New ideas. It’s tremendously encouraging—and motivating. One feature of our models is that they potentially make it a lot more concrete what’s going on in quantum computing. Peer review of specific sections and the entire paper for the Wolfram Physics Project. And in a couple of those sessions we’ve made the beginnings of some real discoveries—live and in public. But just where are its limits, and what are the precise mathematical conditions for its validity? Worlfram main ("448-page technical exposition"):, +, See "Universes":,, And over the years essentially all of these 256 cellular automata found uses as models for bizarrely different things (pigmentation, catalysis, traffic, vision, etc.). The quantum computing framework can in effect just be viewed as an application of our MultiwaySystem function that we put in the Wolfram Function Repository for the Physics Project. Well, our models now are in a sense the most minimal that describe systems with rules based on arbitrary relationships (as represented by collections of relations). Yes, the whole multiway graph is entirely determined by the underlying rule. And now the question of whether different people might have been close enough in space and time for contagion becomes one of reconstructing spatial graphs by making plausible foliations of the causal graph. Long ago I found that with the 1D cellular automata I studied. Because if we had a good way to talk about working with reference frames we’d be able to use them in distributed computing and so we’d get familiar with them. Well, that’s an interesting question. And it’s working. But in general relativity there’s been slow but progressive understanding of other kinds of frames. When we launched the project two weeks ago, I sent mail to a number of people. The blog post announcing the project … And I think it’s going to be possible to think about distributed computing in the same kind of way. Something else? Well, here’s the first neat thing we’ve realized: we can immediately reformulate our quantum computing framework directly in terms of multiway systems. Dimension? There are details to clean up, and further to go. After all, our models were constructed to be as minimal and structureless as possible. The details aren’t yet clear. I personally think physics is great. The actual “hypergraph of the universe” would be on much too tiny a scale for it to be directly useful for simulations. Then we went on to discuss more of the translation dictionary between distributed computing and physics. On the livestream, various people asked about spinors. But we need to see just how this works, and how far we can get, say in reproducing the features of the harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics. How should you evaluate this? At the first step you get f[9]+f[8]. Although the traditional view in physics is that space and time are continuous, when it comes to doing actual computer simulations they usually in the end have to be discretized. All physics faculty are too busy to write a thorough response, and too smart to just go out and call it the bullshit it is. But basically it’ll be a framework for looking at a given program in different ways, and using different foliations to understand and describe what it’s supposed to do. You signed in with another tab or window. Already we’ve thought about two other—completely different—potential applications. If you’re looking at, say, fluid flow near a vortex, then when you go around a small circle adding up the flow at every point, you’ll get zero if the circle doesn’t include the center of the vortex, and some quantized value if it does (the value will be directly proportional to the number of times you wind around the vortex). Is there an analog of the Feynman path integral in distributed computing? We invented the idea of a “causal exclusion graph”, which is a kind of complement of a causal graph, saying not what events can follow a given event, but rather what events can’t follow a given event. But maybe we’ll need some completely different idea. We don’t yet know how this could come out in our models (though we have some possible ideas)—but this is something we’re planning to explore soon. We need some kind of “calculus of reference frames” in terms of which we can define good distributed computing primitives. In theoretical analyses of distributed computing, one usually ignores physical space—and the speed of light. And the first big place where it seems the models can be applied is in distributed computing. Usually it’s been difficult to get a consistent “after the fact” discretization of the path integral; but now it’s something that emerges from our models. Please enter your comment (at least 5 characters). In my Mathematica-precursor system SMP, I tried to parametrize this behavior, but realistically nobody understood it. Wolfram Cloud Central infrastructure for Wolfram's cloud products & services. Why might there be a connection? (More formally, the statement is that momentum is given by the flux of causal edges through timelike hypersurfaces. One might think that the laws of physics would be invariant under any of these transformations. But in multiway systems