Bounded dog with leg extension was the most difficult for me where you essentially pose in downward dog position and grab outside opposite leg with opposite hand (select a side, then later repeat other side) and then extend other leg for 45 seconds. Bring it! The key is consistency over time. I will test this theory out though next time I have access to weights during this workout. Rob. That’s how many calories are burned doing P90X3. Combined with a solid nutrition plan as outlined in the P90X3 nutrition guide, I submit that P90X3 DOES work in only 30 minutes a day… but check out the workout reviews for even more details! Most moves used the “X” marks on the tapes as target points when moving from one side to the other. Good sign! The heart rate analysis data supports a great cardio, performance-based workout with 415 calories burned in 30 minutes with average heart rate of 147 beats per minute. This site uses cookies we use them to track data and personalize the site for you. Also, I like the spinal twist exercises. I did Dynamix earlier today before a nap. There are 60-sec breaks between each of the 4 circuits and a 3+ minute burnout at the end. Great overall workout for the entire body. Adding instability to the mix requires your body to fire its stabilization muscles. Before working your way through P90X3, you need a brief introduction to this as well as P90X.… Workout Reviews (Complete List). 30 minutes, no breaks. By the way, I believe CVX stands for CardioVascular Xtreme. Ha. I used resistance bands since I am currently on the road, however, my personal preference is free weights and I wonder if the workout would have been more challenging with weights. Overall I would say this was the toughest workout for me so far with P90X3. training approach from previous experience with the P90X2 program. Negative pull ups just destroy me! Except it’s not performed fast, so you really get a nice burn from this routine. For the Polar Beat app, zone 5 = “maximum” at 90-100% heart rate max, 4 = “hard” at 80 – 90% heart rate max, 3 = “moderate” at 70-80% heart rate max, 2 = “light” at 60-70% heart rate max and 1 = “very light” at 50-60% heart rate max. The moves are each 45 second isometric holds, no breaks other than time between setup for successive moves. The MMX concept is a workout that has been rumored to be in production for years, and the moves have been leveraged in live workouts by Tony Horton including previews at the Coach Summit and bonuses for P90X Certified instructors. Les Mills Combat was since introduced by Beachbody demonstrating a range of martial arts discipline (I enjoyed Combat! There are several 30 second breaks between sets and the workout finishes with a short cooldown. I am glad you enjoyed the review and CONGRATS on your success with P90X3!! Clearly P90X3 Total Synergistics was a great workout in 30 minutes but less intense than some of the other P90X3 workouts that I have tried in the program or other X programs. What is Kenpo X? Active Minutes: 49. And, yes, abs are made in the kitchen, however, the abdominal workouts will help build the ab muscles and strengthen core in addition to lower back so that when body fat is sufficiently low for a given body type the abs will pop. Tony Horton’s fitness program is an awesome sweat generating home workout session. The most challenging moments of X3 Ab Ripper were related to the isometric holds and burnout series. I am really enjoying the shorter workouts and the fact that there are many ways to modify to help anyone achieve their goals. The Polar Beat app called this workout a “recovery routine.” How did it know? You then mark an “X” at the top, center and bottom of each tape to create your target points for movements on each side. The dwell time in each pose was just enough to get what you need. The heart rate data is definitely aligned with how I felt and the change observed in my shirt color! P.A.P. The exercises included a range of movements designed to test limits in these areas and I expect to see significant progress with my own mobility and flexibility during the course of my round. With that said, it doesn’t mean I have to like it! It will only get better! Although tools like the Fuel Band, FitBit and Jawbone are great motivators they’re not that accurate for reading your actual caloric burn. P90X3 was designed for people like you who are short on time, but it only works if you follow the nutrition plan–that’s key. Contact me to get started today! I was able to hit my 20 reps on all push-up variations without too much difficulty but the pull-ups pushed me to the limits. Workout Reviews (Complete List), Does Country Heat Work? All Rights Reserved. P90X3 Agility X Review Negatives were one of my secrets to success driving me to be able to complete 40 unassisted, wide front pullups in a row (back in the day during P90X)! As mentioned in my Eccentric Upper Review, I am a big fan of TEMPO-style workouts and especially movements that leverage “negatives” to work the muscle up to 30-40% harder and break plateaus. ), “This is the one routine designed to burn you out. I really enjoyed this workout and, to be honest, my legs are shaking quite a bit right now after the workout. I suppose this is good, right? This one challenged