Ix24/wBXccgQbnWWu+Je4D8AFJjFBpc3K8hd5PYFJKXSUpJSySlJKeG/xq9Lbd0qjq1bf0mJYGPc If the dry density of the soil at its loosest, densest and natural state is known, the relative density (Id) is given by the relation: Test to determine the Relative Density of Soil The test procedure is based on IS 2720(Part 14): 1983; Determination of relative density or density index of cohesionless soil. / saved mf8AkklNwEESNQeCkpq5n9JwP/DDv/PF6SmWA0O6djtPBoYD82hJTj5H1P6BTRZc3FfY6tjnhgsf Soil mechanics is a branch of soil physics and applied mechanics that describes the behavior of soils.It differs from fluid mechanics and solid mechanics in the sense that soils consist of a heterogeneous mixture of fluids (usually air and water) and particles (usually clay, silt, sand, and gravel) but soil … xr/+h/5NJSv/ABwemf8Aca//AKH/AJNJTtdF6xR1vFfl47H1tZYaiHxMgNd2J/eSU6CSlJKamZ/S Record the dry weight of the soil and calculate the volume of the cylinder. 3.2.1 After soaking the sample, drain off the free water and spread the sample … c0fRDmMeWsn6Il3ASpS31vdiM6M9+bblU1h7ffhGLJ1ie23xlIqD43c1puuNclge6CeYnSYTUssB +df1e/7mM/zX/wDkUlK/51/V7/uYz/Nf/wCRSUkx/rH0XLvZjY+U19thhjQHan5tSUnzP6Tgf+GH Adobe InDesign 6.0 Known values:. SjTUbW5BY02taWNsgbg1xaXNDuYJaJHkkpmkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSmFhENb3LhA+Bn+CSmvmf0 Soils with a bulk density higher than 1.6 g/cm3 tend to restrict root growth. Example 4 O/8AjcdL/wC5F3/RUfsw7Nz/AEpzX734D+Du9F6Ji9DxnY+OXPL3bnPdE6CAPaBoPyknungACg1c P/DDv/PF6Sl8OP2XROg+zsmP6gSU+ez9Xf8Audn/AOY3/wAmkpU/V3/udn/5jf8AyaSlT9Xf+52f T9H7k0zn1ZcfK8rLWJYfUi7FPX8OprxDQ4ME9wxwASxfMnna9ig+qKy4q1n0R/Wb+UJKa2Z/ScD/ MjsyMjIyOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7OztAQEBAQDtAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQED/wAARCAEA saved 1.Dry the soil sample to a constant weight (24 hours in a hot-air oven at 105 degrees C ). B/zQkpqP+rfQw0luDUSAYEHn70lPL/Zep/8AzuUfc7/0okpX2Xqf/wA7lH3O/wDSiSlfZep//O5R Calculate the dry • %PDF-1.7 %���� ZXJawM0jcefpJKd0t94IETyQAgQSkMH1RpUdg/kgDvKKHlP8ZNlTMrAl0P8ARduHkS2P4qDP0dP4 QiMkFVLBYjM0coLRQwclklPw4fFjczUWorKDJkSTVGRFwqN0NhfSVeJl8rOEw9N14/NGJ5SkhbSV Weigh the sample. The term "relative density… WnqthIeHE+k3Vv7vKFJ4kX1j+qFf1htosflvx/QYWANYHTJmdSE2cOJm5fmThvRz+m/4u6undRx+ 47 examples: Graph of initial relative density (y -axis) against reduced shrinkage times… void ratio. 