we’re not just looking at a few paths; we’re looking at all paths. And this vortex has angular momentum. C is a little less clear, but we suspect that it just corresponds to reversing branchial edges (and this very correspondence probably tells us something about the nature of antiparticles). We imagined filling in the plane by making something like a string figure that joins points on the two vectors: But now there’s an easy generalization to the hypergraph. Or, put another way, once everything is considered to be computational, including both systems and observers, the Second Law is basically inevitable. And that’s a reasonable thing to want. What we now need to do is to find more realistic examples. But let me talk a bit about things I think I’ve learned in the past two weeks. What’s ultimately the point of peer review? And in general relativity (say for simulating a black hole merger) it’s usually a very subtle business, in which the details of the discretization are hard to keep track of, and hard to keep consistent. Our livestreams—even very technical ones—have been exceptionally popular. Instead, for something like an electron, it takes a rotation through 720°. However, the standard formalism of quantum field theory implies that there is still invariance under the combined CPT transformation—and, so far as one can tell, this is experimentally correct. And, more than that, even supposedly point particles—like electrons—have nonzero quantized spin angular momentum. The physics project lays out the theories of … But what I did instead was to start with an idealized model of discrete molecules—and then to simulate lots of these molecules. We’re already used to the idea (at least in the Wolfram Language) that we can write a program functionally, procedurally, declaratively, etc. Wolfram Physics Winter School Jan 4-15, 2021 | Apply now. But what exactly are black holes like in our models? We’re fully expecting people will sometimes say “I don’t understand this” or “I don’t think that is correct”. We don’t yet know how this works in our models. 13 thoughts on “ The Wolfram Physics Project Makes Me Queasy ” Anonymous Chicken April 17, 2020 at 3:03 pm. In traditional treatments of quantum mechanics, the harmonic oscillator is the kind of thing one starts with. I think the correspondence between distributed computing and physics in the context of our models is going to be incredibly fertile. The way I know I really understand something is when I can explain it absolutely from the ground up. Stephen Wolfram announced this project today: , providing a fascinating foundation for a theory of physics. I never expected our whole project to develop as well—or as quickly—as it has. There are two basic points. In our fundamentally discrete model it’s a bit less shocking, and in fact things like black holes (and other kinds of spacetime singularities) seem to arise very naturally in our models. But the graph of what phones were close to what phones can be thought of as being like a causal graph. On the livestream, we used the simple example: And in the act of transforming one of these vectors into the other we’re essentially sweeping out a plane. They want to support the project. This is super interesting to me. ... Let’s review again what we’ve seen. Instead, it’s just continually evolving, but with causal invariance implying various kinds of local equivalence and consistency. Maybe there’s some way of thinking about the genotype-phenotype correspondence in terms of the correspondence between multiway graphs and causal graphs. Understanding the Second Law of thermodynamics was one of the things that first got me interested in fundamental physics, nearly 50 years ago. 2020 Kia Forte Review. For new academic publications, see the Wolfram Physics Project.. 1975 So there’s no reason they can’t apply to other things too. A core question in theoretical computing science (which I have views on, but won’t discuss here) is whether P=NP, that is, whether all NP problems can actually be done in polynomial time. (I will say that ever since the work I did with Richard Feynman on quantum computing back in the early 1980s, I have always wanted to really understand the “cost of measurement”, and I’m hoping that we’ll finally be able to do that now.). It’s mathematically complicated—because it must describe the combined geometry of physical and branchial space. People are making technical suggestions, sending us links to relevant papers, even sending us pieces of Wolfram Language code to run—all in real time. It’s pretty difficult (at least for me) to “understand” the structure of the graphs and hypergraphs we’re generating. In Wolfram’s case, at best the work is correct, and history will remember Wolfram’s name for research that was done by many people as part of the Wolfram Physics Project. This is all very much in progress right now, but in the next few weeks we’re expecting to be able to look at well-known quantum algorithms in this context, and see whether we can analyze them in a way that treats time evolution and measurement on a common footing. But what if the computing elements are instead operating asynchronously, sending data to each other when it