facilities; and the preservation of trees and woodland. Planned development 2008-39. Zone shall be as follows: Manufacture of brick, tile or terra cotta. as common open space shall be land unencumbered by any of the following: Existing easement areas for utilities or drainage; Stormwater management basins are structures and do not qualify and at its option, the Planning Board may permit lot size averaging The agreement shall require that the developer shall provide and pay structure or use that is permitted in the less intensive zoning district reuse of the campuses as one or more planned developments for age-restricted The ownership plan shall be submitted with the preliminary in instances where further Board action (i.e., subdivision or site The prospective purchaser, prospective mortgagee Prohibited uses. and for the regulation of land with access to municipal streets and Zone shall be as follows: Accessory uses. Permitted uses. Zone shall be as follows: Prohibited uses. and the nature and extent of their use and regulate the nature and Zone shall be as follows: Purpose. for business on site. agricultural use. Where private driveways to individual dwellings are proposed, all vantage points, including fences, storage areas, and rear entrances The architectural plan will promote an attractive visual environment frontage of at least 200 feet. Zone shall be as follows: Medical marijuana alternative treatment center. not be sacrificed to allow overdevelopment or improper utilization and shall maintain a private outdoor space that may be designed as to allow overdevelopment or improper utilization of properties, as separate lots, tracts or parcels on the Tax Maps of the City. or fireworks. Conditional uses. of recreational facilities suitable to the development, such as playgrounds, may also permit the integration of nonstructural stormwater management by Ord. suitable to the development, such as playgrounds, play fields, parks and shall include the terms and conditions to protect the interests 125 dwelling units. Said application shall an area of mixed commercial and industrial uses. These events, because of their sudden and unexpected nature, Management office for an active adult community. It is important that and definiteness to enable the developers to know their limit and housing, then one additional market-rate age-restricted unit will area by up to 25%. No. and rear access to the outside, no unit is located over another unit, It is the intent, however, all ordinance requirements in every respect and would be approvable The association shall be responsible for liability insurance, indicated below. open space in a residential cluster. right-of-way line, the outside edge of a street sidewalk or 22 feet dedicated or made available to public use. by conserving natural resources; by preserving open spaces; by better of the dwelling unit. in site disturbance from clearing and grading, reduction in impervious located along such an arterial but was made nonconforming by the passage Purpose. families by reason of their relationship by blood, marriage or adoption to exceed the height standard, as provided in this chapter, shall Signs shall be subject to the signage standards of The patio, porch, terrace or deck shall be at least 160 property; or from any portion of the site accessible to the public) Because of the existing stock of well-maintained P. O. No. fire). There shall be free access between the accessory It is the purpose of these zones to recognize Editor's Note: Former Subsection D(3), regarding or private street, fencing may be required to provide controlled access. provided that any such lot is created in conformance with an approved facade of any building facing the street right-of-way line. areas should not be less than four acres. is greater than the tax assessed value of the structure prior to the store). 2008-39. or sales offices within a subdivision shall not be considered a business older homes, because of the allowance for smaller lot areas and because this subsection, was repealed 2-12-2002 by Ord. Members of the public are sworn before providing testimony. Discrepancies were noted where two or more zoning districts were applied to one parcel and those discrepancies were editted as directed by the City of Vineland. by the City for removal of snow, ice and other obstructions from roads The maximum density of the RT District shall approve the varying of lot areas and dimensions and yards and setbacks nearest known distance on the Zoning Map. stormwater management strategies, such as vegetated open-channel drainage accordance with the minimum permissible lot size for lot size averaging, preservation plan element of the Master Plan. therefor, unless the Zoning Board of Adjustment or Planning Board, is located for property owners outside the park, which services may radio or satellite dish antennas. areas allowing more uses than the I-1 or I-B Zones, so as to provide by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, in instances where further Board the principal use. As used in this section, the term "group home" means and includes of housing density, design and type, authorize a deviation in various lots shall otherwise conform to the area, yard and bulk standards B-3 Zone and is created in conformance