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AKYDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QBQgAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAwABAgQFBgcICQoLAQABBQEBAQEBAQAA Density is a measure of the strength of the soil. Relative compaction is used to test the maximum wet density of the soil sample. Ur/mP0H9y3/twpKV/wAx+g/uW/8AbhSUr/mP0H9y3/twpKV/zH6D+5b/ANuFJTa6b9WeldKyRl4j The test procedure involves preparing the soil sample by drying, cooling, segregating, and sieving it. saved Dry density of soil, d = b / 1 + w. Powerpoint Templates Free Powerpoint Templates Page Page 4343 44. uuid:e929899c-1300-a648-8f29-7889d2a73146 False / Determine the degree of saturation and the air f3qKnf8AVN/gq2f5nY+Gn9WXZ/xXYxq6dn3kQLcnYD4hjR/5JSYtmnz59YD26laaklKSUpJSklMX Because the density of water is 1g/cm³.Relative density has no units it is simply a number or ratio. JPEG 2/5/2015 3. FVj+drHtcfuBSUjzP6Tgf+GHf+eL0lL4cfsuiRI+zskDv7Akp4Db0f8A8p8z/t13/pNJStvR/wDy 2009-03-04T10:35:51-06:00 /kUlK/51/V7/ALmM/wA1/wD5FJSv+df1e/7mM/zX/wDkUlK/51/V7/uYz/Nf/wCRSUr/AJ1/V7/u Determine water content of soil collected from the hole as w. 12. For example, the relative density of one sample of water to another sample of water is 1.0 g Solution:. /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA viii. mOA1leh5cJG4jzTTMsg5eGw08Xjrzb67/XH6Tcd8eM6oiYLHPlskRssNkJzA2Lgw4YE8apKTfVuW 256 UkpSSny76xhjPrtdvaHMN+OXNcJBBZTIIKq5B+sdrlCfuprsXlKOvW9M6pmXY9VGTU+yxjK8mv1W b+R/5BJSv8n/APzsX/8Ab+R/5BJSv8n/APzsX/8Ab+R/5BJSv8n/APzsX/8Ab+R/5BJSv8n/APzs cHaSRJ0SU98f8aHSo9mDlu/ss/8AShRQ7P1d+tON9YfWFWPdjGnb/OgQ4OngtJ8EVPFf4wWlv1jc M/8AJJKV+0+m/wDcuj/txn/kklK/afTf+5dH/bjP/JJKV+0+m/8Acuj/ALcZ/wCSSUzqzcK9/p0Z This field operating procedure is derived from AM4/3JKVs6D/AOVOf/nH+5JStnQf/KnP/wA4/wBySlbOg/8AlTn/AOcf7klOj0rrWD0ZtjcLpeYB X/8Ab+R/5BJSv8n/APzsX/8Ab+R/5BJSXEp6Zk5VOO/6t3VNtsbW6w3XwwOIBcfaOJSU9J/zO+rn The influence of relative density of soil on the /metadata xmp.iid:0680117407206811BA04840853C2FDCB jkfU/wD7mu/7Zu/9JpKV/wCOR9T/APua7/tm7/0mkpz+ofWn/Fx1W5uRn3Otsa0Vh2zJb7QSYhjW saved 2012-06-21T17:57:22-05:00 xmp.iid:0780117407206811BA04840853C2FDCB saved MSn/ALn5H4JKV/zEp/7n5H4JKV/zEp/7n5H4JKV/zEp/7n5H4JKV/wAxKf8AufkfgkpX/MSn/ufk saved 2009-08-20T13:03:23-05:00 In real sense, relative density expresses the ratio of actual decrease in volume of voids in a sandy soil to the maximum possible decrease in the volume of voids i.e how far the sand under investigation can be … yhJTWzP6Tgf+GHf+eL0lL4f/ACXR/wCF2f8AUBJTaSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUjvaX0WMby5jgPiQkp SSUr9qdA/wC5eH/27X/5JJSh1XoIMjMxARwRbX/5JJTP9t9G/wC5+L/28z/ySSlftvo3/c/F/wC3 /uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8A /wDPF6SmfT/+T8b/AImv/qQkpsJKUkpp9V6ZT1bDdh3OdWCQQ9kbmngxuDhq0lp8ikRaYyMZAjcP saved /m0/+SSUqPqn+91H/Np/8kkpUfVP97qP+bT/AOSSUqPqn+91H/Np/wDJJKTYeJ9V87Kqw6n54fc8 +pdP1odmm/IfjDFcwNLGh24v3zO7+qpIDiafMH2iH1rp3SMPp+Bj4DWMsbjVNqD3NEu2ADcdO6lA The porosity is given, therefore we can find the void ratio. S97yGtaPEkpKeWzv8Y3SKLTTg12ZhbzY2GV/JzpJ+5C1OTlf4ys5zgMbErpZIMucXkx24ZylaXpe saved saved The unreliability of relative density due to its formulation further complicated its Salem 1. 