The egg clutch varied between 200 – 600 embryos crab. This tiny crab lives in abandoned snail shells. They are very common in shallow waters (in two meters or less), along open shores on both the north and south coast of Curasao. I'm a bit hesitant because I had a semi traumatic experience with my first and only other hermit crab (he latched onto my aunt and wouldn't let go for a WHILE, though I think he may have either been in molt or pre-molt and was in one of those tiny carrier 'cages' with sand and a sponge in his water dish (yes only one) so I really don't blame him). 1988. Named after its bright and colorful red-banded blue legs, the Blue Leg Hermit Crab has claws of equal size and makes its home in abandoned snail shells. On average, Clibanarius tricolor species lives for about 2 years, but under good conditions can live a little longer. I have kept blue legged hermit crabs before and found them to do an OK job at eating leftover food, as they seemed to eat anything other than plant matter or algae. M. Nijhoff, 1966. It is always important to try and transfer a species natural environment into the tank. These species prefer different types of snail shells, so you should not have any problems with that. The Blue Leg Hermit Crab, (Clibanarius tricolor) is good at removing hair algae and detritus, and fair at removing some kinds of cyanobacteria and film algae from your tank. Brian A. Hazlett. For example, you can give them – krill, Mysis, frozen carnivore cubes, pellets, flakes and they will be very grateful for it. In another experiment, biologists marked the shells of two different groups with red and blue ink and replaced them in their respective groups. It is relatively difficult to breed a Blue Leg Hermit Crab in captivity. Blue Leg Hermit Crabs usually do not show any change in their behavior when they meet. Because of their small size, they will able to reach some areas other tank janitors cannot reach. Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2006) 60: 492–500 DOI 10.1007/s00265-006-0191-3, Blue Leg Hermit Crab – Detailed Guide: Care, Diet, and Breeding. By doing so, the male actually “helps” the female out of her exoskeleton by actively pulling at the legs and chelipeds. When caring for the Tiny Blue Leg Hermit Crab (or Clibanarius tricolor), ensure that you have sufficient empty shells of various sizes in the saltwater reef aquarium. Many new hermit crab owners mistake molting for a sign of illness when in reality your new pet is just shedding its exoskeleton to make room for new growth. This species is nocturnal. These hermit crabs can become aggressive if there are too many of them in an aquarium due to competition for their shells. It does this in such a manner that it maintains possession of both shells even after it has moved into the new one. According to the experiments, in the wild, Blue Legged Hermit Crabs exhibit high site fidelity and do not make large daily movements, having an average home range no larger than 2 m in diameter. Unless your hermit crab is willing to come rather far out of its shell for you. This time may vary from a few minutes to 6 hours. Blue Leg Hermit Crabs are beautiful and eye-catching in color as well as being very easy to take care for. Blue Leg Hermit Crabs have been reported eating Aiptasia. Both claws of the Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab are of equal size and therefore, members of this genus are sometimes called "Equal-handed Hermit Crabs." Scientific Name(s): Clibanarius tricolor Why haven't I done a hermit crab video yet??? It is a small crab. Foraging behaviour of the hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus in a Mediterranean shore. They do not need fancy filtration and lighting. Diogenidae Family. The Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab is named for its bright red legs, which are contrasted by their yellow face. It has been noted by several respected authors in the aquarium trade that Clibanarius tricolor also eats cyano bacteria aka red slime algae aka blue green algae. These crabs also have bright orange antennas that make them look even flashier. So, if you are interested in getting into this hobby or just want some extra tips and tricks, well this is the right place for you. Eventually I went from 10 to 4 crabs. This kind of behavior protects the recently molted and weak female from being attacked by other shell-seeking hermit crabs. Growing up, I lived with two adopted cats who were considered members of the family. On this blog, I share all the things I learn about shrimp breeding as I go. Both claws are of equal size, and members of this genus are sometimes called \"Equal-handed Hermit Crabs.\" This tiny crab lives in abandoned snail shells, or it may attack and eat the snail, then use the shell for its home. Hermit crabs are unique among higher crustaceans (like shrimp, crabs or crayfish) because they generally utilize snail shells as portable shelters for protection because their body is soft and fragile. In this case, the Blue leg hermit crab’s sex can be determined according to the presence or absence of external primary sexual traits. Description. Hermit crabs are small, but they still need lots of space to roam around and explore in. The majority (82%) of the marked Blue Leg Hermit Crabs returned to their own group. The Blue-legged hermit crab is not particularly sensitive to its decor. Good for it's sand sifting. In general, they are not very picky creatures. During the day, the crabs move about slowly or rest. You can even join the clubs, associations and forums, ask questions, and talk to fellow crabbers around the world. For example, you can keep them with non-aggressive and relatively small fish like Mollies, Guppies, Tetras, Zebra Blennies, etc. The blue, orange and yellow-banded ambulatory legs are strikingly colored. Note: I would like to add that some aquarists consider their hermit crabs to be the scavengers and do not even think to feed them any additional food. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Blue Leg Hermit Crab can share the same tank with other hermit crabs like Halloween hermit crabs (Ciliopagurus strigatus). link to Archachatina Marginata – Detailed Guide: Care, Diet and Breeding, link to How to Cure Brown Diatom Algae in Saltwater Aquariums, Salinity Refractometer for Seawater and Marine Fishkeeping Aquarium 0-100, Halloween hermit crabs (Ciliopagurus strigatus). When two crabs come in contact, the most frequently used aggressive signal is the single raise of the legs (0.24 seconds). Important: It is very important to keep a few additional shells in the aquarium. Marine shrimp like Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Red Fire shrimp, Peppermint shrimp, Harlequin shrimp will be also good tank mates for the Blue Leg Hermit Crab. The only facts that we know about breeding Blue Leg Hermit Crabs is that: The Blue Leg Hermit Crab can live in peace with other aquatic animals. I’m Michael and this is the place where I nerd out about shrimp. Has blue legs with orange/red joints, blue face and bright orange antennae. Large males can barely reach 1 inch long (2.5 cm), and as the name implies, they have blue legs. Archachatina Marginata – Detailed Guide: Care, Diet and Breeding. Reef Safe. Your email address will not be published. One may crawl over the other or they may pass one another without any apparent notice. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315403007331h. DOI: 7717/peerj.3004. The Blue Leg Hermit Crab, Clibanarius tricolor, features characteristic blue legs poking out of their shell. In addition to their colorful appearance, they are low maintenance hermit crabs that are very hardy and require little care. The point is that in crowded conditions, such as are common in nature for this species, the loser is subject to almost certain death from the attacks of other crabs, fish, etc. Or it may attack and eat … These are Ciliopagurus Tricolor (Blue leg hermit crab – read my guide), Ciliopagurus Galzini, Ciliopagurus Vakovako, and Ciliopagurus strigatus. Out of stock. Blue Legged Hermit Crabs have both claws equal, unlike most species of the hermit crab. These crabs are great at aiding in aerating the substrate as well. You can just purchase a normal LED aquarium light. In more intense aggressive interactions, individuals of tricolor may employ all four ambulatory legs in a quadruple raise. While all four legs are engaged in this manner, the animal maintains an upright position by using its claws for support and/or leaning back, balancing itself on its shell. With the right care, your hermit crab can live up to approximately 15 years. Even biologists say that they also know little about reproduction among Clibanarius tricolor species. The Electric Blue Hermit Crab, Calcinus elegans, also known as the Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit or Tiny Blue Leg Hermit, is a small electric blue-legged hermit crab that is an excellent addition to any cleanup crew.They are completely reef safe, peaceful, and easy to care for. When the female molts, the male grabs at the old exoskeleton of the female and pulls it out of the shell. If sifts and aerates the sand as well. Clibanarius tricolor is neither a rapidly nor slowly moving crab relative to other species. Well here she is, at last! Breeding in an aquarium is extremely difficult. All of them have similar color patterns of transverse bands on the chelipeds and walking legs, but each species can be easily recognized by the distinct color and/or disposition of these bands. June 2003. Water Temperature Range: 22-27°C, 43 user(s) are online (2 user(s) are browsing Caresheets), If you found this site useful then please help support it by using the. The female hermit crab has tiny genital openings called gonopores. Presumably testing the fitness of the new shell. Well, this is true, they are scavengers. Biologists do not know how but male hermit crabs can feel when a female will be ready to molt and grasp her prior to her molting. Hermit Crabs are wonderful pets that are easy to look after. However, the observations for the first few days revealed relative group stability. Semi-aggressive toward other tankmates. At a mall one weekend, I came upon a store that was selling hermit crabs and decided that one of these little creatures would be the perfect companion for my dorm room! © 2020 Copyright Shrimp and Snail Breeder, Dwarf Blue Hermit Crab, Equal-Handed Hermit Crab, Blue-leg Reef Hermit Crab. The Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab is a valuable addition to your aquarium cleanup crew because it will enthusiastically feed on uneaten meaty foods and many types of nuisance algae including green hair algae and cyanobacteria. Hermit crabs take small bites and eat very slowly, usually at night. Overall, males are generally larger than females. However, it will not eliminate them. After an initial investigation, the attacker usually moves into the new shell. Origin: CaribbeanReef Compatibility: YesCare Level: EasyDiet: HerbivoreTemperament: PeacefulApprox Size: Sm: 0.25" - 0.5" Minimum Tank Volume: 75 litres Front Cover. Well, those brown irregularities are known as brown algae or diatoms, and... Hi everyone! Required