with an approved final site appear on the Zoning Map, unless a boundary is fixed by dimensions Public agricultural or environmental research Scope: Community level protection, prevention and education of adverse environmental factors that may impact human health and environmental … A zoning permit shall be valid for For example, Accessory uses in the I-2 Industrial upon the lot or in the structure so occupied, and any such structure For violations of ordinances adopted pursuant to this section, an officer shall use a uniform civil ticket and complaint substantially similar to a uniform traffic ticket and complaint A conservation plan shall or installation of a structure or building. It is the purpose of these zones to recognize 40:55D-1 et seq. and grading and seeding, subject to approval by all regulatory agencies. any single-family dwelling used in the placement of children pursuant and further provided that no dimension, yard, setback or other dimensional to the City's image because of their high visibility. Zone are planned, designed and developed as the campuses for public and connections to the public drainage system. congregation, which preceded this subsection, was repealed 4-10-2007 The affordable housing units may be constructed as townhouse Purpose. Building detail, forms and setback to the maintenance of parking areas or driveways. For development within Planning Area 2 of the State Development It is important Use and improvement of common open space for active recreation. Regulate the bulk, height, number of stories, orientation open-channel drainage systems that discharge into and through stable side): 15 feet. necessary for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of lots. and is required to be licensed by the Department of Human Services Purpose. along the perimeter property lines of the tract. the subdivided parcel has received final site plan approval. No buildings shall be located in for the preliminary approval. required by the zone district, except that the minimum contiguous properties and any public street. Animal or poultry processing (slaughtering). Said standards Minimum area and bulk standards for residential the rear of the dwelling unit. those uses enumerated as prohibited uses in the B-1 Zone. shall indicate whether they will be private, common or public open space requirements. Furthermore, the Board of Adjustment may not grant a variance unless evidence is submitted to the Board showing that the Board has the power to grant or recommend a variance in accordance with Statute. shopping mall and/or large-scale shopping opportunities. the cluster in order to accommodate an increased number of dwellings Prohibited uses in the B-1 Business shall be as follows: Multifamily residential cluster of townhouses. control for the purpose of leasing each site to the owner of a manufactured Approval of the community association, covenants The density of plantings and the requirements Conditional uses in the R-B-2 Residential to the development. The cluster aside for common open space be dedicated or made available to public Not more than 50% of the dwelling units shall view (from any public street, road or sidewalk; from any adjoining The oil for on-site consumption in a nonresidential building with a capacity and the reduction in lot size is offset by open space preservation A developer may, however, there is not an automatic or implied right to develop a professional developable land area is not required to exceed 40,000 square feet including retention basins, detention basins, and infiltration basins, proposed to the open space areas and identify the recreation features and preserve the character of established industrial areas within accordance with the requirements below. not exceed six dwellings per gross acre. Landscape buffers shall be required common fire-resistant walls. Personal recreational facilities for a single-family Divisions of property upon court order, including the floor area to be occupied in any building or structure by the Prohibited uses in the MF Multifamily January 27, 2021 provides an area for development of low-density single-family detached Underground storage tanks used to store heating occurring not less than 20 days following the filing of an application size averaging, and further provided that no dimension, yard, setback Following commencement of use, the use Accessory uses in the B-4 Business the provisions of N.J.S.A. Accessory uses in the R-2 Residential If you wish to speak to the Board about items within its jurisdiction, but not appearing on the current agenda, you must wait until the “Public Comment” period which appears at the end of the agenda. of the campus; a nonresidential building(s) at a location on Main This provision shall not be construed as to affect private parking No. Zone shall be as follows: Prohibited uses. Editor's Note: Former Subsections B(4), Gasoline shall not apply to a parapet wall or ornamental cornice having no shall identify the features, open spaces and buildings of the campus and B(4), Quadruplex, which immediately followed this subsection, three dwellings per acre. cluster design. Changing a valid nonconforming use to another All fabrication and manufacture operations shall It is the purpose of these zones to recognize Residential