7gQkprZn9JwP/DDv/PF6SmfT/wDk/G/4mv8A6kJKbCSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSl It is useful in estimating bearing capacity of soils, settlement of footings, earth pressure behind the retaining walls and embankments. saved The soil core is removed from the cutter and a representative sample shall be placed in an air-tight container and its water content (ω) determined. gFDCfk0JKc7/AJ4/Vz/uX/4Fb/6TSUr/AJ4/Vz/uX/4Fb/6TSU3+ndVwOqsfZgW+q2s7XHa5sE6/ o44xNuLm53LmjwyLrWfRH9Zv5QntZr5n9JwP/DDv/PF6Sl8P/kuj/wALs/6gJKbSSlJKUkpSSlJK According to ASTM (2006a, 2006b), for its testing methods to be applicable, the soil can contain up to 15%, by dry mass, of soil 1P8A+eOj73f+k0lK+1dT/wDnjo+93/pNJSvtXU//AJ46Pvd/6TSU6fROr14brj1brNOWHhvpgE+0 In this condition soil has maximum amount of volume of voids. AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4AE0Fkb2JlAGSAAAAAAQUAAgAD/9sAhAAMCAgICAgMCAgMEAsLCxAUDg0NDhQY f1e/7mM/zX/+RSU3sLPxOo0/aMKwW17i3cARqO2oHikpsJKamZ/ScD/ww7/zxekplgAO6djA6g0s / 2009-03-04T09:51:44-06:00 Calculate relative density of soil sample… P/GUzJf9XQMc+0ZDDc0fnMAd/wB+gpKfLq7gwQdCmpZuvA1JhJTY6fXl2Xt6hjse6vCsZbbYyNzY Adobe InDesign 7.0 Inherent factors that affect bulk density such as soil texture cannot be changed. 256 xmp.iid:3EDC30A2412068118083FBD4CC040390 X7P6f/3Gp/7bb/ckpX7P6f8A9xqf+22/3JKV+z+n/wDcan/ttv8AckpX7P6f/wBxqf8Attv9ySlf Relative Density. saved Adobe InDesign 6.0 Li0Tt5PKSnmvTwf/AJ3Mr/t67/0kkpXp4P8A87mV/wBvXf8ApJJSvTwf/ncyv+3rv/SSSleng/8A r1Pr9/osf72f+SSUr1Pr9/osf72f+SSUr1Pr9/osf72f+SSU9FhHKOJSc0AZGweqG8b41iElJ0lK iZ5aElPUNc17Q9plrgCD4gpKauZ/ScD/AMMO/wDPF6Sl8L/kyjTd+gZp4+waJKeK+zX/APzs/jd/ 25V/6QSUr7Z9Y/8A54emf9uVf+kElK+2fWP/AOeHpn/blX/pBJSvtn1j/wDnh6Z/25V/6QSUr7Z9 a specific gravity of 2.65. 8GHo5kz6rf8ANQ4o9k8OX9/8Eps6o6r0DkNNY7bB8UuII9qd3xfgjbTmSd1rCI09sJcUeyuHNfzf A soil sample has a porosity of 41%, a moisture content of 15.2% and AOeHpn/blX/pBJTKu/6z3PbVV17pr3vMNY19ZJJ7AChJT1WCzLrxKmZ7225IbFr2aNLvEe1v5ElI Relative Density Apparatus Supports the following standards: ASTM D4253 Apparatus determines the relative density of cohesionless, free-draining soils and provides well-defined results on soils that do not respond well to conventional moisture-density … 9zi2p5aS0hpIIaXwY/dGp+CSn56taRbZ/Wd+VNSxr3b9ATCIQ3t36LVFSfoPXLfq/nuvrqbezJb6 17.2%), Example 2 a7EDfUyjay6cSrGy91RtfLqLAbd22IAAdGiSn0GmsU0spDnPFbQwOeS5x2iJc46k+JSUzSUxs+iP EtwcVw8RTWf++pKbOPi42Iw14tNdDCdxbU0MBPEw0DwSUlSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJTUzP6Tgf8A xmp.iid:FC7F117407206811B4F2EFDDF85FBEED v70lK+zX/wDzs/jd/ekpX2a//wCdn8bv70lK+zX/APzs/jd/ekpX2a//AOdn8bv70lK+zX//ADs/ AOk0lK/54/Vz/uX/AOBW/wDpNJTb6f13pXVbXU4F/qvY3e4bHtgTH57W+KSm+kpqZn9JwP8Aww7/ 1xfZkBzjyS0f3IGYK/Hy8sYqMq+gWFWYGwbGHz2/3JcUey72837/AODOMzbs3s2+G1Lij2TwZb+b Relative density (R.D) of a substance can be calculated by dividing density of a substance with the density of water. 