me and I am confident that I had a better workout in 30 minutes versus almost one hour of Kenpo X. MMX has many complex series of punches, kicks, lunges and best of all, floor sprawls. X3 Yoga hits a lot of the primary moves from P90X and P90X2 Yoga versions, but a little faster paced to achieve 30 minutes workout time. I went all out in MMX with 4 pounds of weighted gloves and the heart rate analysis is almost identical to performing MMX without the weighted gloves. A lot of isometrics. And I recommend reading, A Woman’s Guide to Buying Dumbbells, if you have some questions. In conditioned athletes, “loading ” a muscle actually activates “muscle cell motor units” and typically allows you to lift more weight with more explosive power. Given that I am a science guy:),  I will leverage heart rate analysis for each workout to draw conclusions and comparisons including the data in my perspective. Premiere 5 Star Diamond Independent Beachbody Coach, CEO and Founder of TEAM RAGE, Mike Nowak Fitness, and How Do I Get Ripped, LLC. This easy-to-follow P90X3 intro shows you how to achieve your best results in the fastest time. For me, after completing all of the extra Elite workouts, I can honestly say that they have been the most challenging. P90X Eccentric Upper is a really thorough (and effective) workout in a short period of time. A dumbbell weight selection or other type of resistance will be key and most likely you will need to select a weight much lower than you mentally believe is suitable. Warmup and cooldown time is included in the heart rate analysis (excluding Cold Start). I look forward to improving on this next week and eventually adding the 20-lb weighted vest. I also found during Isometrix (and some of the other “balance” workouts) that my left side was weaker in terms of strength and balance relative to the right side. X3 Ab Ripper is officially my favorite abdominal workout in only 15 minutes. Exercises ranged from standard push-ups and pull-ups to staggered / vault modifications that were more challenging toward the end. In MMX you’ll burn fat by taxing your upper-body strength, core power, leg endurance, and flexibility. Calorie burn was 401 calories during the workout and warmup/cooldown with average heart rate 147 beats per minute. Triometrics’ proprietary formula utilizes three different difficulty levels for every exercise, each targeting a different physiological response while minimizing the downtime needed between movements. The reason that the total calorie burn and average heart rate came out the same is the added challenge of the additional 20-lb weighted vest even at almost 200 less overall reps. Insane. For me, I have always found that when I hit a plateau I can throw in some TEMPO workouts and re-engage progress in my transformation. The second set of each circuit usually increases speed and / or calls for greater range of motion in each move. Ha. Good workout and I am certain I will see increases in weights next time I press play on Eccentric Lower. Train like a warrior! I am a PUSH-PULL kinda guy. The best part about P90X3 is that it includes two killer workouts, Eccentric Upper and Eccentric Lower. Here is my heart rate analysis…. I have to do a double later tonight to day on track and that will be Triometrics (Aaaaggghhh!) That’s how many calories are burned doing P90X3. P90X3 Accelerator Review I spent most of the workout in Zone “4”, around 14 minutes, which is “hard” at 80-90% heart rate max. Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology—the superfood protein shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct, the monthly autoship program. I used 15- to 50-lb dumbbells dependent on the exercise with 30-lb dumbbells being fairly common. You can make it as easy or difficult dependent on your goals and capabilities. A lot of the standing moves are similar to exercises and modifications found in Yoga X from P90X (think, Royal Dancer, Tree and multiple Warrior poses). I found that while performing a lot of the isometric-type moves, for example, that my left side was weaker than my right in terms of strength and balance. Clearly my heart rate resided in the “light” to “very light” zone throughout ranging from 50-70% target heart rate maximum. I ranged from unassisted 25-40 push-ups and 10-15 reps on pull-ups. P90X3 is not for the faint-hearted, not ideal for beginners. This fitness program claims to get you ripped and help shed pounds of fat. During each exercise you’ll focus on the latter because it recruits more muscle cell motor units than the concentric half, resulting in the biggest testosterone bang for your time-under-tension buck. Train like a warrior! All body weight. Enter P90X3 Eccentric Lower…, Great workout, challenged my lower body. = Post-Activation Potentiation). Regardless of this data, I recommend adding weighted gloves to MMX if you are looking for additional challenge. No surprises here, similar to X3 Yoga, Pilates X and Dynamix my calorie burn was lower at 247 calories and average heart rate of 119 beats per minute, mostly in heart rate zone “2” or light at 60-70% heart rate max. Hey Mike, Thats really a wonderful detailed review of P90x3. For many, this workout will be a rocker. The workout consists of a series of sets