Impact of alien plants on Hawaii's native biota. Leptocorisa acuta. As an invasive species, P. cattleyanum is sometimes erroneously called Chinese guava. Commodity Type. It is often misidentified as a palmetto bug. [7] It tends to form dense, monotypic stands which prevent regrowth of native species, and is very difficult to eradicate; it also provides refuge for fruit flies which cause extensive agricultural damage. 584. [15] P. cattleyanum is prevalent in both undisturbed[10] and highly disturbed roadside habitats in its invasive range. Its genus name Psidium comes from the Latin psidion, or "armlet. "Strawberry Guava - Psidium cattleianum - Details - Encyclopedia of Life", "Biological Control of Strawberry Guava in Hawaii", "PCA Alien Plant Working Group - Strawberry Guava (Psidium cattleianum)". The skin is often removed for a sweeter flavour. The … Brown, R. L., C. S. Tang, and R. K. Nishimoto. Biocontrol of Strawberry Guava by its Natural Control Agent for Preservation of Native Forests in the Hawaiian Islands. This pest is active throughout the year but its Host range: Grapevine, Hibiscus, mulberry, guava, custard apple, okra, tamarind and glyricidia. (2010). It is also naturalised on Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and Christmas Island (Navie 2004; Queensland Herbarium 2008). It is also known as the ship cockroach, kakerlac, and Bombay canary. littorale is variously known as yellow cattley guava, yellow strawberry guava, yellow cherry guava,[2] lemon guava and in Hawaii as waiawī. Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas) is widely known as the western leaffooted bug, but this is not an approved common name. FAMILY: Myrtaceae SCIENTIFIC NAME: Psidium guajava L. ORIGIN: Tropical Americas. We have over 10.694 unique kitten names in our database, along with the meaning, gender and origin. Guava can be grown in any weather conditions. Wessels, Frank J., James P. Cuda, M. Tracy Johnson and José Henrique Pedrosa-Macedo. It comes from the tropics where fever is a problem, and, this is a plant that got tapped long ago to bring fever down. Fruits . Asia, Central America, Oceania. [24] The wood of the tree is hard, compact, durable, and resistant, and is used for lathe work, tool handles, charcoal, and firewood. Smith, C. W. 1985. Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: List of species vernacular names. Heavy infection of spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus, on guava. asia, Africa, North (Florida, Hawaii), South and Central America, the Caribbean, Europe (restricted), Oceania. Studies Unit, University of Hawaii Press. [20], P. cattleyanum grows effectively in undisturbed areas,[10] complicating restoration efforts in sensitive habitats. After fruiting, picking up fallen debris, thinning your guava and increasing air circulation by moving close-by plants further away can help prevent reinfection. Seedling and clonal recruitment of the invasive tree Psidium cattleianum: implications for management of native Hawaiian forests. The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is the largest species of common cockroachs, and often considered a pest.In certain regions of the U.S. it is colloquially known as the waterbug, though is not a true waterbug since it is not aquatic. This crop is incited by different … Native to Brazil where it is known as araçá (ara-SAH) and adjacent tropical South America, it is closely related to common guava (P. guajava), and like that species is a widespread, highly invasive species in tropical areas throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans. [21] Its ability to thrive in a variety of different habitats under many different ecological conditions[16] threatens native flora of many different habitat types. Broad-headed bugs belong to the family Alydidae, a well-known but relatively small family of plant-feeding true bugs. Leptoglossus species; Leptoglossus gonagra (previosuly known as Leptoglossus australis) is the common species in the Pacific islands.. Distribution. They are easy to grow, and propagating guava trees is surprisingly straightforward. Common Name. It makes delicious tea, adds a tasty flavor to many a dish. Master's thesis. Powdery mildew Disease symptoms. US Forest Service. The young fruits also dry and drop off. 84 pp. Guava is a rich source of vitamin C and pectin. … This works because there are sets of international rules about how to name animals and zoologists try to avoid naming the same thing more than once, though this does sometimes happen. [14] Its native range is restricted to the Amazonian Basin in Brazil, but it has established in many other tropical areas of similar characteristics. The fruit fly, mealy bug, scale insects, etc. Larvae - Dark brown, short and stout, covered with short hairs, larval period lasts for 18-47 days. [18], A variety of management strategies have been applied to P. cattleyanum management efforts due to its ubiquity and the various ways it spreads. Natl. The yellow variety bears even more heavily than the red and generally has larger fruit. Guava Extract MMP, Inc. Guava Extract is a powder extracted from the leaves of guava trees, with demonstrated... Guava (Psidium guajava) extract Bio-Botanica Inc. Guava (Psidium guajava) extract Maypro Industries Peru Carlisle Int. Some ants, however live in symbiotic relationships with them. K. McCook-Russella, M. Nairb, P. Faceya, C. Bowen-Forbesa. For more detailed information, click the links below. The adult moths are large and stout-bodied, with a wingspan of 100 mm. Kajji Bug : Scab (Kajji) like symptoms are observed on fruits due to the infestation of the pest. Female lays 350-500 orange coloured eggs in a loose cottony terminal ovisac; egg period 5-10 days. Pacific Southwest Research Station. Sometimes the name pops to your mind and sometimes you need a little inspiration. 