93WvrAzNow3X5rKX1ZVtFjMNr8m9tTsVtLr6DQDWC6xzT7G6QTtmQlMbOrfXp+U6gUXUeoKm2baR ytu/dcIh6t25jZvVaMjJf1KtrcZ7T6Tqh7tx9rN3vgacpwyyvVjPLYSPQdXB6weu5dXq/bHXOY4F in order to determine a relative compaction. xmp.iid:F97F117407206811B4F2EFDDF85FBEED After that 400 gr of dried soil was poured into a container in a … How to Calculate Density Index or Relative density of Soil, Mumbai University Solved Example /wA4/wB6SmJbsIc0mJAIJJmdO6SkGZ/ScD/ww7/zxekpfD/5Lo/8Ls/6gJKbSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkp h/5NJSv/ABwemf8Aca//AKH/AJNJSv8Axwemf9xr/wDof+TSUr/xwemf9xr/APof+TSUr/xwemf9 The relative density of a cohesionless soil sample is determined using the relative density test. UTS-0672A or UTS-0673A, Relative Density Mould Set consists of a mould, circular surcharge weight with handle, surcharge base plate with handle and detachable guide sleeve with clamp assembly. SSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpjZ9Ef1m/lCSmtmf0nA/8MO/88XpKXw/+S6P/AAuz/qAk Bu8lpa0xBgJ/CA1vdnIakq6n9ZLerMZVZRj4XpkkPw6/SJJj6cEyNEaHZaZ5BtI/a51d+a5wDbXO 256 pJUkp2el0+hhOvc2H5R2sJ/0TDrA/lPHP8lQZ5aU6/wbBcjkPTQPrGZ0vPt+uWB1WuqcSjHdXZbu calculate the volume of solids. 2013-01-04T10:25:41-06:00 (4.80), we obtain the expression for relative density as –. The density or consistency of the soil mass can range from very ... • Identification is the process of determining which components exist in a particular soil sample, i.e., gravel, sand, silt, clay, etc. Section Name: Soil and Foundation Engineering (CED 43) Designator of Legally Binding Document: IS 2720-14 Title of Legally Binding Document: Methods of test for soils, Part 14: Determination of density index (relative density 2009-02-16T09:51:48-06:00 2009-03-04T15:16:19-06:00 d/54vSUvh/8AJdH/AIXZ/wBQElNpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSxAIg6gpKcbovQuk9M6hn34OLXTY60D And in the densest condition it will be 100% as e will be emin. y�b֥�6[��+%�[4������#ע!G_G��æ�8�ڴ��/�;]��N�^omL�@űq+!� �����ª���-^��T4��rK�����K>�pz�9�צ�4Nq�1��(��Q�F�/]��A�ګ` c�[x�y��:���,_I%����}��$�Z86� Э�L For determining the minimum density, the dry pulverized soil … xmp.iid:FD7F117407206811842582F789D3526E rcHfoSxv0nGGmHaEulJTC3rf1YyOmXYd776rbem4OM++pvqFz8c0l9bKXtqA2lmrjZB7JKbOD9ae oDPfZ9nsFgrNYAO3tO8oDEAbZcnPGcDEh7BSNNdJSklKSUpJSklPN/Wf6o/84MqnLryG4766/Tdu fQZBPjsCSnlv2h9bP+5+B/25T/ckpX7Q+tn/AHPwP+3Kf7klOj0XqPU232ftvOxHVbPZ6dlc7pH7 Because it is a ratio, relative density or specific gravity is a unitless value. 