happens to be ready? Thousands of people have been asking us questions about our project. More formally, we have time evolution operators, and we have measurement operators. Discussion about ongoing progress in Wolfram's project to find the fundamental theory of physics. Then when people look at the reviews, they can filter by these computable facts, essentially deciding for themselves how they want to “review the reviewers”. Started by Physicist-Computer Scientist-Entrepreneur Stephen Wolfram, the project envisions the Universe as one big network. In only 2 weeks, thousands have participated in the open Physics Project. We’re trying—albeit imperfectly—to get the best aspects of peer review, and to do it as quickly as possible. We’re at a very exciting point—where there are an incredible amount of “obvious directions” to go. Stephen and Jonathan might want to check this out as a substitute for the VR display…,, Our Mission and the Opportunity of Artifacts from the Future, Faster than Light in Our Model of Physics: Some Preliminary Thoughts, A Burst of Physics Progress at the 2020 Wolfram Summer School, Exploring Rulial Space: The Case of Turing Machines, Launching Version 12.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica: 228 New Functions and Much More…, Where Did Combinators Come From? In my own view the fact that Wolfram’s work, on the surface, is free of mathematics just makes it digestible. I’m very excited about what’s going to be achieved at the Summer School. But with our models, it’s going to be possible to account for such things, alongside branchial connections, which are more like “instantaneous network connections”. This project is an open project where we’re sharing—in as real time as we can—what we’re doing and the tools we’re using. They don’t have anything intrinsically about physics in them. But we’d still like to see explicitly how Bell’s inequality is violated—and in fact we suspect that in our multiway graph formalism it’ll be much more straightforward to see how this and its various generalizations work. Stephen Wolfram (/ ˈ w ʊ l f r əm /; born 29 August 1959) is a British-American computer scientist, physicist, and businessman. (Stay tuned for future livestreamed working sessions!) I’m guessing that phenomena and results in distributed computing are going to have direct analogs in general relativity and in quantum mechanics. Of course, our theory isn’t “deterministic” in the usual sense. Two geodesics—and the geodesics “strung” between them—define a plane. The branchial graph defines sibling tasks. But at a more individual-organism level one’s typically been reduced to doing simulations, which tend to have messy issues like just how many “almost fittest” organisms should be kept at every “step” of natural selection. When I used to publish academic papers in the 1970s and early 1980s I quickly discovered something disappointing about actual peer review—that closely mirrors what my historian-of-science friend said. But it’s getting closer…. Quantum mechanics is notorious for yielding strange phenomena that can be computed within its formalism, but which seem essentially impossible to account for in any other way. (Academic affiliation? In principle, this 3D geometry should let one immediately 3D print “universes”. A visual summary of Wolfram's theory. But it is intriguing to consider that a quantum computer could actually handle “all the threads” simultaneously, and this could definitely explain why. Perhaps something like the multiway graph (or rule-space multiway graph) can be used to represent the set of all possible sequences of genetic variations. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. But the qualitative picture of a quantum computer is that instead it’s simultaneously following many paths of evolution, so that in effect it can do many Turing-machine-like computations in parallel. His father was a textiles businessman who wrote novels; his … And in this framework we’re essentially describing two things: how quantum information is propagated with time through some series of quantum operations, and how the results of quantum processes are measured. Because, to my great surprise, once we started seriously working on the ideas I originally hatched 30 years ago we suddenly discovered that we could make dramatic progress. The basic idea—that we discussed in a livestreamed brainstorming session—is that as people move around with their cellphones, Bluetooth or other transactions can say when two phones are nearby. Write a review. We’ve so far done five livestreamed working sessions, three on spin and charge, one on the interplay with distributed computing, and one on combinators and physics. It could be that the whole problem is mired in computational irreducibility. OK, so here’s something concrete that came out of our working session last Thursday: I think we understand what angular momentum is. They can be screen backgrounds, or Zoom backgrounds. But at this point I think we’ve developed an approach and a methodology that are going to make possible rapid progress in many directions. (Presumably the reference frames that can be set up are limited by the computational capabilities