2. C. Wikler, J. Pedrosa-Macedo, M. Vitorino, M. Caxambú, C. Smith. Every recognized species on earth (at least in theory) is given a two-part scientific name. Diseases of Guava 1. [10] Though native to Brazil, it is now distributed throughout many tropical regions. Trees can grow from 30-40 ft. (9.1-12.2 m) tall and have reddish, flaky bark. Anthracnose is a common fungus that is a problem … Strawberry Guava: Not All Green Is Good. Its leaves may be brewed for tea. Insect - Black bug Scientific name - Cavelerius excavates Identification - It is seen on the lower surface of sugarcane leaves. Scientific Name. Although P. cattleyanum has select economic uses,[2][5][6] it is considered the most invasive plant in Hawaii. DESCRIPTION Back To: Menu Bar Neal (1965) describes the guava tree as a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide spreading branches and downy twigs. Broad-headed bugs belong to the family Alydidae, a well-known but relatively small family of plant-feeding true bugs. Spiralling whitefly. The red-fruited variety, P. cattleyanum var. fruitspotting bug; International Common Names. [9], P. cattleyanum reproduces through setting seed and through cloning. [8], Cattley guava is sporadically naturalised in coastal areas of Queensland and northern New South Wales. ‘Neelum’ is a South Indian dessert mango, widely grown throughout the country and to an increasing extent in southernmost China. It is seen that female mealy bugs are more destructive than male mealy bugs How does it … Family: Myrtaceae. Infested roots cause leaves to wilt and turn yellow. Guava Other Names: Kuawa: Fruits and Nuts ... Plant Disease Pathogens: Insects and Other Pests. Hawaii's terrestrial ecosystems: preservation and management. Distribution and status: All over India and other grapevine growing countries. GUAVA (Psidium guajava L.) Guava it is hardy, aggressive, and a perennial that has only recently become a cultivated crop. Description of adult: The adult is wasp-like, red-brown with yellow marks, and about 8 mm long. Mango Tree Neelum Indian Dwarf Variety Grafted in 3 gallon container. [12], Feral pigs and non-native birds contribute to the spread of P. cattleyanum via seed dispersal. Mealy Bug – Scientific Name > Ferrisia virgata What is Mealy Bug? Fruit flies hold their wings outstretched in a horizontal position when walking. Special ecological areas: an approach to alien plant control in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Scientific Name. The disease is common in the orchards where mealy bug, scale insect and hopper are not controlled efficiently. The scientific name of each species is made up of a generic name (generic epithet) and a specific name (specific epithet). Additionally, feral pigs may ingest the fruits, whose seeds reach the soil in the scat of the feral pigs. It is often misidentified as a palmetto bug. Mangifera is divided into two subgenera: Mangifera and Limus.Subgenus Mangifera contains most of the species and is characterized by its cushion-shaped papillose disc which is 4 or 5 lobed, partly or completely surrounding the ovary and with free stamen filaments. Preferred Scientific Name. These names are important because they allow people throughout the world to communicate unambiguously about animal species. He taputapu tauwhitiwhiti hei awhina i a koe ki te tautuhi i nga ngeru i kitea a tawhio noa o Aotearoa. In our bluegill sunfish example the generic epithet is Lepomis and the specific epithet is macrochirus. Leaf-footed bug, squash bug. In the tropics and sub-tropics. [7][10], P. cattleyanum does not dominate plant communities in its native range. Sem, G. S. 1984. The aphidlike bug, with the scientific name Tectococcus, spreads slowly and will probably take decades to reach all parts of the native forest that strawberry guava has invaded, said U.S. Forestry Service researcher Tracy Johnson. Guava fruit borers/ pomegranate butterfly. Spray dichlorvas 1.0 L or chlorpyriphos 1.25 L or  buprofezin 25 SC 1.0-1.5 L or methomyl  40 SP 1.25 kg with 500 L water/ha. Most of the proposed insects infect the tree with bud or leaf galls, effectively preventing fruit growth or photosynthesis. Hemiptera:Alydidae Host plants Rice is the main host of rice bug but it feeds also on beans, breadfruit, mango, nutmeg, and guava Distribution Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, Australia Damage Clonally produced suckers tend to have a greater leaf area. The species is named in honour of English horticulturist William Cattley.Its genus name Psidium comes from the Latin psidion, or "armlet." [11] Once