2009-12-14T14:28:39-06:00 ��u=\o�7����������/b��@����7�#��ȊhV�(_AW��L*�۳��0Eݩ��JEa�&�lZ�nzė�� AOBW/wDpNJSv+eP1c/7l/wDgVv8A6TSUr/nj9XP+5f8A4Fb/AOk0lK/54/Vz/uX/AOBW/wDpNJSv A test of density of soil is prepaid by digging a hole in the ground (v=426 cm) weighing the extracted soil before (895 gr) and after (779 gr) drying. d) Relative Density. 6PmkpDmf0nA/8MO/88XpKXw4/ZdE6j7OyY/qBJT57H1d/wC4Of8A57f/ACCSlR9Xf+4Of/nt/wDI 2009-02-16T10:39:10-06:00 The moisture requirement directly relates to the compaction requirements of each soil… In the loosest state relative density will be zero, because value of e will be equal to emax. UlKn6p/u9R/zqf8AyKSlT9U/3eo/51P/AJFJSp+qf7vUf86n/wAikpU/VP8Ad6j/AJ1P/kUlKn6p xmp.iid:FD7F117407206811B4F2EFDDF85FBEED RELATIVE DENSITY Dr The relative density is generally e max = (Gγ w /γ d min) – 1 … (4.81) e min = (Gγ w /γ d max) – 1 … (4.82) Substituting these values in Eq. Adobe InDesign 6.0 Sv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSbF6Z0/BebMPHroc / If its value is less than 1, then the substance is less dense than water and would float. PART TWO: Particle Density xmp.iid:FA7F117407206811B4F2EFDDF85FBEED Adobe InDesign 7.0 TiZ3SGdMxXmx1ll1txoc+uhpdk23NHpWUtLpa4GZCSk3W+r/AFZz/qrR02jJecnDrpNNZa9u57GN JKUkpSSlJKUkpDl0UZONZRkiantIfqQQOZBEEEeKSnhG5XWW5jq+n3+vih/sZczdYK57vGpPxUXu 2009-02-16T09:56:27-06:00 2009-12-14T14:23:48-06:00 x7MZzn0hxFbjGTqWTBPtCMifcAY8WOB5Gcq1vf7HE6V0Wvqf1q6g+8bqqsu2yxnILW2u2h39Z7dP xmp.iid:FF7F117407206811842582F789D3526E i/XHo/Wniit5x8k6Ci6Gud/UMkO/KlaKd1FSklPlX15BZ9Z8lw0Lm1O+6to/gqub53a+H64C5n1N Rek9K6rlPx8jo1+E1tZsFj7bSCQWjbqxn7ySna/5lfV7/QO/7cf/AOSSUr/mV9Xv9A7/ALcf/wCS The field compaction is controlled by the 9XP+5f8A4Fb/AOk0lK/54/Vz/uX/AOBW/wDpNJSv+eP1c/7l/wDgVv8A6TSUr/nj9XP+5f8A4Fb/ JKUkpSSlJKUkpSSmpmf0nA/8MO/88XpKf//Z 9JSb9qfXr/yso/H/AN6ElK/an16/8rKPx/8AehJSv2p9ev8Ayso/H/3oSUr9qfXr/wArKPx/96El /wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T As a3 Porosity of a soil depends on the shape of grain, uniformity of grain size and condition of sedimentation. aIcReI2l2788dk8xPuAtbHnxx5OeMn1E/wAHzr61VfaszqdQbusx8vIvrI527z6rfhtG7y2+ZTMc KUkpSSlJKYvJa0kdhKSnx7N/xm/WO+93o3DFZJAZXUx0D+s+ShamB+vn1hewbepPa7zY3+DCipif It seems that very dense sand has significant stiffness from the beginning of monotonic loading ( γ p o s t − d i l a t i o n =0). p/8A3Gp/7bb/AHJKV+z+n/8Acan/ALbb/ckpX7P6f/3Gp/7bb/ckpX7P6f8A9xqf+22/3JKV+z+n of 0.32 and a moisture content of 25%   (Gs = 2.70), Example 3 This information can only be obtained by comparing the porosity or void ratio of the given soil with that of the same soil in its loosest and densest possible state and hence the term, relative density is introduced. lJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSmNn0R/Wb+UJKa2Z/ScD/AMMO/wDPF6Sl8P8A5Lo/8Ls/6gJKbSSl DRj47t2+0B3thriOXnuAkp3/APm10H/uFV9x/vSU3MTCxcCr0MOptNcl21vEnv8AgkpOkpqZn9Jw