of observers, which must be compared to the computations being done in the actual evolution of spacetime.) And maybe we’ll be able to see that there’s a limit on the amount of angular momentum a black hole of a given mass can have (as there seems to be in general relativity). But after that, do you just keep “drilling down” the evaluation of f[9] in a “depth-first way”, until it gets to 1s, or do you for example notice that you get f[8]+f[7]+f[8], and then collect the f[8]s and evaluate them only once? Our Summer School—which has been running since 2003—is a 3-week program, focused on every participant doing a unique, original project. And in a sense the handling of our model—and the features of physics that emerge—is about having ways to deal with “ambiguity in bulk”. There are lots of details, but—just like in the fluid flow case—I expect many of them won’t matter. Published on arXiv? If a paper of mine was novel though not particularly original, it sailed right through peer review. They’re appreciating the elegance of it. But how does that fit into the normal, academic way of doing science? So over the past week we’ve been thinking about additional, faster things we can do (and, yes, we’ve also been talking to people to get “peer reviews” of possible peer-review processes, and even going to another meta level). And in our models this isn’t just some kind of theoretical concept; it’s the whole basis for quantum mechanics. This phenomenon is ultimately crucial to the derivation of continuum behavior in our models—both for spacetime and for quantum mechanics. For the last several years, we’ve been developing a framework for quantum computing in the Wolfram Language (which we’re hoping to release soon). We’ll be posting the code soon, and we hope other people will help add features. Etc.) And it’s not easy to deliver such a thing to the world. But in our models its properties have to be emergent, and it’ll be interesting to see just how “close to the foundations” or how generic their derivation will be able to be. (Image credit: Wolfram Physics Project) Physicist Stephen Wolfram thinks he's figured out a framework that … Follow project development as it is livestreamed. Course Assistant Apps » An app for every course— right in the palm of your hand. And of course there’s an open archive both of the livestream itself, and the notebook created in it. But this was our first real “aha” moment in a public working session. But the thousands of messages we’ve received tell a very different story. Wolfram Science Technology-enabling science of the computational universe. Black-hole “no hair” theorems? But what can we say about this? It’s based on the increasingly popular concept of “post-publication peer review”. In other words, things can affect the black hole, but the black hole can’t causally affect anything else. This piece is already quite long, but there’s even much more I could say. So then CPT is like a wholesale inversion of the multiway causal graph. Wolfram Demonstrations Project. It’s just that this is a lot of sequences. Also, by bypassing the peer-review system you automatically put yourself outside the scientific community. In the simplest setup, one just assumes that all the computing elements are operating in lockstep—like in a cellular automaton. We launched the Wolfram Physics Project two weeks ago, on April 14. When we’re talking about quantum mechanics, many important practical phenomena arise from looking at bound states where for example some particle is restricted to a limited region (like an electron in a hydrogen atom), and we’re interested in various time-repeating eigenstates. Wolframs Theory Of The Universe Physics Project Article Review. It has to do with recursive evaluation. Our models, however, finally provide a definite suggestion for what is “underneath” quantum mechanics—and from our models we’ve already been able to derive many of the most prominent phenomena in quantum mechanics. Among other things, what we’re hoping is that people will say what they can “certify” and what they cannot: “I understand this, but don’t have anything to say about that”. So one of the things I was pleased to do a week or so ago was to try to explain our fundamental theory of physics on a livestream aimed at kids, assuming essentially no prior knowledge. An extreme case of this arises in evaluating S, K combinators. And particularly since my livestream seemed to get good reviews from both kids and others, I’m planning in the next week or two to put together a written version of this as a kind of “very elementary” introduction to our project. If you want to know the amount of linear momentum in a particular direction at a particular place in the hypergraph, you just have to see how much “activity” at that place in the hypergraph is being transferred in that “direction”. Written with Stephen Wolfram's characteristic expository flair, this book provides a unique opportunity to learn about a historic initiative in science right as it is happening. So, thank you! Get involved in real-time research via livestream, through the Fundamental Physics track at Wolfram Summer School and through peer review. Here’s a toy version of