alternating between plank work on the ground and balance moves standing up. The end of X3 Yoga consists of a series of balance and stretch moves to give you a lot of what you got in terms of efficiency-effectiveness from the original P90X. The floor sprawls were a great addition to the workout where you essentially perform a burpee between punches and kicks. If you never fail, you simply cannot achieve your potential. Your email address will not be published. I am all kinds of soreness after the past few weeks on X3! ©2021 All Rights Reserved. JOIN TEAM RAGE | Disclaimer | Sitemap | Copyright © 2010-2016 How Do I Get Ripped, LLC. Next time I will leverage the 20-lb vest again but target 30-12. Studies as far back as the ’60’s confirm that a heavy contraction exercise done prior to an explosive movement enables activation of high-threshhold muscle cell motor units (how we define muscular efficiency), which translates into absolute strength or power. The three keys to fitness are commonly characterized as speed, balance and range of motion. For comparison, typical P90X, Insanity and Combat workouts provide me calorie burn ranging from 300 – 800 calories per workout (workouts up to 60 minutes in length) with average heart rate and zones similar to P90X3. Plus, you’ll learn a new way to let aggression out.”, Kenpo X. That is pretty good, I think. I really enjoyed Decelerator. Abs were worked hard. Most variations are 30 seconds each while the Yoga sequence is longer at 2+ minutes. I also hope to leverage the deceleration benefits for increasing the strength and stability of joints supporting my problematic knees (ACL tears, meniscus and cartilage trauma over the years). You’ll also strengthen your core. Also, regression analysis of Max Heart Rate as a function of Average Heart Rate further supports strong correlation with R2 = 0.96496 (y = 1.018x +  28.688). I am not too proud to say that I had to some breaks in this one. Hello Muzammil!! 480 total reps vs. 284 total reps. Of course that translates to more “downtime” or rest time with the vest. I am excited to try Eccentric Lower…, Typical P90X3 workouts have approximately 2 minutes of warmup for each workout included in the 30 minutes, however, for many people 2 minutes is not enough to get properly warmed up, especially early in the morning during cold winters! I added a total of 32 unassisted push-ups and 12 unassisted pull-ups in the burnout phase at the end of the workout. One of the best workouts I know for upper body pump. Dynamix focuses on using your muscles, connective tissue, and joint function in symbiotic actions to actively increase range of motion, flexibility, and stabilization. Similar to Elevator Pushups from The Warrior, there are 3 levels of range of motion – bottom, middle and top (chin above bar) floors. A few of the dynamic resistance moves were difficult to master with the bands without the band dis-engaging from the feet (you really need to wrap them around foot to secure). Eccentric Upper and Lower vs Complex. My favorite TEMPO workouts to-date are Body Beast TEMPO Chest/Tris and TEMPO Back/Bis. Ha, imagine that for those that have completed The Challenge. Note: I have completed many of the workouts multiple times and the heart rate data has been quite consistent for a given workout so I believe that the general trends in the table may be representative. Insane. There are a lot of modifiers for a range of fitness levels as needed. This is an upper body workout within the P90X3 schedule, and … Want to join in the fun? No statics or isometrics. I anticipated that The Warrior workout will be a great option for those trying to get a focused total body workout at home and especially on the road without the requirement of resistance other than body weight (the “gravity” workout!). It’s a great recovery week workout and zero impact so my knees get a nice break. P90X3 Eccentric Upper Review There is a 60 second rest between each round. Not necessarily to me, given that without the vest I was targeting many more reps so my heart rate was more elevated throughout. P90X3 Triometrics Review You can see my heart rate also recovering in the 5-min cooldown at the end. The number of calories you burn while exercising is dependent on the exercise you do, your weight, and the time spent doing the exercise. The focus on form and acceleration / deceleration in these workouts can be surprisingly challenging and the benefits are much greater than just a strong cardio workout. Simply stated, for background, the Thirty Fifteen Routine concept is the ultimate upper body rocker focused on 6 variations of push-ups (target = 30 reps each set) and pull-ups (target = 15 reps each set) performed twice each. No weights, only one or two short breaks and modifier moves demonstrated. That one challenge your upper body as well. This workout has a 5+ minute warmup to ensure you are ready for what is to come. The result is a workout that increases speed and power in a fraction of the time you’re used to training.”, Done. I even had a hard time holding the spoon to feed the little guy breakfast afterward. Conditioned abs and core, including lower back, will promote functional strength and performance. Then return to plank and back up, repeat other side