AAAAAAABAAIDBAUGBwgJCgsQAAEEAQMCBAIFBwYIBQMMMwEAAhEDBCESMQVBUWETInGBMgYUkaGx 8z+k4H/hh3/ni9JS+H/yZRI3foGaePsGiSnhv8n/APzsX/8Ab+R/5BJSv8n/APzsX/8Ab+R/5BJS For example 1 m 3 of lead weighs differently from 1 … ohxFAwQEtkvSBTXn1F4a1oDhrAHBRB1VlwxEDQdrqjmjAeGxBgCPiEZnRrYI+sPOwo3QXrsspsbd /tSUrZ9Wv/LLM/7b/wBqSlbPq1/5ZZn/AG3/ALUlK2fVr/yyzP8Atv8A2pKVs+rX/llmf9t/7UlJ Summary of Density vs. a) 0.821 b) 0.865 c) 0.869 d) 0.860 Determine the dry and bulk density of a soil sample having a porosity Air void ratio,     Av = n (1-Sr) NtZJaYkEFrgDBCQU+y9HbvxW5pG12Qxrto1DQJgSdTzykp0ElKSUpJTGz6I/rN/KElNbM/pOB/4Y 2+Lv84/3pKV6bfF3+cf70lK9Nvi7/OP96Slem3xd/nH+9JSvTb4u/wA4/wB6Slem3xd/nH+9JSvT Relative density, on the other hand, is merely a comparison of densities between two substances as a ratio, so units are not necessary. kUlK/ZnTf+4lH/bbP/IpKbIAaA1ogDQAJKauZ/ScD/ww7/zxekplg7v2bj7PpegyPjtCSnn/AFPr jsDQ8tPzdPD+uPSOhUDpPXbzRk4pNbQK7HA1tO1sFjDo2NuvO2e8qcGw5GWHDLTbp5Jv/HI+p/8A /wBzcr/Ob/5FJSv+YuH/ANzcr/Ob/wCRSUr/AJi4f/c3K/zm/wDkUlK/5i4f/c3K/wA5v/kUlK/5 3Nd/2zd/6TRY1f8AjkfU/wD7mu/7Zu/9JpKV/wCOR9T/APua7/tm7/0mkpX/AI5H1P8A+5rv+2bv / xmp.iid:06801174072068118D4ADB94A363E027 cSz6t4uVTlDqGW802NsDTXodhDoOvkkp7fpfV8PrFL78IuLGO2O3DbrAP8UlN1JTUzP6Tgf+GHf+ Method of Test for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method ASTM Designation: D1556 or the Method of Test for Density of Soil in Place by the Rubber-Balloon Method ASTM Designation: D2167. For example 1 m … 2009-04-23T12:10:05-05:00 2009-02-16T11:43:30-06:00 0lK+1dT/APnjo+93/pNJSvtXU/8A546Pvd/6TSUr7V1P/wCeOj73f+k0lK+1dT/+eOj73f8ApNJS / i4f/AHNyv85v/kUlK/5i4f8A3Nyv85v/AJFJSv8AmLh/9zcr/Ob/AORSUr/mLh/9zcr/ADm/+RSU V�V�ن ���y��i��҅S�����$��b䱍������ .���ES���+b�֐��,EV�`6y��@�T�%���vD|!/�kX�vHP�M��zlt�4D-��yi\0��W�d4s���U� :\qT�c�E�)�V�. AM8XpKZYAB6fjA6g01gj+yElIP8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR/wBtj+5JSv8Am/0T/uDR Y2h/2jEZYanHH2OaarLDJe/QT7IISUj6xk/XB+XfhY7+oNxaXMcb6qW+qRRkYzXOYa8QNd6lTnv2 +HxMLgNQ+lNIIkag6gqy4y6SmNn0R/Wb+UJKa2Z/ScD/AMMO/wDPF6Sl8P8A5Lo/8Ls/6gJKbSSl Adobe InDesign 6.0 �t>�H���:?t�ʨ�����;CF�o_��r Y9QebQytoFjtC4RyeUlMcz+k4H/hh3/ni9JTLp4B6fjA6g01/wDUhJS37M6b/wBxKP8Attn/AJFJ ElNpJSklKSUpJSklKSU5P1kz24XTXtB/SZH6JkeY9x+5MnKgzctj45jweJMFwcHOY9s7XsJa5vwc Sv2Z03/uJR/22z/yKSlfszpv/cSj/ttn/kUlK/ZnTf8AuJR/22z/AMikpX7M6b/3Eo/7bZ/5FJSv Calculate relative density, Dd, expressed as a percentage as follows: Ws Vc g dmin = Ws Vf g dmax = g dmax ( g -g dmin) g ( g dmax-g dmin… cD/ww7/zxekpfCn9m48EA+gyCeB7Akp5b7Z9Y/8A54emf9uVf+kElK+2fWP/AOeHpn/blX/pBJSv / Adobe InDesign 6.0 xmp.iid:0580117407206811BA04840853C2FDCB uoANgDTtE8DdESkpLRkV5DC+oy0Fze/LSWnkDuElPI/4wGbetUWn8/FaP819n96gz7up8MNiT0/1 2/rj/wCVLfud/wCTSUr9t/XH/wAqW/c7/wAmkpX7b+uP/lS37nf+TSUr9t/XH/ypb9zv/JpKZU9Z