it, that we discussed in a livestream last week: Edges in one direction (say, down) correspond to time. But we’ve been very keen to go on working on the science, and some of that has been happening too. Stephen Wolfram recently announced his new Physics Project, an attempt to rethink how we do physics in terms of simple operations on abstract structures. But what we observe depends on measurements that sample collections of branches determined by the quantum observation frames we choose. Well, in our approach to physics the way we handle this is to think in terms of foliations and reference frames—which provide a way to organize and understand what’s going on. And indeed many modern distributed computing systems are again “just running” without getting to “final results” (think: the internet, or a blockchain). Of course, there are people who think “This isn’t the way science usually works; something must be wrong”. I’ve always considered the P=NP problem in terms of infinities, though. And given that we’re looking at all paths, we’re led to invent things like quantum observation frames, and branchial space. And we’ve had lots of people who just want to tell us they appreciate what we’re doing. And how, for example, does it relate in detail to gravity? I would have thought that first we’d have to understand exactly what particles are, and then we’d only slowly be able to build up something we could consider a realistic “double slit”. One last thing that’s still just a vague idea is to apply our models to develop a more abstract approach to biological evolution and natural selection (both for the overall tree of life, and for microorganisms and tumors). But now there’s a generalization of both these things: in effect, a generalization of the Einstein equations that applies to the whole multiway causal graph. And the biggest focus seems to be around “What about peer review?”. Well, our multiway system representing quantum mechanics essentially gives that whole tree (though causal invariance implies that ultimately the branches always merge). But it looks as if CPT invariance must just correspond to a symmetry of this generalized equation. (So if you’re thinking of applying, please just apply… though do it as soon as you can!). Maybe speciation has some correspondence with event horizons. Note: From 1987 to 2020, Stephen Wolfram’s intellectual efforts have not primarily been reported in academic articles. New conclusions. We started discussing applications. First, every reviewer gives information about themselves, and we validate that the person posting is who they say they are. PhD in physics? For example, just like lots of rules for discrete molecules yield the same limiting thermodynamic behavior, I expect lots of rules for the updating events that give the causal graph will yield the same limiting spacetime structure. And this has an immediate analog in distributed computing: it’s the idea of eventual consistency, or in other words that it doesn’t matter what order operations are done in; the final result is always the same. And we’ve started livestreaming our actual working research sessions. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. (Imagine “programming in a particular reference frame”, etc.). And I’m certainly enjoying trying to figure out more with our models—and trying to understand all sorts of things I’ve wondered about for nearly half a century. A galaxy cluster containing one to two thousand galaxies. It seems as if unless we thicken up the connections to the point where they merge into each other, it’s not possible to get enough structural integrity to successfully make a 3D printout with existing technologies. (Like in standard numerical analysis, though, different rules may have different efficiency and show different pathologies.). They’re enjoying understanding what we’ve figured out. But one point is clear: it has to involve not just the spatial hypergraph and the spacetime causal graph (as in our discussion of angular momentum above), but also the multiway causal graph. But to understand Hawking radiation we’re undoubtedly also going to have to look at multiway causal graphs. It’s not a great fit. So can one do something similar with general relativity? And now that we have an idea what angular momentum is, we should be able to identify how much of that is going in as well. Either way, I suspect there’s going to be somewhat sophisticated math involved. (It’s also critical to my old derivation of fluid behavior from idealized discrete underlying molecules.). So in the last couple of weeks I’ve been surprised to see so many people asking us whether we’ve managed to understand the Second Law. How about networks? You can duplicate, change and run the code. Consider the multiway causal graph. It’s actually a very analogous idea to something I did rather successfully in the mid-1980s for fluid flow. And I’m fully expecting that there’ll be projects at the Summer School that lead, for example, to academic papers that rapidly become classics. And send us updates about what you’re doing in connection with the Wolfram Physics Project, so we can post about it. 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