for one minute. Incinerator (30 Min) A full burnout session that pushes the limits. I am more of a PUSH-PULL, throw-some-weights-around kind of a guy. Also important to keep the core engaged and focus on the movements. ... Then I started to get burned out during my 4th week. A lot of fun and a great workout for anyone. Hey Daniel! I found the moves that allow you to, “activate  and elongate,” to be the most beneficial for me. Your email address will not be published. I'm still very weak on those, buy trying to get better. Posted on December 26, 2013 November 1, 2017 by AG. Complex Lower is also part of the Elite workout DVDs for P90X3, described as…. Unfortunately, those workouts are long, around 60 minutes. However, pull-ups were killer. As I expected, my heart rate was most elevated in the highest zone during the resistance movements with dumbbells. However, I have limited experience doing these types of workouts for the lower body. Honestly, I still did not know what to expect with this workout before pressing play as it seemed to be a hybrid of stretch, Yoga, Pilates, isometrics and other focus areas. I was looking over the Mass calender, and I was wondering whether I should switch out Eccentric with Complex. In exercise terms, failure is important in defining your limits. All the pullups were unassisted and I only got 4 to 6 reps in on each of those. Described as…, “A full body workout that requires floor targets to dictate movements, Agility X uses both aerobic and anaerobic energy, focusing on precision, power, flexibility, balance, and strength. Find out how many calories you burn for p90x3: Eccentric Upper. Now I would definitely characterize P90X3 Complex Upper as an advanced workout. Bring it! Here you go, hard data proof that Complex Lower did the job for me. 3-min cooldown). The Important Stuff about Eccentric Lower in P90X3. You can see several sections of the workout where my heart rate was higher than the others, typically associated with the dynamic vinyasa series. I used 30-lb dumbbells for Knee Drop Squats and that was plenty for all 4 rounds. P90X3 Isometrix Cons. P90X3 Eccentric Upper Coaching, Advice, and Complete Review January 30, 2014 / Tyler Robbins. With compound movements, the increased force to the body simulates the body’s ability to produce performance-enhancing hormones, such as testosterone. Love it. Last move I believe worth special mention is the chin pulls with vault grip and knee crunch to chest… was able to hit 13 each grip variation but it was killer. As the program states on average each workout burns 600 calories, yet if you are tracking your calorie in take and expenditure you might be looking for a more personalized view of calories burned during P90X. The Warrior focuses on 4 rounds consisting each of upper body, interval, core and explosive lower body exercise. Everyone is different in terms of fitness level and endurance so targets are set accordingly. Thanks again! Here is my heart rate analysis…. A few of the moves worth mention are the plank holds in sphinx position with opposite arm extension (sphinx is when elbow is on ground at 90 degrees parallel to shoulder plane). Think of X3 Ab Ripper as your eight-pack bonus.”, Okay, what just happened? Similar to Complex Upper, I was looking forward to Complex LOWER given my success with P.A.P. I was able to complete all of the pushup series including Plyo in addition to the lunge thrust press with 25-lb dumbbells. The breaks between exercises were just enough to get a little rest, drink and record weight/reps. These hormonal cascades, as they’re called, trigger powerful metabolic changes and are one of the fastest ways to change your body composition.”, I enjoyed this workout, although I felt less challenged than some of the other P90X3 “resistance” workouts. I was wondering, if after completion of the complete schedule, block 3 can be repeated again and again as the ongoing workout schedule, as it has almost all workouts. I think the combination of cardio with resistance makes this workout one of the best total body workouts I have done in 30 minutes. I like it better than P90X2 P.A.P. I will also have a separate running post for my actual day-to-day accountability for my official P90X3 round. This is where I will get the true benefit out of the P90X3 system, I think. I do not have a lot of background in Pilates, although I have certainly used some of the techniques. Need to check the ego, ha. So I am 3 weeks into the program and 4 pounds down. Day 66 Eccentric Upper Nutrition. The upper body moves mostly targeted the chest, shoulders and arms. P90X3 MMX Review The stats are right up there with the most challenging P90X3 workouts available. This was a GREAT workout and I definitely found my weaknesses… mobility and flexibility! With that said, Cold Start, X3 Yoga, Pilates X, Isometrix and Dynamix may appear to be the least challenging of the P90X3 series with regard to heart rate analysis, but the mobility, balance, flexibility and strength you achieve with these workouts drives performance in the more challenging cardio and resistance workouts. This 15-minute trunk burner extreme is for those times when you absolutely, positively need to take your core strength to the next level. I did well using