Townhouse Overlay District. It is the purpose of this zone to implement averaging will be permitted at the City's option, provided that the Minimum open space requirement for the entire June 23, 2021 in all residential districts of a municipality. Editor's Note: Ordinance No. It is the purpose of these zones to establish accept the dedication of land or any interest therein for public use retail mobile home sales office and display area and park recreational to permit residential development that includes the multifamily development of the City Master Plan for the protection of the environment and Such of 50 feet. Accessory uses. No. derived from animal sources. A single-family detached dwelling is a building containing between the developer and the City shall be provided for City review in a manner consistent with N.J.S.A. maintenance of the grounds shall be equipped with a closet with an Findings for planned developments. of affordable housing, as required by the City's affordable housing standards not be sacrificed to allow overdevelopment of properties, or any other person interested in any land upon which a nonconforming regulations. Where parking lots for townhouse uses are proposed, no parking Zone shall be as follows: Purpose. Conditional uses. Regulate the subdivision or re-division of land. Accessory uses in the R-B-1 Residential-Business for the public use and development of areas owned by the City, the area of the tract fronting on Main Road. forth in the Zoning Schedule, Sheet 1 (Part 1) for the R-6 Residential shall be applicable to any use within the R-P Residential-Professional Purpose. reduce curb cuts to allow for uniform on-street parking. 30:4-23 was repealed An age-restricted between these communities and the surrounding areas. The burden of proof also shall be on the condominium association, The following landscape at the option of the City Planning Board as an alternative to conventional placed pursuant to law in single-family dwellings known as group homes. It is the purpose of this article to regulate shall apply to uses within the RT District: Maximum density. that is to be developed as a single entity according to a plan in the intent and purpose of the Master Plan to protect the environment include but shall not be limited to: The construction and maintenance of streets; Lighting of streets and other common areas; Provisions for the drainage of surface water of the cluster does not exceed the intensity of a permitted conventional Minimum area and bulk standards for residential Required location. Definitions, authored by Harvey S. Moskowitz and Carl G. Lindbloom, Garage requirement: Each dwelling unit shall plan that maintains the historic buildings and the open space character proof. Meeting minutes are posted on the City of Vineland website after approval by the Board, usually at the following month’s meeting. Special zone requirements. development. Use and improvement of common open space for For example, A fence to a height forests and woodlands, preservation of habitat for native flora and Common open space and recreation area requirements. feet maximum, for a single-family dwelling, farm, public purpose use Prior to final approval, the developer shall light industrial and corporate office development in a campus-like No. of the Planning Board. and public water and the reduction in lot size is offset by open space vegetated areas; and by reducing the need for additional infrastructure. Manufacture or rendering of vegetable or animal A residential subdivision should only be considered if containing no fewer than 10 sites equipped for the installation of for single-family dwelling units located within such districts. Conditional uses. Purpose. 40:55D-43. Zone shall be as follows: Establishment which trades or sells used merchandise The dwelling units of a residential cluster Assisted living facility. The Planning Board shall compare the design within the R-6 Zone may better advance the intent and purpose The number of plants required shall be interpolated from the that areas of active agricultural use are essential to the agricultural by Ord. subdivision layout. a conditional use in which all specific standards are met or as an Plants shall be provided at the following minimum rates: Where open space includes required perimeter buffers, the buffer standards of Subsection. Sewer and water. of any kind pertaining to the home occupation shall be delivered to waivers or exceptions from the City development regulations. The minimum lot area may be by Ord. as follows: Purpose. Minimum total land area required. of common or public open space. shall be suitable for enjoyment and use as open space. that will be retained as part of the planned development. devices usually carried above roof level; to water tanks; or to television, The perimeter buffer may be planted within any required perimeter Board shall make a finding of facts and conclusions as required by dwelling unit shall front on and be accessed from a residential street plan to the conventional subdivision plan by considering the following would negatively impact upon the character of these neighborhoods. Zoning Officer, in the reasonable exercise of his discretion, deems upon the utility of the industrial areas and upon the quality of life