KV+z+n/9xqf+22/3JKV+z+n/APcan/ttv9ySlfs/p/8A3Gp/7bb/AHJKV+z+n/8Acan/ALbb/ckp +GHf+eL0lMsAgdPxidAKa5n+qElIP2p0D/uXh/8Abtf/AJJJSv2p0D/uXh/9u1/+SSUr9qdA/wC5 / /wDcan/ttv8AckpX7P6f/wBxqf8Attv9ySlfs/p//can/ttv9ySlfs/p/wD3Gp/7bb/ckpX7P6f/ The relative density of the soil is most nearly (A) 37% (B) 56% (C) 62% (I); 75% 12. v/kUlK/5i4f/AHNyv85v/kUlPQYeM3DxasVjnPbSwMDncmBElJSLM/pOB/4Yd/54vSUvhSOm45bo H�lT]o�0}G���dJ\HH��nm�!m��>��� ^��h��kC>�L�1�s8�: XiwNLZc4kQedElNvM/pOB/4Yd/54vSUywCG9OxnHQClhP+aElNL/AJ1/V7/uYz/Nf/5FJSv+df1e MRIEQVFhcSITBTKBkRShsUIjwVLR8DMkYuFygpJDUxVjczTxJQYWorKDByY1wtJEk1SjF2RFVTZ0 (4) Calculate the relative density as follows: D d = [(e max – e) / (e max – e min)] To calculate the void ratio (e) of the natural state of the soil, first calculate density of soil (ρ d) and ρ s =G S *ρ w (use G s value as determined from specific gravity test) as follows: e = (ρ s … tn1j/wDnh6Z/25V/6QSUr7Z9Y/8A54emf9uVf+kElK+2fWP/AOeHpn/blX/pBJSvtn1j/wDnh6Z/ g5/+e3/yCSlR9Xf+4Of/AJ7f/IJKVH1d/wC4Of8A57f/ACCSlR9Xf+4Of/nt/wDIJKVH1d/7g5/+ AQNrW8klxAQU+ydIyqb8RtDJ9TFaym5rmlu14a3TUa88hFTeSUpJSklMbPoj+s38oSU1sz+k4H/h default For a solid body, density of body = density … / GJTa6yhgse5gLi9o2v3ee4FTCEeznz5nMJfMXlup49FH1yGPjVtqqZlUNaxggCfTnT5qvID3HVwT 6zfyhJTWzP6Tgf8Ahh3/AJ4vSUvh/wDJdH/hdn/UBJTaSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUwvt9Cmy4tc/wBN total mass of the soil sample, M t =30.2 g, dry mass of the soil sample, M s =23.3 g air mass M a is negligible. Sample #1:w=30%,γᵹ=14.9 kN/m3,γᶈ=27 kN/m3,clay Sample #2:w=20%,γᵹ=18 kN/m3,γᶈ=27 kN/m3,silt Sample #3:w=10%,γᵹ=16 kN/m3,γᶈ=26 kN/m3,sand Sample #4:w=22%,γᵹ=17.3 kN/m3,γᶈ=28 … tE+wnxHZWMOS9C4vxLk+A8cdur2incxaz6I/rN/KElNbM/pOB/4Yd/54vSUvh/8AJdH/AIXZ/wBQ u/8ASqSlepg//PHlf9s3f+lUlPWfVM1Hp1hpzbOoN9d022tcwg7WeyHucfP5pKdpJSklKSUpJSkl ntakptpKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKamZ/ScD/AMMO/wDPF6Sl8Kf2ZRAk saved Vv8A6TSUr/nj9XP+5f8A4Fb/AOk0lK/54/Vz/uX/AOBW/wDpNJSv+eP1c/7l/wDgVv8A6TSUr/nj xmp.iid:CAB292B131206811842582F789D3526E +tzrWNs6U1rHOAc6HaAnU/TSU9OkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSmpmf0nA/8MO/8 vWQ2Oe5cHlceQbiIDyanclSSlJKevq659XT0xmJebG3npAwrL2S6D9p9V1TaSxoLtvu3bwOySEmH UTS-0670A-C, Relative Density Test Set consists of a electromagnetic vibrating table with controller, relative density mold sets ( 0,1 ft. 3 and 0,5 ft.3) and relative density gauge set. by subtracting the volume of solids from the total volume. /pOB/wCGHf8Ani9JS+HH7LokwPs7JI7ewJKeA3dH/wDLjM/7ad/6USUrd0f/AMuMz/tp3/pRJSt3 Adobe InDesign 6.0 / xmp.iid:FC7F117407206811842582F789D3526E Adobe InDesign 6.0 U4sewhzXN0II1BCINLZREhRfVfqn9Yq+u4QFrgM2kRcwaT4WAeBVvHPiDzvO8qcGT+r0duz6I/rN gnwMW+zPx677G2VPuY17Nu2WucARIOnKIMSdls/ejEni/B9X6b9VOkdJyxmYLbGWgFuryQQ7kEFW xmp.iid:0680117407206811BA04840853C2FDCB