fields are marked *. Social Behavior of the Paguridae and Diogenidae of Curaçao. If there is insufficient algae to eat, their diet must be supplemented with seaweed. In the wild, these crabs live together in the hundreds clinging to rocks and each other, then search for food during low tides. Regarding Coral banded shrimp, I would not recommend putting them together. In this article, I discuss everything you need to know about the Blue Leg Hermit Crab including how to care for them, behavior, tank mates and much more. New molters should also receive a quick and gentle bath once they have emerged from their underground molting hide-outs. The male may start violent rocking and the frequency of occurrence gradually increases. Their legs are colored in brilliant blue, orange, and black. Omnivore - shrimp matter, algae (green hair), cyanobacteria and detritus. The Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab or simply Blue Leg Hermit Crab has blue legs with red banding. If you plan on getting more than two hermit crabs, you should consider getting a tank that’s around 30–40 gallons (114–151 L) (114-151 L). Hermit crabs’ larvae have differing salinity needs making them almost impossible to captive breed. They usually congregate among detritus-covered rocks as a group. February 2017. If given time, they can adapt to a higher or lower temperature, salinity, and other water parameters. Elena Tricarico. Ian Lancaster. Once occupied and satisfied with the new shell, the winner releases the old one, therefore, the losing crab moves into the old shell of the winning crab. Categories: Essential Cleaners, Crabs, Invertebrates. Therefore, sand is the most ideal substrate for them. The tank should also have a specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025, and the hardness of the water should also be between 8-16 °d. They can tolerate most types of water movement but prefer slow-moving water. The Blueleg Hermit Crab is a very popular Hermit Crab that is very active in the home aquarium. Snails & small polyps are at risk from these crabs, as are any other tiny invertebrates. Presumably testing the fitness of the new shell. Therefore, in tanks with lots of goodies and excess feeding, these crabs will tend to ignore the Aiptasia. This species will spend most of its time scavenging the live rock for algae or seaweed to feed on. Interesting fact: Blue leg hermit crabs have also intersex individuals. They say that some of these crabs kept crawling on and picking their SPS corals. Hermit Crab Veterinary Care. However, I would still advise providing the occasional treat for the hermits. Even when of the hermit crabs starts making aggressive movements, the other frequently shows no change in behavior, unless they are attacked. The ambulatory raise is executed with the limb held rigid and straight. Article in PeerJ5 (e3004). The Blue Leg Hermit Crab, scientifically known as “Clibanarius tricolor”, is certainly one of the most abundant and widespread small hermit crab species throughout the Caribbean Sea and western Atlantic. Article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. However, the leg is rarely raised to a completely perpendicular position. However, they do not occur often in Clibanarius tricolor species. If the Blue Leg Hermit Crab decides that it need this particular shell, it can be hard to dissuade! There are about 500 known species of the hermit crab, and the Blue Legged Hermit Crab is one of them. Otherwise known as the blue legged crab fir obvious reasons. Important: Before putting them in your tank do not forget to  acclimate them (read more about it). It should be noted, however, that large congregations of Blue Legged Hermit Crabs can actually cause significant damage. However, hermit crabs mainly use the shells of gastropod mollusks. It does not damage corals or jostle them, unlike other Hermit crab species. Take note that when the Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab is looking for a new home or if food supplies are insufficient, this minute scavenger may attack snails to obtain the shell for its home or eat the snails for food. By keeping blue crabs in a cool, moist, and stress-free environment, you will be able to help blue crabs stay alive. Blue Leg Hermit Crab Ideally, to avoid crowding the aquarium, one should aim for just one Blue leg hermit crabs per 3 – 4 gallons of water. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and and other Affiliate programs. Updated May 14, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: There are a lot of different types of Hermit Crabs available but some are better than others in a marine aquarium. Of course, if you provide enough empty shells in your aquarium you will avoid a lot of problems. Go to the Internet; there are hundreds of websites on care tips for hermit crabs. Blue Leg Hermit Crab can share the same tank with other hermit crabs like. That’s why they are sometimes referred to as the ‘Equal-handed hermit crab’. Cerith snails are particularly favored by Clibanarius tricolor, so reef safe does not mean snail safe. Will attack and kill snails and other Hermit Crabs for their shells. However, in most cases, the male Blue leg hermit crab stays with the female and continues to do a series of violent and gentle rocking. Hermit crabs love company, so have multiple crabs living together. The occasional treat for the reef aquarium openings called gonopores on killing each other for other... Blue face and bright orange antennas that make them look even flashier unlike most species, crabs. 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