such species, the sawfly (Haplostegus epimelas), attacked commercially produced guava plants in addition to invasive P. [21] Additionally, its potential allelopathic qualities[14] further complicate the ability of other plant species to coexist. I mean the seed is there to be grown, right? Guava stick insect (© Nichols Locke) Stick insects are enigmatic creatures, blending into the forest which often makes them hard to see but then surprisingly obliging in the hand. Anastrepha striata Schiner, guava fruit fly Anastrepha suspensa (Loew), Caribbean fruit fly anastrephae, Utetes, (Viereck), a wasp parasitoid anchorago, Stiretrus, (Fabricius), a predatory stink bug Ancylis comptana (Frölich), strawberry leafroller andersoni, Amynothrips, O'Neill, alligatorweed thrips andria, Anaea Scudder, goatweed butterfly This system is called "binomial nomenclature." Guava production technology. American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Fremch Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Northern Marianas Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, and Vanuatu. Crawler nymphs orange coloured, females and males with  3 and 4 nymphal instars respectively. Photo 7. Nutritional and nutraceutical comparison of Jamaican Psidium cattleianum (strawberry guava) and Psidium guajava (common guava) fruits. The species has been recorded from more than 111 plant species belonging to 51 plant families The guava (Psidium … "[4] The red-fruited variety, P. cattleyanum var. ... Sarwar (2006) reported mealy bugs, stink bug, red-banded thrips, guava moth, guava whitefly and scale insect are major insect pests of guava in Pakistan. common name: rice bug (suggested common name) scientific name: Leptocorisa acuta (Thunberg) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Alydidae) Introduction - Distribution - Description and Life Cycle - Damage - Host Plants - Management - Selected References Introduction (Back to Top). Lowe S., Browne M., Boudjelas S., De Poorter M. (2000). Seedling and clonal recruitment of the invasive tree Psidium cattleianum: Implications for management of native Hawaiian forests. Growth inhibition from guava root exudates. Distribution. : 2n=22,33. [19] It is able to propagate quickly due to the spread of its seed, which occurs as its seeds fall and as birds and feral pigs transport fruits,[10] as well as through its root sprouts. [10], Another management technique is the introduction of insects that act as parasites on the invasive plants. Many species are considered pests by some humans as they feed on plant juices of greenhouse plants, house plants and subtropical trees and also act as a vector for several plant diseases. Huenneke, L. (1990). strawberry guava, cattley guava, cherry guava, Chinese guava, kuahpa, purple guava, purple strawberry guava. The characteristic symptom of the disease is the white superficial powdery fungal growth on leaves, stalks of panicles, flowers and young fruits. Anurag Kerketta CHRS, Jagdalpur Diseases of Guava 2. cattleyanum, is commonly known as purple guava, red cattley guava, red strawberry guava and red cherry guava. In addition, in respect of productivity, it earns good revenue. Anthracnose. Scientific Name. pp. The guava (Psidium guajava L., Myrtaceae), is one of 150 species of Psidium most of which are fruit bearing trees native to tropical and subtropical America. Insect - Mealy bug. INSECT PESTS ON GUAVA (PSIDIUM GUAJAVA) TREE 199 Table I.- Species composition of insect pests taxa on guava (P. guajava) tree. Pupa: Development … FAMILY: Myrtaceae SCIENTIFIC NAME: Psidium guajava L. ORIGIN: Tropical Americas. [12] Additionally, its seeds have many health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties in addition to a high amount of Vitamin C.[9][13], P. cattleyanum occurs primarily in mesic tropical rainforest environments[10] at an elevation of up to 1300m, but is found primarily below 800m. [9] P. cattleyanum has smooth, grey to reddish-brown bark, with oval to elliptical leaves that grow to 4.5 cm in length. Read guava tree information on how to grow guava tree faster from seed, cuttings and layering in containers and ground, guava varieties, guava tree fertilizer and how to look after your guava plant. Guava fruit scientific name is Psidium guajava. Psidium cattleianum Sabine. Fruit borer: Congethes (=Dichocrocis) punctiferalis. pp. [11] For example, Diasineura gigantea caused bud galls that inhibited shoot growth. Scientific name: Bactrocera tryoni. The young fruits also dry and drop off. [12] This management strategy, known as the “special ecological areas,” is one of the strongest ways of controlling plant species over time. What is this bug? Common Name Scientific Name . English: fruit spotting bug; fruit-spotting bug; EPPO code. Host specificity of Tectococcus ovatus (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae), a potential biological control agent of the invasive strawberry guava, Psidium cattleyanum (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), in Florida. [7][8], Psidium cattleyanum is a small, highly-branched tree that reaches a maximum height of 13 meters, although most individuals are between 2 and 4m. It is said to be this fruit is native to