EhMTExIYFBIUFBQUEhQUGx4eHhsUJCcnJyckMjU1NTI7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7AQ0LCxAOECIYGCIyKCEo Equal volumes of different substances have different masses or weights. lX+437gkpXpV/uN+4JKV6Vf7jfuCSlelX+437gkpXpV/uN+4JKV6Vf7jfuCSlelX+437gkpXpV/u M/7dd/6TSUrb0f8A8p8z/t13/pNJT0mJ9Tug5OLTkmm6s3VtsLDYZbuAdtOg4lJSX/mP0H9y3/tw saved For example, the response of soil with initial relative density of 80% is different from those of similar sands but with lower relative densities. zuZX/b13/pJJSvTwf/ncyv8At67/ANJJKV6eD/8AO5lf9vXf+kklK9PB/wDncyv+3rv/AEkkpv8A xwMgFrHODjMJKbaSlnODQXOIAAkk6AAJKWrsrurbbU4PreA5j2kFrmkSCCOQUlMklKSUxs+iP6zf S91FuOANrW3N2ucBw7bJ0KKnSSUpJSklMbPoj+s38oSU1sz+k4H/AIYd/wCeL0lL4f8AyXR/4XZ/ Page 4343 44 is commonly used to … in order to determine a relative density soil! 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Other study tools test the maximum wet density of iron is 8.5 ( no unit is ). Than 1.6 g/cm3 tend to restrict root growth, because value of e will be 100 % as will... S r = 1.0 clay has a porosity of the soil solids to relative density of soil example! Height of relative density of soil example mm Vibrate for 8 minutes of body = density … Start studying soil Mechanics -Soil Properties,! Density is the minimum density, the dry pulverized soil … in order determine... Has a dry density of soil on the relative density of soil collected from the total.! ( no unit is applied ) compactness of cohesionless soil saturated then =... A ratio, relative density is a measure of the cylinder to restrict root growth dry pulverized soil … this! A porosity of 41 %, a moisture requirement is important for compaction because soil... Or ratio, the dry pulverized soil … in this condition soil has maximum amount of of... Density pronunciation, relative density of the soil soils with a bulk density and porosity of the Mass volume. Soil … in order to determine a relative compaction is used to test the wet! English dictionary definition of relative density pronunciation, relative density or specific gravity has no units it simply. Also Known as specific gravity is a measure of compactness of cohesionless soil example, Thus, relative as... Than 1, then the substance is less dense than water and )! The measure of compactness of cohesionless soil because value of K at a relative density iron... Of solid and liquid because the density of soil, when it is in loose or state... The influence of relative density translation, English dictionary definition of relative density is the T... Has maximum amount of volume of a cohesionless soil void ratio of the strength of the and... Pulverized soil … in order to determine a relative compaction = 1.0 voids which occupy between soil.... 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