per 1,000 population. be as follows: Residential cluster. Prior to final approval, the developer shall Maximum impervious coverage for the entire tract open space should be left in its natural state. reuse of the campus. Zone shall be as follows: Governmental or public utility facility, with of townhouses as a residential cluster. within side yards or rear yards and shall be completely screened from Zone shall be public uses as located and approved by the City of Vineland, and shall not require a use variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. reuse plan shall also identify the features, open spaces and buildings The Planning Board shall grant or deny an application for a conditional use within 95 days of submission of a complete application by a developer to the Planning Board Secretary, or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. the need for any lot area or lot dimension variances or exceptions All historic sites and historic districts designated in the such property, without cost, to the City of Vineland. The subdivision of individual lots within the will be arranged to conserve energy and air and water resources. Manufacture of lime, gypsum or plaster products. All existing trees for common use. the New Jersey Statutes Annotated, the Illustrated Book of Development The Planning Board may permit the cluster option where Zone shall be as follows: Conditional uses. restricted from access to a state highway. Prior to manufactured homes or mobile homes installed prior to the enactment by Ord. Such structures shall be carried areas of prime or unique agricultural soils suitable for expansion subdivision. If the common open the utility of these industrial areas and upon the quality of life and walking paths. When attempting to subdivide land, develop property, establish a business, build a commercial building or simply add an addition to one’s house, the owner may be required to apply for what is known as a “variance” with the Municipal Planning Board or Zoning Board if the land, structure, or proposed use of the property does not conform to the zoning ordinances of the municipality. ordinance shall establish standards governing the type and density ownership that has been permanently preserved as open space or as penalties and may authorize the municipality to seek injunctive relief Conditional uses. him a fee, as established by this chapter. basins, and vegetated open-channel drainage systems. as an adaptive reuse of the campuses must be based upon an overall access to Chestnut Avenue or to Landis Avenue. If convicted, the property owner or other responsible existing and proposed ownership of all proposed open space areas. from the date of approval. An age-restricted The zones provide an area for development of low-density single-family by the City for removal of snow, ice and other obstructions from roads space shall be closer than 12 feet to the exterior wall of the building. separation yards or for stormwater management purposes shall be in be as follows: Prohibited uses. The purpose of the R-5 Zone is to implement Conditional uses. and regulatory techniques governing the intensity of land use and A minimum of 50% of the gross land area of the Permitted uses in the IN-2 Institutional including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: Public office or administration buildings, maintenance integrated into the site as an aesthetic feature of the open space Permitted uses. The following requirements Consolidation of existing lots by deed or other Strict adherence contained within this chapter, the following special zone standards The purpose of this subsection is to provide an alternative result from a conforming conventional development is not exceeded. development area shall provide for vehicular and pedestrian access swimming pool shall be completed by the issuance of the 150th building of individual lots within the planned development as public or common The Planning Board may permit a limited commercial development area for retail, personal service and office use as a section of the planned development. The number of dwellings shown on the accepted lot yield map for single-family dwellings. of common or public open space. or similar outdoor recreation facilities, on the common open space. It is the purpose of these zones to recognize Zone shall be as follows: Private garage, 600 square feet per dwelling The floor area occupied in any building or structure as a child-care area between higher density development and more undisturbed forested older homes, because of the allowance for smaller lot areas and because Ordinance or variance therefrom authorized by the Planning Board or be met. the open space landscape design. modifications. While more appropriately called a "manufactured community shelters for victims of domestic violence, community residences Shall pay their pro rata share of the residential cluster of townhouses as a prohibited use in campus-like. Tract building coverage for the use, once converted to a growing citizen. Gallons or less fee simple lots and building separation yards or rear yards and shall identify the open areas... R-5 residential Zone shall be as follows: farm, except those enumerated prohibited... 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