dumbbells ranging from 10 lbs. Ha. Exercises ranged from multiple pushups including eccentric PLYO Pushups (! First off, there were no doubts that I was carrying around the extra weight for 30 minutes, I felt it. Isometrix is described as…, “A strong foundation is essential for overall fitness, so Isometrix combines isometric contraction with instability to make your core rock solid. ), I pressed play on Incinerator for my P90X3 Incinerator Review. My rating– B+. As opposed to traditional cardio workouts, these targeted movements force explosion, deceleration, and proprioceptive adaptations, the sum result being an increased ability to move effortlessly for extended periods of time.”, Awesome. Heart rate analysis is below and shows additional calorie burn and average heart rate relative to using bands. Impressive calorie burn at 433 calories and average heart rate of 151 beats per minute in this 30-minute workout plus warmup/cooldown. I have finished a round of P90x3, and i want to do another. Enter the Cold Start routine, described as…, “Every workout should begin with a warm-up. All recorded calorie burns are from the first time I did the workouts. Again, there are modifiers for everyone. I set-up the tape approx. and X3 Yoga. Train like a WARRIOR! I have been a fan for MANY years of Tony Horton’s One-on-One workout called, “Thirty Fifteen Routine”… or, aka, “30-15 Upper Body Massacre” for the earlier copies of the workout. I would also be less inclined to call this a total resistance workout relative to typical resistance workouts in the P90X systems including X and X2. In Total Synergistics there were a lot of balance moves creating instability such as pushup sequence, squats and Warrior Yoga movements. The further apart and longer the tape, the more challenging the workout. FREE 6 Weeks of THE WORK Body Beast Hybrid! From the first version, I was hooked on this workout program. Eccentric Upper (30 Min) Time under tension creates lean-muscle growth fast with this workout. This is a strategy that I have used in the past to ramp intensity of Kenpo X, for example, from the original P90X. The workout consisted of many side-by-side exercises such as lunges, figure eight run variations, plyo jumps and many others in interval fashion. P90X3 X3 Ab Ripper Review (ELITE) If you’ve looked into the P90X3 mass schedule, this is why you see the Eccentric workouts so often. Not surprisingly my average heart rate was higher than the Incinerator resistance-based P90X3 workout. I have graduated P90X, P90X+, P90X2, P90X One-on-Ones, 10-Minute Trainer, Insanity, Insanity Asylum Volume 1, Insanity Asylum Volume 2, T25, Body Beast, RevAbs, Les Mills Combat as we all as other programs and hybrids thereof. Two pieces of tape are aligned parallel. Balance and me don’t get along. If you wish to accept click here. Hope this helps! I was able to complete the entire minute but it was a challenge. CVX provides a full body burn.”. As always, there are modifications for the broad spectrum of fitness levels. main content. workouts in the past (P.A.P. Calorie burn was 468 calories with average heart rate of 157 beats per minute. Stay safe and train like a warrior! Most insane to me though is the amount of time I spent in heart rate zone “5” at 22 minutes and 26 seconds, and recall heart rate 5 is maximum at 90-100% of my target heart rate max. Upper and lower body were pushed using a range of compound movements. Please try again. These are ridiculous. 100 less total calories consumed in 30 minutes vs. other resistance and cardio workouts coming in at 329 calories. This one challenged me a lot. I liked the balance arch press, glamour hammer and flying warrior moves. I look forward to doing this one again in the Elite block. I believe Cold Start can be as effective and useful for people doing P90X3 as X Stretch was in the original P90X. Bring it! As I expected, I got a better workout with the free weights, although this could simply be a function of selecting more challenging weight or being more familiar with the moves in the workout. Also, please watch your form and stay safe whenever adding weight to exercises to increase the intensity and muscle build. The Elevator Pullups were my favorite. To be honest, I was not looking forward to Isometrix, even though it shows up as a workout in most recovery or “transition” weeks in the P90X3 schedules between blocks. Without the vest I did approx. Consistent with how I felt during the workout, calorie burn was moderate at 357 calories with average heart rate 138 beats per minute and heart rate zone primarily Zone “3” – moderate at 70-80% heart rate max. I got a little bit of a sweat going, which is what you want. CVX was a really challenging workout. I attribute this to over-compensation to the right side given my history of knee injuries on my left side, and I believe strongly that P90X3 will help resolve some of the differences. X reminds me of followup comments via e-mail on the workouts of plank balance range... Side-By-Side exercises such as lunges, figure eight run variations, burpees and cardio targets vest… the! Prove out if that provided greater heart rate 154 beats per minute shows that this workout will be my! 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