culmination of a meteoric rise in politics over the past two years from the mayor of South Bend, Ind., to the first openly gay Cabinet secretary. 1 of 3. The president-elect should just say no. President Joe Biden has assembled, by some accounts, a history-making Cabinet: If all members are approved, it will be the most diverse array of presidential counselors ever. All of the Cabinet positions will require Senate confirmation, in addition to some of the other Cabinet-level positions. Jan 30, 2021 . People | Joe Biden's very Catholic Cabinet. If confirmed, Regan, North Carolina's top environmental regulator, will take charge of the agency most central to carrying out Biden's ambitious climate change plans, which call for eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from the power grid by 2035. A Republican in Joe Biden's Cabinet? And it … Lander is a genome sequencing pioneer who co-led the public arm of the Human Genome Project alongside NIH Director Francis Collins. Biden’s nominees have won an unexpected level of bipartisan support so far, but a segment of Republican senators has opposed nearly every nominee. Antony Blinken, Biden’s nominee for … Biden's choice for defense secretary — a recently retired … With her confirmation, Haines became the highest-ranking woman in the U.S. intelligence community and the first female director of national intelligence. The Cabinet includes the vice president and the heads of 15 executive departments: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland … With little in the way of transportation policy experience, he faces a steep learning curve as he takes over an agency with nearly 55,000 employees and more than a dozen administrations overseeing the nation’s airspace, highway system and much more. Tai, a House Ways and Means Committee trade lawyer and former China enforcement head at USTR, has expertise that can help the U.S. confront Beijing on issues such as intellectual property rights, while preserving a functioning trade relationship between the world’s two largest economies, backers say. It is the first-ever cabinet to … Here’s what you need to know about Biden’s cabinet and what they’ll be prioritizing over the next year. US President-elect Joe Biden has announced the final members of his cabinet of 24. Her background in labor economics will be key experience as she helps the White House navigate a path forward for the coronavirus-battered economy. President Joe Biden has assembled, by some accounts, a history-making Cabinet: If all members are approved, it will be the most diverse array of presidential counselors ever. The Cabinet comes from Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, which states that the president "may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their … As a geneticist, he's the first presidential science adviser ever who is not a physical scientist, and is also the first science adviser to be elevated to the Cabinet. By Andrea Park. Joe Biden's Presidential Cabinet: Everything We Know. Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency nominee Michael Regan, speaks during his confirmation hearing before the Senate … As partisanship has sharpened over the past two decades, Cabinet stonewalling has become more common. When George Washington convened the first cabinet meeting two centuries ago - … Joe Biden's first cabinet as US president is being described as potentially the most diverse ever. (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden is building out his Cabinet as he prepares for his time in the White House. The chief of staff is often considered … If confirmed, Fudge, a Cleveland-area congresswoman and former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, will also take over amid an acute housing crisis. Joe Biden’s Administration Is Starting To Look Like A Mullet Progressives are filling up key jobs that support Biden’s well-known Cabinet picks. Vilsack served as Agriculture secretary for eight years during the Obama administration, experience that was instrumental in his nomination. Currently: Mark Meadows. Amid consistent polling showing Democratic nominee Joe Biden with a yawning lead, insiders are starting to game out the question that comes after a win: What would a Biden administration look like? Following his victory in 2020, Biden had 4,000 political appointments to make to the federal government. It’s a team, he says, that “looks like America”. The beneficiaries of Wall Street’s cash flow have stacked President Joe Biden’s cabinet picks to head various agencies, including the Treasury Department, Transportation Department, and State Department. The Cabinet includes the vice president and the heads of 15 executive departments: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury and Veterans Affairs. Cardona’s selection fulfills Biden’s campaign promise to name an educator with public school experience as his nominee for the post. A veteran of Washington, Becerra spent nearly 25 years in the House of Representatives, and sat on the powerful House Ways and Means subcommittee overseeing health issues. Report Tracking President Joe Biden’s Cabinet and appointees Diversity and pace of Senate-confirmed positions Kathryn Dunn Tenpas January 2021 Republican senators and some liberal Democrats have clashed with her in the past. On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn in by Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts as 46th president of the United States , completing the oath of office at 11:49 AM EST, eleven minutes before the legal start of … And it positions Biden's Interior Department to build on the budding alliances between tribes and environmental groups that have been formed in recent years to battle fossil fuel projects like the Dakota Access pipeline, expand land conservation and keep water in overdrawn rivers. In tapping California’s attorney general, Biden has selected an experienced politician to help oversee the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. (RNS) — Joe Biden’s Cabinet is set to make history in a number of ways. By Beatrice Jin, Allan James Vestal, Emily Cadei and Andrew McGill | 2/4/2021 10:41 AM EST | Updated 2/4/2021 11:42 AM EST. Granholm, a former two-term governor of Michigan, is experienced in dealing with the auto industry — a potentially big advantage as the new president seeks to speed the rollout of electric vehicles and the network of charging stations needed to power them. Throughout December and January, Biden continued to pick his cabinet members, such as Marty Walsh, the current mayor of Boston, as his secretary of labor pick. By WILL WEISSERT January 19, 2021 GMT. If confirmed, Garland will be handed a number of thorny issues at DOJ, including whether and how to investigate former President Trump. As of January 29, 2021, according to tracking by The … In McDonough, Biden nominated a longtime Obama aide who served as the president's chief of staff from 2013 to 2017, and before that as his deputy national security adviser. Advertisement. Democrats’ narrow control of the chamber has made the process far smoother for Biden’s nominees thus far, and the majority have won strong bipartisan support. We’re tracking each of Biden’s picks from nomination to a final floor vote below. The Connecticut Education commissioner has spent his entire career in the state, working as an elementary school teacher, principal, district administrator and assistant superintendent, as well as adjunct professor before being named Connecticut’s state chief last year. As the transition to the Joe Biden administration continues (less than one month till inauguration! Right now, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) But Republicans have managed to slow-walk others, who could prove more contentious. So far, no Democrats have opposed a Biden nominee. But can he get them confirmed by the Senate? FILE - In this March 12, 2020, file photo, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Rachel Levine provides an update on the coronavirus known as COVID-19 in Harrisburg, Pa. President-elect Joe Biden … By MATTHEW DALY February 4, 2021 GMT. With Joe Biden set to assume the presidency of the United States, here's a look at the range of people he has selected for his cabinet secretaries, top … Biden and Austin formed a relationship when they worked together in the Obama administration. Biden cabinet; Health; Coronavirus pandemic; Pennsylvania; Tom Wolf; Gender identity; Biden picks 1st transgender person for Senate-confirmed post. Haaland’s selection puts her on track to be the first Native American Cabinet secretary in U.S. history. The president wants someone leading the department who can immediately tackle the hunger and farm crises that have been exacerbated by the pandemic.