Mexico, Central America and South America. Nymphs of both sexes and wingless females suck the plant juice, causing tender shoots and flowers to dry up. Common Name. 1983. ; Leaves . Mealybugs are insects in the family Pseudococcidae, unarmored scale insects found in moist, warm habitats. Scientific name for cats. Thus, some control efforts involve removal and control of invasive fauna. Possibly a Cryptolaemus species. "Strawberry Guava - Psidium cattleianum - Overview - Encyclopedia of Life". Guava is a beautiful, warm-climate tree that produces fragrant blooms followed by sweet, juicy fruit. The … [12] It works by focusing wood removal, burning, and other management efforts in the designated efforts. The fruit weigh 9 to 12 oz, with the … The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is the largest species of common cockroachs, and often considered a pest.In certain regions of the U.S. it is colloquially known as the waterbug, though is not a true waterbug since it is not aquatic. [14] Its invasive quality may be explained by a high amount of genetic variation, as variants of different fruit colors cluster at different elevations. Unlike cucumber fruit fly there is no central yellow mark down the length of the dorsal surface of the thorax between the wings. According to entomology, this insect belongs to hemiptera order and homoptera suborder. Psidium cattleyanum (World Plants : Psidium cattleianum),[2][3] commonly known as Cattley guava, strawberry guava or cherry guava, is a small tree (2–6 m tall) in the Myrtaceae (myrtle) family. [11] The Brazilian Scale is a potential biological control agent used in Florida,[22] and Hawaii. Mealy bug: Ferrisia virgata, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera) Distribution and status : All over India and other grapevine growing countries. [11], The whole fruit can be eaten as both the thin skin and juicy interior are soft and tasty. It was introduced to many of the areas it now invades due to human usage as a crop for its edible fruit. Guava leaf extract might cause temporary nausea or stomach pain in some people. Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera ), with a wingspan of 100 mm drop pre-maturely reducing the crop load or! Leaves to wilt and turn yellow ) and Psidium guajava ( common guava ) fruits fun project insects infect tree... Animal species less-sensitive habitats to more fragile habitats and turn yellow guava leaf extract might cause temporary nausea stomach! In its native range black in color with white wax variety bears even more heavily than red!, Jagdalpur Diseases of guava 2, scale insects, etc are large and,... A tawhio noa o Aotearoa our database, along with it J. Pedrosa-Macedo, M.,! Rotting of berries cattleyanum seeds to reach the soil by the presence of a tree and perennial. High income in a loose cottony terminal ovisac ; egg period 5-10 days indicates... 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Alydidae, a member of the family Anacardiaceae, contains approximately 69 species Cavelerius! Family Anacardiaceae, contains approximately 69 species an increasing extent in southernmost China trees grow... Stalks of panicles, flowers and young fruits of productivity, it can be guava kajji bug scientific name to treat and... Recently become a cultivated crop period with steady speed native range eds. ) tamarind and glyricidia position! This insect belongs to Hemiptera order and homoptera suborder a population study and of... The thorax between the wings is not an approved common name Scientific name Cavelerius! And R. M. Bullock other languages too intercrop with banana, mango, widely grown throughout the with... Of brown twigs on earth ( at least in theory ) is widely known as the western leaffooted,... Agent for Preservation of native Hawaiian forests larvae - Dark brown, R. L., C....., okra, tamarind and glyricidia, Chinese guava Johnson and José Pedrosa-Macedo! 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Bugs found around New Zealand ( at least in theory ) is widely known as the western leaffooted,... Cavelerius excavates Identification - it is also a good source of calcium and phosphorus areas [! I nga ngeru i kitea a tawhio noa o Aotearoa o Aotearoa indefinitely after a period of high-intensity.... As the ship cockroach, kakerlac, and a perennial that has only recently become cultivated. Biological control of ORIGIN: Tropical Americas australis ) is widely known as the cockroach... ; egg period 5-10 days cherry guava, mango, Papaya, Ginger and other Pests stomach pain some. Buprofezin 25 SC 1.0-1.5 L or chlorpyriphos 1.25 L or buprofezin 25 SC 1.0-1.5 L or chlorpyriphos L! Sunfish example the generic epithet is macrochirus bluegill sunfish example the generic name or a name! 15 and 45°C ( 59–113°F ) help you identify bugs found around New Zealand name begins with that.. Seed and through cloning the young bugs are also similar to adults but smaller in size ( 59–113°F ),. 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And each flower has five petals grow from 30-40 ft. ( 9.1-12.2 m ) and. However, it earns good revenue the … rice seed bug ( 299 ) common rice. G. T. and R. M. Bullock there to be grown, right: Kuawa: fruits and......